Gopher - AF Game


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Aug 3, 2009
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First time poster long time fan of these boards. I received this email from my Commanding Officer who received it from someone at the Naval Academy. With the upcoming AF/Gopher game I thought it would be appropriate to send in order to remind Gopher fans next Saturday to show these young men and women respect for serving our country.

I wrote this as I returned home on Saturday, a most perfect football day….

I knew the Navy V OSU game was going to be special and was very, very excited about this game. Of all the military, the Navy holds a special place for me. My father was in the Navy during WWII.

As the game wore on today it became very clear I had to put some thoughts to paper and send you an email. I am the usher who asked for your address because I wanted to be sure to be able to put it in writing so, if at all possible, you could convey my message to all.

I am excited and proud to have begun this 120th OSU football season with the Navy.

As an usher you learn you never know what to expect from a crowd. After working this job for 7 years I haven’t seen it all yet, but I sure have seen a lot. Too often there are those who exercise their option for ejection from our stadium by their behavior. One of my many jobs as an usher, aside from the safety and security of all in my section, is to “assess the mess” get it fixed quickly and return to “smooth sailing”. We, all 700+ ushers, work hard to make sure the experience at the stadium is a positive one for all people attending. But, at the section you were in today, we work very hard to be sure our visitors walk away with having had a great experience. I want you to know that I walked away today having had the great experience. Your group reminded me of some of the things I take for granted without more careful, daily consideration. As I looked at their shining, young faces, it polarized me to think they are the up and coming generation who will lead and participate in the “gate keeping” of all the freedoms we enjoy in our lives in America…..”for what will we be, if we are not free?” I cannot imagine that world. Many of the young, smiling faces I saw today may be placed in harms’ way to protect these freedoms in foreign and very unfriendly waters, yet they signed on anyway. There is no greater, more honorable, choice in my opinion. I admire ALL of you for your bravery, courage, valor and your spirit. You are all heroes to many. You were certainly mine today.

Your Midshipmen were in one word, AWESOME. Their behavior at our stadium was outstanding. I do not remember a time when a larger “student” body was assembled in a section of our stadium where they behaved with such decorum and respect. All their moms would be proud. And they all looked darn good too!

The police we worked with today and the other ushers in our area stated that they wished ALL the games were like this one. I concur.

I do hope your experience at our stadium was a good one. While some traditions we observe at each game were altered for the beginning of this particular game, for the most part, I hope I helped you see at least one of our very best ones from a close vantage point. We are very proud of our band. You saw the best we have to offer with both bands in attendance, the alumni band and the Ohio State Marching band. Dotting the “i” in our very own Script Ohio is an honor. Though Senator Glenn and his wife dotted one “i” today, there were two senior Sousa players that won the lottery to perform in the two Script Ohio’s you saw with the current OSU marching band. I do hope you caught it all. We have had many individuals (famous or otherwise) ask to “dot the i” but…. it is an honor and tradition one gets to do only if one is invited by the band. Our band is very special and I hope you enjoyed the formations and the music they played for the Navy.

I have gone on way too long here, please forgive my enthusiasm.

In closing I would like to thank the Midshipmen who attended our game and made my experience such a great one today. It was my pleasure to meet you and chat with you about all the events of the moment. This is a game that goes down in the books as one of my very best experiences at the ‘Shoe’. As a result, I have marked a place in my book of one of the many “things to do before I die” - to attend a Navy game at their home field at the Academy.

Even though I am a Buckeye, true and true, I say:

Go! Midshipmen, Go! Navy

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