BBC: The 6ft axe behind a sporting rivalry

Very cool. I love to see the European perspective on football, especially college football.

"a game that was first player back in 1890 between two of the country's oldest universities."

lol. i guess when you come from a place where universities are verging on millennia, there's not much difference in a few hundred years.

Great publicity for the rivalry! This is the year the Gopher brand went international!

Very cool. I love to see the European perspective on football, especially college football.

Having worked extensively internationally I can say that ALL Europeans are confused/shocked at how big/serious college athletics are in the States. To them you primarily have a few club teams and what not. When I showed them pictures of the B1G football stadiums they couldn't put it together that they were owned/operated by the universities and that the team was made up of students.

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