PJ Fleck


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2010
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With all these threads talking about PJ Fleck leaving and this or that school looking at him, I’m here to tell you PJ Fleck isn’t going anywhere!

He has and continues to say that he loves Minnesota, the history, and wants to build something special here at Minnesota!!!

If you don’t think Minnesota isn’t a sleeping giant or doesn’t have the resources, you are gravely mistaken! We are apart of the richest conference, among the richest schools, we have the resources, athletics village, major metropolitan area, and a long rich history!

Why do fans continue to look at Minnesota like it’s a MAC school?! I guarantee Coyle will match what ever is thrown at PJ Fleck! I believe our president and AD want to build out football team into a major player and PJ Fleck is right on board with that!
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With all these threads talking about PJ Fleck leaving and this or that school looking at him, I’m here to tell you PJ Fleck isn’t going anywhere!

He has and continues to say that he loves Minnesota, the history, and wants to build something special here at Minnesota!!!

If pros don’t think Minnesota isn’t a sleeping giant or fishy have the resources, you are gravely mistaken! We are apart of the richest conference, among the richest schools, we have the resources, athletics village, major metropolitan area, and a long rich history!

Why do fans continue to look at Minnesota like it’s a MAC school?! I guarantee Coyle will match what ever is thrown at PJ Fleck! I believe our president and AD want to build out football team into a major player and PJ Fleck is right on board with that!

Preach, brother!

With all these threads talking about PJ Fleck leaving and this or that school looking at him, I’m here to tell you PJ Fleck isn’t going anywhere!

He has and continues to say that he loves Minnesota, the history, and wants to build something special here at Minnesota!!!

If pros don’t think Minnesota isn’t a sleeping giant or fishy have the resources, you are gravely mistaken! We are apart of the richest conference, among the richest schools, we have the resources, athletics village, major metropolitan area, and a long rich history!

Why do fans continue to look at Minnesota like it’s a MAC school?! I guarantee Coyle will match what ever is thrown at PJ Fleck! I believe our president and AD want to build out football team into a major player and PJ Fleck is right on board with that!

Thank you, AD Coyle. I know that we all appreciate your strong words of promise, and we thank you for visiting the Gopherhole.

Phew! I was thinking the future wasn't for certain one way or another.

Well, if he stays through this courting we can probably get more comfortable for the long term. Then we can feel like Purdue and Nebraska fans who are starting to question their coach and wonder if they over-paid.

Well, if he stays through this courting we can probably get more comfortable for the long term. Then we can feel like Purdue and Nebraska fans who are starting to question their coach and wonder if they over-paid.

What courting?

Urban Myers:

"Minnesota was not a rebuild. Claeys left a good team and players."

Will Fleck be able to win next year? Minnesota loses 8 defensive starters next year.

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Urban Myers:

"Minnesota was not a rebuild. Claeys left a good team and players."

Will Fleck be able to win next year? Minnesota loses 8 defensive starters next year.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

Who are the 8? We lose Coughlin, Martin, Barber, and DeLattiboudere by my count

The Fleck speculation is what it is. We have a coach that gets attention so naturally his name is going to get floated out there as a candidate for job openings. Fans will search up every rumor, will read between every line, and scour the internet looking for any proof to back up their fear that he is going to bolt the moment another offer comes along.

The reality is that the media people throwing his name out are throwing darts at a board at this point. Any AD worth a damn keeps the search process under wraps and the true leaks to a minimum.

It sucks to see Fleck's name mentioned as a possible candidate for open jobs because it feels like we finally have something going here. But we have to remember that just because someone on twitter or in the media mentions his name in association with an open job it does not mean he is actually interested in or a candidate for that job.

All the worry, speculation, rumor chasing is really just a waste of time. If he takes another job there is a really good chance we will know little to nothing about it until the deal is done. All we can really do is trust that Fleck does in fact like it here and that Coyle will do what needs to be done in order to keep him here.

From a Gopherhole standpoint would be great if the Fleck speculation was all lumped into the one thread instead of someone starting a new thread with every new rumor, because there are bound to be a bunch of them as coaches get fired.

In the meantime, try to enjoy the ride we are on and let's hope it continues with a victory over Penn State. The future will take care of itself. Really is no point in freaking out every time someone mentions Fleck's name as a possible candidate somewhere else.

The Fleck speculation is what it is. We have a coach that gets attention so naturally his name is going to get floated out there as a candidate for job openings. Fans will search up every rumor, will read between every line, and scour the internet looking for any proof to back up their fear that he is going to bolt the moment another offer comes along.

The reality is that the media people throwing his name out are throwing darts at a board at this point. Any AD worth a damn keeps the search process under wraps and the true leaks to a minimum.

It sucks to see Fleck's name mentioned as a possible candidate for open jobs because it feels like we finally have something going here. But we have to remember that just because someone on twitter or in the media mentions his name in association with an open job it does not mean he is actually interested in or a candidate for that job.

