Update on the Princess, Megan Wagner, please read...


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2008
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I'm sure many of you read Daniel House's wonderful story on Megan Wagner -> https://main.gopherhole.com/news_article/show/1038313

Unfortunately, Megan took a turn for the worst, and this is the Caring Bridge Update they posted (you can follow here ->https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/...EPIL9Y32mNSry0pFnyuu7Ig0UMMBaGJvBl8oE-uHNYCwM)

Last Monday, October 7th, Megan had her first 3-month scans post treatment. While the scans came back with no evidence of cancer, the doctors did see some fluid around her lungs. Our oncologist ordered an echocardiogram just to rule out any cardio issues. We received a call back from the doctor telling us that Megan’s heart was only pumping at about 40%.......Normal range is about 55-75%.

We met with the cardiology team at the U of M this past Thursday and they prescribed a couple of heart medications for Megan and a follow-up visit in a month. Megan started taking her medicine on Friday. On Sunday afternoon, she wasn’t feeling well, which we thought was the stomach flu. She wasn’t getting any better. I decided to bring her in to the cardiologist on Wednesday morning and they performed another echocardiogram. Much to everyone’s surprise, Megan’s heart is now functioning at 20%. We were immediately admitted to the pediatric cardiac intensive care unit at the University of Minnesota. While heart damage can be a side effect of one of Megan’s chemos, Doxorubicin, the doctors are trying to figure out why her heart function has decreased so rapidly. It may be an infection causing this or it may be the chemo.

Right now Megan is stable, but still very fragile. They have started her on several medicines to help her heart perform better.

Will you please say a prayer for our litte Megan and the rest of our family, especially her brother and sister?

Thank you,
Matt and Andrea

Sadly, the treatments for cancer currently have so many side effects, and along with killing the cancer, hurt so many other things. They are such a wonderful family, and I asked Matt last night what they needed. Of course, he was so humble, told me about how much he loved GopherHole, and the Gophers. A mutual friend informed me that they have to keep their jobs, which means keeping their insurance, so financial help is key to have them be able to take time off work to be at her side. If you are able to donate, this is their link -> https://www.gofundme.com/f/megan-wa...oGNwjjjIBpIjyVmSPLW6bMBTpkTMSggKass50UJjXbCnE

Thanks for sharing

You're welcome. It broke my heart to read this new update. Just a reminder, if you can't give (everyone has their different financial responsibilities) just commenting on posts, liking things, and sharing them on social media are a huge help as well. Everyone can give in their own way!

You're welcome. It broke my heart to read this new update. Just a reminder, if you can't give (everyone has their different financial responsibilities) just commenting on posts, liking things, and sharing them on social media are a huge help as well. Everyone can give in their own way!

Your sharing helped, I gave a small amount and retweeted

I hate reading this. Poor little thing. Thank you for the update. They will be in my prayers

Your sharing helped, I gave a small amount and retweeted

So appreciate anyone giving what they can, it all adds up!

I hate reading this. Poor little thing. Thank you for the update. They will be in my prayers

Another tough update today: https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/...QDnPok3h2mS4W9m9F4ALmYPX87u2MayulUXhoaoF20Blg

Also, another option to give...I know it may be odd for those of you who don't know Katie, but she's a good family friend of the Wagner's and has an incredible son going through treatment right now, Warrior Jake.


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Go Gophers!!

I don't know if anyone noticed but Tanner had MW written on one of his wrists with a sharpie.

Here's the update on her Caringbridge as well as a really touching piece Fox 9 did with Megan and her Mom about Casey O'Brien:


A prayer to the family that for whatever comes may they be embraced by the peace, love and compassion along the journey.

Like many of us that have walked that painful path of the loss of a child, PJ gets it, Its the path of love, support and the compassion. He is deserving of everyone respect even if one has an issue with the message delivery. A great person representing our university.

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