Devendorf; stay tuned


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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For what it's worth, have always thought Devendorf acts like a punk when he's on the floor. It wouldn't be a stretch for me to believe he's a punk off the floor as well. Maybe I'm too old school, but striking a woman or child is one of the absolute no-nos. Takes a scuzzbag to do that.

Trying not to go with "guilty until proven innocent" line of thought, but like you SS, Devendorf's act on the floor has rubbed me the wrong way since I first saw it, and as with you, it's not difficult to see him carrying that act off the floor. Hardly think it's old school in the belief that striking women and children is among the lowest level of repulsive behaviors, heaven help us if it is.

Yesterday on cbs sportsline, Gary Parrish stated that one of Devendorf's teammates had text messaged the alleged victim and asked her to forgive Devendorf for his actions. As Parrish points out, if nothing wrong occurred, what is there to forgive?

Trying not to go with "guilty until proven innocent" line of thought, but like you SS, Devendorf's act on the floor has rubbed me the wrong way since I first saw it, and as with you, it's not difficult to see him carrying that act off the floor. Hardly think it's old school in the belief that striking women and children is among the lowest level of repulsive behaviors, heaven help us if it is.

Yesterday on cbs sportsline, Gary Parrish stated that one of Devendorf's teammates had text messaged the alleged victim and asked her to forgive Devendorf for his actions. As Parrish points out, if nothing wrong occurred, what is there to forgive?

I hadn't even heard about this until now--and all Iknow is what was written in the article that SS linked. But like Boeheim, I'm a little surprised at the severity of the punishment. Kicked out of school for 6 months (assuming that's what suspension means) is pretty harsh when it's been determined that no physical harm occurred.

Of course you're both right that the behavior is despicable. But my strongest reaction is reserved for Boeheim. Given that it seems everybody acknowledges that the attack occurred, not allowing him to play games seems like the least the coach should do, rather than publicly stating that he'll be treated like anyone else until the sentence is handed down.

ANd I wonder--again, suffering from a lack of knowledge, if Boeheim had been more strict in his response, maybe the punishment from the U would have been less severe.

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