Interesting on oversigning

I always thought that an athletic scholarship was an irrevocable four-year commitment by the school. Guess I was wrong.

Pretty sad that some of these coaches can't talk to the kids face to face. I don't know how any parent can trust guys like that. Sorry to our Arkansas friend, but there is no way I would want my kid to play for a guy like Petrino who bailed on Atlanta and didn't even have the guts to tell his players. He just ran off in the middle of the night. That's a big sign of lack of character to me.

That the thing I don't understand. Some of these schools do this as a usual practice. If I'm the HC or AD at a high school, do you think I'm going to let one of my kids sign with a school that has a history of oversigning, and running off kids to make room? I'm going to do everything I can to discourage a kid from signing with a school like Alabama, Arkansas, Ole Miss, etc. I can believe kids continue to do it. Pick a school that doesn't do that kind of thing.

That the thing I don't understand. Some of these schools do this as a usual practice. If I'm the HC or AD at a high school, do you think I'm going to let one of my kids sign with a school that has a history of oversigning, and running off kids to make room? I'm going to do everything I can to discourage a kid from signing with a school like Alabama, Arkansas, Ole Miss, etc. I can believe kids continue to do it. Pick a school that doesn't do that kind of thing.

Not that I know anything but I have been told the SEC does this all the time.

Disclaimer: I'm going to sound like a self-righteous Big Ten groupie...

...The Big Ten has been self-regulating the oversigning practice, ensuring its member institutions do not engage in this questionable practice. The $EC, however, has not been self-regulating. The NCAA is now instituting an oversight policy ensuring all FBS schools do not engage in this practice. This can only help level the playing field.

Observations and comments about the article:
1) Miles and Nutt come off as king sized jerks. Houston, just because there is not a rule against it does not mean that its the right thing to do.
2) I do not agree with all the "Big 10 is holier than thou" stuff that I sometimes read on this page. But in this instance the Big 10 is clearly on the moral high ground.
3) There was an article in the Las Vegas paper last week and according to head coach Bobby Hauck, a big part of UNLV's recruiting strategy is scoop up some of the guys who get caught in this "numbers game." Sounds risky to me.
4) is it just me or has Terry Bowden packed on some lbs?
5) I feel badly for the guys who get caught in this trap. After dealing with my high school coach I decided that the best policy was not to believe a word that a coach says. I wish it weren't true, but it has made life less frustrating for me.
6) Go Gophers!

another article

SEC seems to treat oversigning like College Hockey does juniors. Sign a kid and send him to a JC if needed and in return JC's encourage kids back to that school.


Opened my eyes

Thanks for the link. I was unaware of the magnitude of this issue. It seems strange that this has not had more publicity. It sure is a black eye for college football. If I heard the words student athlete come out of an SEC coach, I will think of it differently now, that's for sure. I couldn't help but doing a comparison between Nutt and Miles to a televangelist who has just been busted with a hooker.

Thanks for the link. I was unaware of the magnitude of this issue. It seems strange that this has not had more publicity. .

Well put. I was not aware of the magnitude of this either. However back in the late 1980's I lived in Charleston, SC and recall an irate mother writing a letter to the editor about this type of thing. Her son had been promised a football scholarship at Duke. At the last second it was yanked (slightly different than what is described in the article). The kid ended up with a scholarship at Furman, but their entire family was not happy. Its a case of "do it to them befoe they do it to you."

While it is easy to become indignant at the SEC and a handful of coaches after reading the linked articles and those that accompany them, the greatest portion of my ire is reserved for NCAA. That ridiculous organization, you know, the one that pretends to wield infinite power when picking on the downtrodden, has been a squeaking lion on issues like oversigning. It's easy for a conference and its coaches to engage in this type of behavior while the national regulating giggles and looks the other way.

I saw this SI article about over signing last night. It doesn't really have much that hasn't been said here already but I found this quote by Tommy Tubberville's about the Big Ten limiting over signing borderline hilarious.

"Tuberville, now the coach at Texas Tech, doesn't need to see any numbers to know oversigning offers a competitive advantage. "Sure it is," he said. "But hey, nobody told [the Big Ten] they had to do that."

While it is easy to become indignant at the SEC and a handful of coaches after reading the linked articles and those that accompany them, the greatest portion of my ire is reserved for NCAA. That ridiculous organization, you know, the one that pretends to wield infinite power when picking on the downtrodden, has been a squeaking lion on issues like oversigning. It's easy for a conference and its coaches to engage in this type of behavior while the national regulating giggles and looks the other way.

Agreed, the NCAA deserves a lot of blame for this stuff.

Great post, thank you.

This shady practice helps explain the dominance of the SEC ('demise' of the big 10) recently. They had an average of 17 extra players compared to the Big Ten to develop in '09. If that was the case for even 5 years, that is 3 extra recruiting classes.

Absolutely shameful.

Kiffin, once a slimeball always a slimeball. Easy to see why Miles stayed at LSU. The NCAA appears to condone this practice as well as do the administrations of the SEC

Great post, thank you.

This shady practice helps explain the dominance of the SEC ('demise' of the big 10) recently. They had an average of 17 extra players compared to the Big Ten to develop in '09. If that was the case for even 5 years, that is 3 extra recruiting classes.

Absolutely shameful.

This is clearly an advantage for the SEC and others who oversign. To be able to get rid of your signing mistakes and have an opportunity to replace them is a huge advantage over those who can't and don't do that. I try not to judge others because I am far, far from perfect. But I cannot put this anywhere but in the "unethcial file." The SEC and the other offenders should be ashamed of themselves. Yes, as Gary Shaw wrote over 30 years ago, some still view the college football players as Meat on the Hoof.

4) is it just me or has Terry Bowden packed on some lbs?

Looks like Tim Allen in "The Santa Clause" just before his beard grows right back.

Oh, and plus 1,000 on Miles and Nutt looking like total knob-jobs. Especially Miles for the crocodile tears and outright lie about the player he cut and then said he didn't have the "want to fight and compete". Just to satisfy my outrage, I'll believe the players version rather than that scumbag.


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