After careful consideration


Active member
Nov 21, 2008
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And to avoid any conflict, I am retiring husker70. I have lived in Minnestoa for nearly 40 years, I support the U, and its time find a more gopher appropriate moniker. I will be back.

I was wondering how you would handle this...I'm glad you chose us

And to avoid any conflict, I am retiring husker70. I have lived in Minnestoa for nearly 40 years, I support the U, and its time find a more gopher appropriate moniker. I will be back.


Might I suggest: "The Pride of Arlington"!


For Husker70 - Food For Thought and His "Choice"

With some poetic license, and apologies to the 35th President:

"We choose to (be Golden Gopher fans) . . . not because it is easy, but because it is hard, because that . . . will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win."

I think that 3300 posts before this marriage allows you some latitude. I say you can do whatever you want to include keeping your current tag, adding a quote at the bottom of your posts, having a hyphonated tag or changing it outright you can do it in my book.

NOOOOOOOOO! I've know you for almost twelve years as husker70 and always accepted you as such!

Gopher70 sounds good to me, too. I've been in Nebraska 25 years but have kept my Golden Gopher season tickets. Seems strange that the Big Ten has finally followed me down here.

Hang in there Husker70. The moniker is irrelevant. Its the content of the post that matters. You know I have always enjoyed your stuff.

And to avoid any conflict, I am retiring husker70. I have lived in Minnestoa for nearly 40 years, I support the U, and its time find a more gopher appropriate moniker. I will be back.

I think you mean Minnesota.

Go for it, buddy.

I claim and trademark the new Big 1TEN2 war cry "Huck the Fuskers".

why don't you just combine the three things you love into one great big man love.

Huskers, gophers and the gopher hole.

You can be, "CornHoleGopherLover"


Yeah that's right, love on that will ya.

Great One

why don't you just combine the three things you love into one great big man love.

Huskers, gophers and the gopher hole.

You can be, "CornHoleGopherLover"


Yeah that's right, love on that will ya.


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