Gray should start second half

Great Plains Gopher

Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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Paulus is completely outplaying Weber - the true freshman is loose, having fun, mixing it up - Weber is tight,throwing badly, killing our momentum. Like last year, offense three-and-out, defense on field too long, and we lose. With this offense, we'll be lucky to win three games this year. Running twice into the teeth of an aroused defense on third and fourth downs when we have Gray, great receivers, etc?

Gray should start, but the coaches won't do that. He may play late in the 4th quarter, when it's too late.

With play like this, I see us beating SD State....that is all. :{

you could have tom brady come out next half and it still wouldn't help minnesota sucks

But even without playing in 5 years he's still outdoing Weber.......

Paulus is a frosh in football experience at college level. Weber is 10 for 25 at this point and just was sacked and fumbled. But they won't put Gray in. They'll be stubborn.

Maybe Paulus isn't that bad? Maybe he has more between the ears than Weber? Maybe playing QB in college isn't all about physical attributes.

Don't even play the "Syracuse is that good" card. Weber is 8/23 passing, after being touted as half of one of the best combo's in the nation (with Decker). Syracuse is doing nothing more than reaffirming the known fact that we have no defense. We are losing because we are not playing to our standard, let alone our potential. Blame the players, AND the coaches.

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