All the worry, speculation, rumor chasing is really just a waste of time. If he takes another job there is a really good chance we will know little to nothing about it until the deal is done. All we can really do is trust that Fleck does in fact like it here and that Coyle will do what needs to be done in order to keep him here.

From a Gopherhole standpoint would be great if the Fleck speculation was all lumped into the one thread instead of someone starting a new thread with every new rumor, because there are bound to be a bunch of them as coaches get fired.

In the meantime, try to enjoy the ride we are on and let's hope it continues with a victory over Penn State. The future will take care of itself. Really is no point in freaking out every time someone mentions Fleck's name as a possible candidate somewhere else.

There were people worried that Brewster would bolt for something better after a nice start one year.

I’d think that a prudent AD would want to see a sustained track record. He isn’t exactly beating out Bama, Clemson, etc. for recruits.

Plus, what would Rashad Bateman do about that RTB tattoo?

The sleeping giant comments imply that he may indeed be interested in remaining here for the long term and restoring the old sleeping giant. I'll take that shred of hope any day over another stepping-stone school around a similar level that can't claim a rich football history (i.e. Illinois, Indiana, Maryland etc. etc.). Minnesota has more of a right to say, "we COULD be an Alabama or Ohio State" than other mid-level schools.

Even if he leaves, we're left in a good position and I'm willing to bet they make another solid hire since they will be looking for a Fleck-type (hopefully at least with similar recruiting bite).

I know Fleck says all the right things when it comes loving being in Minnesota, but the guy probably has no loyalty to this state (nor should he). He is going to look out for his own self interest as he should. If he does end up leaving, we probably went to the to the CFP or Rose Bowl and he's a program hero.
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Also for what it is worth, James Franklin is being talked about for the USC job also which is funny, cause I’d pick Penn State over USC

I'm laughing my a$$ off at that. I was waiting for someone to bring it up. I thought it was Urbin Meier.

Given the content, I think it's Herbin' Meyer.

He's gotta be smokin' SOMEthing.

If you are Florida St do you fire and pay a buyout if you don't have a strong confidence level on your next hire?

Also, 21 games. That's a quick hook.

9-12 overall.
Scott Frost is 8-13.

Nebraska has a patient fanbase in comparison.
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If you are Florida St do you fire and pay a buyout if you don't have a strong confidence level on your next hire?

Also, 21 games. That's a quick hook.

9-12 overall.
Scott Frost is 8-13.

Nebraska has a patient fanbase in comparison.

I cannot believe they pulled the plug already at FSU.....will be interesting which route they go with the next hire

If you are Florida St do you fire and pay a buyout if you don't have a strong confidence level on your next hire?

Also, 21 games. That's a quick hook.

9-12 overall.
Scott Frost is 8-13.

Nebraska has a patient fanbase in comparison.

There must have been something behind the scenes. Who knows, maybe he blasted some of the administration for not supporting the program enough. May be why Jimbo left and as other have commented seemed to not care. Of course I'm only speculating and no inside info of this, but it's just odd to handle it this way.

Brohm being mentioned too to FSU. Ink's barely dry on his big contract.

Also for what it is worth, James Franklin is being talked about for the USC job also which is funny, cause I’d pick Penn State over USC

Have you seen those USC cheerleading sweaters? Just saying.

Penn State is in a boring college town in Pennsylvania.

USC is in Los Angeles and you can live anywhere in Orange County making millions a year! P.J. and Franklin's Water Front could be a lot bigger at USC!

Have you seen those USC cheerleading sweaters? Just saying.

Penn State is in a boring college town in Pennsylvania.

USC is in Los Angeles and you can live anywhere in Orange County making millions a year! P.J. and Franklin's Water Front could be a lot bigger at USC!

You would lose most of it to taxation and mismanagement by the state of California along with LA County area!

I would rank PSU above most of those jobs. Especially when you are already doing well.

Maybe I'm biased, but the top half of Big Ten programs are better jobs than almost anywhere other than the top half of SEC jobs.
Also, look at what's going on with some of these schools. USC had Ed Orgeron at one point and he wasn't good enough. You can't just keep changing coaches.

If Minnesota wants to act like a big time program, they have the opportunity to do so now, but I don't know if any of us understand what that would take.

I would rank PSU above most of those jobs. Especially when you are already doing well.

Maybe I'm biased, but the top half of Big Ten programs are better jobs than almost anywhere other than the top half of SEC jobs.
Also, look at what's going on with some of these schools. USC had Ed Orgeron at one point and he wasn't good enough. You can't just keep changing coaches.

If Minnesota wants to act like a big time program, they have the opportunity to do so now, but I don't know if any of us understand what that would take.

About 5.00 - 5.50 M plus incentives and a huge buyout. The rest is up to PJF and what his priorities are and nobody knows that except PJF. Millions hang in the balance the next couple weeks.

I’d think they’d like to have a contract update done and signed prior to NSD I. If there’s no word by then I’d say concern levels will rise significantly. Of course some of this is pending whether the team does well in the near future or stumbles.

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