Big Ten coaches/ADs express united concern over new recruiting rules


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Nov 11, 2008
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The Big Ten released a statement on behalf of the coaches and athletic directors on three specific proposals that bring concern.

Those three proposals are: the changes to the number of and limits on coaches and staff members who can recruit, the elimination of communication limits with prospects and the elimination of the limits on print and multimedia materials sent to prospects.

"We have serious concerns whether these proposals, as currently written, are in the best interest of high school student-athletes, their families and their coaches," the statement reads. "We are also concerned about the adverse effect they would have on college coaches, administrators and university resources.

"We look forward to working with the NCAA toward improving the game, the recruiting process and the overall college football experience for all student-athletes."

The coaches and ADs met Monday in Park Ridge, Ill. for a regularly-schedule meeting. The declining success on the field in the Big Ten has ruffled their feathers in recent years, and one reason for that is recruiting shortcomings. But this isn't just a Big Ten issue. Will Muschamp has expressed his concerns over the unlimited communication proposal.

Now we have a group of coaches and administrators uniting in their worries.

"While we applaud the work that has been done to date, we are very concerned that the timeline proposed for implementation of the proposals does not allow sufficient time for the Football Recruiting Subcommittee of the NCAA Leadership Council to thoughtfully consider the impact of the proposals," the Big Ten statement reads.

Go Gophers!!

Unlimited communications seems like just too much. These kids are already hounded enough. It'll never end until the first Wednesday in February.

I am curious how the schools will respond to the new NCAA regulations where you can essentially hire additional staff who do not travel but can coordinate and contact recruits via the social media. This will definitely benefit the programs with deep pockets.

Imagine this: you're at a party, you meet an attractive lady, she asks "what do you do?" and your response is: "I work for State U texting recruits." If that doesn't get you laid, nothing will.........

Imagine this: you're at a party, you meet an attractive lady, she asks "what do you do?" and your response is: "I work for State U texting recruits." If that doesn't get you laid, nothing will.........

They'd probably just be using you to get the phone numbers of the players so they can "text" them.


Those three proposals are: the changes to the number of and limits on coaches and staff members who can recruit, the elimination of communication limits with prospects and the elimination of the limits on print and multimedia materials sent to prospects.

..."unlimited communication proposal"...

I would have to believe the Brew would fully support these proposals.

Wasn't he proud of his 'group texts?" Hit a few buttons and BOOM...all of a sudden, a few thousand high school football players receive a corny message from you know who.:rolleyes:

Because of the one-upmanship nature of coaches and programs the concept of anything being unlimited is a little scary. If Michigan calls a recruit 50 times, Ohio State is going to try and call 51 so that they don't look bad. God forbid a recruit thinks you are not showing them enough love in relation to your competition.

It is the same as with the facilities arms race. Nothing will ever be good enough or current enough because someone other school will always have something you "need" in order to keep up.

I would have to believe the Brew would fully support these proposals.

Wasn't he proud of his 'group texts?" Hit a few buttons and BOOM...all of a sudden, a few thousand high school football players receive a corny message from you know who.:rolleyes:

HAHA! So true.

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