Hallowolverine game


Active member
Nov 20, 2008
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My girlfriend and I are recycling our Cleopatra and Pharaoh costumes. Sounds like it might be a little chilly. What are ya'll dressing up as?

i'll be going as a mega tongue. i imagine i won't be the only one dressed up as this either.

Want to go as Tim Brewster, just the only problem is I don't want to carry a vat of chili for the whole game. Anyone have any good costume ideas for Brewster.

Want to go as Tim Brewster, just the only problem is I don't want to carry a vat of chili for the whole game. Anyone have any good costume ideas for Brewster.

Danny, it isn't the vat of chili that's a problem. It's carrying the stove to keep it hot. :)

My friend and i got a full came bodysuit. Then we have bright orange t-shirts that say wolverine hunter in bold letters... the back of the shirt has the block m with camo colored into it. We also got came UMN hats.

Danny, it isn't the vat of chili that's a problem. It's carrying the stove to keep it hot. :)

I mean it would represent Brewster time as a coach for the Gopher, team never got hot enough.

How about Brady Hoke....stuff a Michigan shirt and wear dark sunglasses the whole time. Such an idiot, wish he was still there.

Wearing my LL BEAN khaki chinos and going shirtless. Guess who:confused:

You should go as Brewsters helicopter

I mean it would represent Brewster time as a coach for the Gopher, team never got hot enough.

If you want to dress as Brewster, brown Kaki's, Brewster era polo shirt, U of M visor on head, headphones like your
talking on a microphone like a coach and a sign that say's RECRUITIN for a Natty. Combine with a picture of a helicopter to Eden Prairie to Cretin Derham hall and a can of Hormel Chilli.
If you don't want to dress as a helicopter you could dress as a cat with a Brewster's cat sitter sign and the quote "Are you Hungry or are you starving" quote.

Wonder how many Crying dressed as Angry Michigan fan costumes we will see.

Dr.Don said he was going as a pull-toy.................roller skates only.:cool03:

i'll be going as a mega tongue. i imagine i won't be the only one dressed up as this either.

Don't forget the horns to go with the chrome dome and the lizard tongue.

What happened to Mega-tongue? Did he go home to momma?

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