Sorta' OT: free phone number for sports scores


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
Reaction score
Does anyone have a free phone number they use to get updates on sports scores? I used to call a free number called Scores &, but they recently discontinued their scoreline. I'm looking for another free number I can call, one that updates the scores every 15 minutes or so. I feel lost without it, and will feel especially so during the college hoops season.

Not looking for web sites or internet access from a cell phone, just want a (non-900) free phone number I can use.

Thanks in advance.

Hodger, I've been using "Tell Me" for a number of years. It's free - call 1-800-555-TELL (8355) can get up to the minute sports scores of everything ranging from NFL to college hockey. You can also get update stock quotes, weather, traffic, main news top stories, entertainment stories, etc. You have to work your way through a menu using voice recognition commands, but once you get the hang of it it's quite easy. It used to be ad free, but they've now tacked on a once-per-call 10 second insurance ad. For many sports you can also say "tell me more" after the score to get a recap of the game.

I know you're not a big texter, but that's even easier as you can just text "google" (466-453) from anywhere and can get everything from instant sports scores to free retail phone number listings. So if you text that number and type "Minnesota Twins" you'll get an up to the minute score update.

Go Gophers!!

I'm honestly suprised such things still exist in the era of 80% of people having web-enabled cell phones....

Thanks a lot Bleed. I'll give it a try, get it programmed into my phone right away. I'll give it a "trial run" by calling the number during the first game of the Twins' doubleheader today.

Thanks a lot Bleed. I'll give it a try, get it programmed into my phone right away. I'll give it a "trial run" by calling the number during the first game of the Twins' doubleheader today.

I've also used Tell Me for many years. You can also get stock quotes, headlines and many other things. It is sweet.

Thanks for the info -- and the question. The main (only?) thing I find annoying about being at Williams is the lousy updating on other game scores. I really find it frustrating! This will help a bunch. Thx again!

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