Jim Souhan: Is coaching the flaw? Recruiting? Either way it's Brewster's fault


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Nov 11, 2008
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Is coaching the flaw? Recruiting? Either way it's Brewster's fault

The coach's big talk leaves him in a difficult position as another troubling loss is added to a list of previous failures.

By JIM SOUHAN, Star Tribune

That's it. No more Dakotas for Tim Brewster. North Dakota State beat him in 2007. He barely survived South Dakota State last year. Saturday, South Dakota won 41-38 at TCF Stadium.

From now on, all Dakotas will be considered mismatches for our proud rodents, including Dakota County Technical College and Dakota Fanning.

To be fair, South Dakota is one of the better teams you'll find in Vermillion.

Brewster kept saying his program was light years ahead of the one he inherited from Glen Mason, but I think we misquoted him. I think he meant "lite years.'' As in, "less-filling.''

Moments after the Gophers made South Dakota quarterback Dante Warren, in his second collegiate start, look like Terrelle Pryor, the Big Ten Network asked Mason for his analysis of the game. The sound was turned down at the stadium, but he was so happy he looked like he was doing a Crest commercial.

The problem for Brewster is that his bluster has backed him into a corner. He promised big things. He bragged about his recruiting. At this point in his tenure, having had four years to recruit and yet having suffered embarrassing loss after embarrassing loss, he has to choose between these realities:

Either A) his recruits aren't that good or B) he can't coach them.

Brewster leaned toward the latter. "I should have did a better job today,'' he said in one of his more frank postgame interviews. At another point, he said, "I just didn't get the job done.''

He is a wonderful recruiter in one respect. Nobody has done more to attract good football players to North and South Dakota.

This was a remarkable and meaningful loss for a number of reasons:

1. Last week, South Dakota lost to Central Florida, a program without the benefit of Brewster's recruiting, 38-7. The Coyotes gained 220 yards in that game.

Saturday, the Coyotes gained 444, tricking the Gophers with such subterfuge as slant patterns and bootlegs.

2. The Gophers just blew one of the few likely victories on their schedule. This may be the loss that dooms them to a two- or three-win season, which would mark the end of Brewball in Minnesota.

3. If Brewball gets fired, that could signal an entire regime change. Would athletic director Joel Maturi be allowed to hire another football coach after botching the last hiring so badly?

4. Saturday's loss provided evidence that if star Middle Tennessee quarterback Dwight Dasher had been eligible for the Gophers' opener, the Gophs would be 0-2, facing the possibility of a zero or one-win season.

Dasher is a far superior player to Warren, and Warren threw for 352 yards and three touchdowns and ran for 81 yards and two touchdowns.

5. If you can't beat USD, how are you going to beat USC? The Trojans come to town Saturday, and their only foe will be virulent overconfidence.

6. TCF Bank Stadium emptied faster than a colander Saturday. And it wasn't full to begin with.

One home game into the second season in the attractive semicircle, The Bank needs a stimulus package that Brewster isn't providing.

7. There remains no tangible evidence that Brewster's recruiting is better than Mason's, despite the bouquets tossed at him by so-called national recruiting experts.

Mason recruited Laurence Maroney, Marion Barber, Eric Decker, Outland Trophy winner Greg Eslinger, Mark Setterstrom, Adam Weber and Mackey Award winner Matt Spaeth.

Brewster has recruited one player with notable talent -- quarterback Marqueis Gray, who, as a redshirt sophomore, could become a quality Big Ten receiver.

Brewster noted that his team missed three injured or suspended starters -- offensive lineman Dom Alford and safeties Kyle Theret and Kim Royston.

That would be a weak excuse even against a Big Ten opponent. Against a team whose talent should be far inferior to the Gophers, that excuse should be neither thought nor uttered.

This was a Coyote-ugly loss.

The Gophers supposedly had every advantage: home field, recruiting, facilities, size and speed.

What's wonderful about football is that so often decision-making trumps brute force, coaching trumps quickness.

South Dakota played a defensive end who weighed 240, just a little heavier than Weber, the Gophers' quarterback. South Dakota won by finding huge openings in a defense filled with Brewster recruits.

In summation, Brewster got outcoached and lost to a small school from the Dakotas.

Ugly? Yes. Unusual? Hardly.

Go Gophers!!

From now on, all Dakotas will be considered mismatches for our proud rodents, including Dakota County Technical College and Dakota Fanning.


I think the article is correct in that he has not recruited talent at the skill positions well. I think the talent on the OL is going to be good and the LBs may not be bad, but there is not that much talent at QB, WR, and RB. Gray is a WR, Alipate is a total question mark, and I don't see any of the RBs being a Barber/Maroney type. The WRs such as Green and Carpenter have been busts. There isn't much talent at TE, even though Lair was decent.

Brewster may be a great recruiter? The problem as the article points out might be the recruits aren't very good which would leave me to believe it is the evaluation of the talent recruited is the problem.

The offensive line?????? nothin but a bunch of big FAT slow movin slobs wait till they see the Iowa defense for cryin out loud these little SD boys ate em up

The offensive line?????? nothin but a bunch of big FAT slow movin slobs wait till they see the Iowa defense for cryin out loud these little SD boys ate em up

Did you watch the game? Pretty sure the offensive line - and the offense in general was not the issue.

I laughed at the Dakota Fanning remark...other then that wut can anyone say?

I agree with a lot of this except the recruiting aspect. I don't think anyone can deny that recruiting (in Brewster's first two years) was significantly better than what we saw under Mason. We didn't have Michael Carter's or Brandon Kirksey's choosing Minnesota and we certainly didn't keep as many of the in state kids home.

My issue is with Souhan. I can't buy him talking about Dwight Dasher because I would bet a large sum of money he's never seen the kid play.

Souhan's too snarky for my tastes, but it's hard to disagree with him here.

Souhan's too snarky for my tastes, but it's hard to disagree with him here.

Agree. He thinks very highly of himself and his opinions and we saw that during the NCAA Tournament last year. Having said that, he's right on this one. Brewster's made a very nice mess of things.

Souhan and Brewster have a lot in common.

1. They both hold a job they aren't qualified for.
2. The thought of either of them being around 12 months from now makes me ill.

The offensive line?????? nothin but a bunch of big FAT slow movin slobs wait till they see the Iowa defense for cryin out loud these little SD boys ate em up

The OL will not be an issue IMO. Many of his recruits aren't even playing on it yet.

I agree with a lot of this except the recruiting aspect. I don't think anyone can deny that recruiting (in Brewster's first two years) was significantly better than what we saw under Mason. We didn't have Michael Carter's or Brandon Kirksey's choosing Minnesota and we certainly didn't keep as many of the in state kids home.

I think BSter's recruiting is way overrated. A lot of his highly-touted recruits, for whatever reason, didn't make it to campus, or did nothing once they got here. Mason recruited MBIII, LoMo, Tapeh, Decker, Payne, Eslinger, Setterstrom, Spaeth, Russell, etc. I don't remember what the star ratings were on any of those guys and who cares? I'm not the world's biggest Glen Mason fan, but he could take a lesser-rated recruit and develop him. BSter takes a recruit and doesn't know what to do with him, or doesn't know how to help him improve. We can live with a few less highly-skilled prima donnas if it makes the whole team better.

That said, although I hate Souhan, I have to agree with him 100%.

He is a terrible recruiter. How many skilled kids does he lose from Minnesota every year that he doesn't even look at?

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