Gophers have raised $133MM of the $166MM needed for the Athletes Village


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Nov 11, 2008
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In a recent interview with Mark Colye, Coyle told Doogie that the U remains around $133MM raised for the Athletes Village. If my memory is correct, this is about the same amount we had raised six months or so ago. I have to think it is very difficult to raise funds for a facility that is already built. It will be interesting if Coyle/U can raise the $166MM funds they initially set out to.

Go Gophers!!

I don't think fundraising is necessarily a steady climb, it comes and goes.

We were at $100M 2-years ago.

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Sell bonds. Or take out a loan. Companies do that all the time to get buildings built. Zero chance the U wouldn’t pay it back over time, so not seeing the problem here.

What were the numbers on the various naming rights deals for the new facilities? Is there a comprehensive list of sponsors and donors?

Sell bonds. Or take out a loan. Companies do that all the time to get buildings built. Zero chance the U wouldn’t pay it back over time, so not seeing the problem here.

I assumed they had to take out a loan already.

Sell bonds. Or take out a loan. Companies do that all the time to get buildings built. Zero chance the U wouldn’t pay it back over time, so not seeing the problem here.

A reminder of how the U used short term and long term financing for the project.
To finance high-dollar projects like Athletes Village, the University takes on a combination of short-term and long-term debt, Burnett said.

Individuals or companies can issue the University short-term loans for 30 to 180 days that the school pays back with less than 1 percent interest.

Burnett said short-term loans are safe for investors and cheaper for the University to refinance.

“The idea is to pay as little interest as possible,” Burnett said. “Interest is just money out the door.”

The University also takes on longer-term debt that it will pay off over the next 25 years. Burnett said the school brings funding requests to banks and negotiates with the banks to get the lowest interest rates possible.

“We tried to issue as little long-term debt as possible because it’s a little more expensive,” Burnett said.

Burnett said the school’s credit is rated highly, and as a result, the school can borrow money at low interest rates which are already at historic lows.

Companies like Land O’ Lakes, 3M and TCF Bank — among others — invest in these long-term bonds because they often recruit students from the University, Burnett said.


The Athletics Department will spend roughly $3.6 million a year paying back the loans, using money from ticket sales, television and further donations, Burnett said.

$100M in April, 2017

Seems the pace has improved?

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This is becoming that thread GH had on how this is being calculated and communicated...and that the numbers seem to be a bit fuzzy and shift around. Here's an article from July 2017 that states $92M raised since 2013 towards the Village. Hmm...

I knew the 3M sponsor money was part of the calculation somehow.

This is becoming that thread GH had on how this is being calculated and communicated...and that the numbers seem to be a bit fuzzy and shift around. Here's an article from July 2017 that states $92M raised since 2013 towards the Village. Hmm...

I knew the 3M sponsor money was part of the calculation somehow.

Considering who is communicating the status in these articles, I am not surprised the numbers seem fuzzy and shift around.
He not talk so clear.

I’m sure someone will tell me now that MC was put on the spot and we can’t expect him to remember the exact number on this.

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The U could just write a check and get rid of this debt tomorrow, but there's no reason for them to do that. They just need to keep plugging along.

Considering who is communicating the status in these articles, I am not surprised the numbers seem fuzzy and shift around.
He not talk so clear.

I’m sure someone will tell me now that MC was put on the spot and we can’t expect him to remember the exact number on this.

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I have also had the impression that the numbers seem very fluid. for a long time, whenever there was a story about fund-raising, the numbers seemed to go up and down. someone posted that there was a website that kept a running tally. Is that still around?

Bottom line, it's going to be paid off one way or another. A big year by the football program would certainly help (I hope). I know Sid always used to run items about how much money Bucky raised in donations after going to the Rose Bowl.

But just once, it would be nice to see a story about "Gophers reach fund-raising goal," instead of another story about how they're short of the latest goal.

Didn't the same think happen with fund-raising for TCF? I seem to remember there was a public component to the fund-raising that had not reached its goal - at least the last time I remember reading anything about it.

Dear Mr. Coyle,

You have two concerns that need addressing: 1. Debt Paydown, and 2. Getting and encouraging young generations of Gopher fans to attend home games.

Why not try to kill to birds with one stone? For instance, with football you have several seats in the football stadium that otherwise will remain empty especially the least attractive games due to weather or the opponent or something else.

If those seats are going to be empty, why not do a Goldy Gopher promo in the next few seasons where the price of admissions at a very discounted rate all go towards paying the $166M debt?

Even if you raise $3M let's say in five years, that is $3M additional debt paid off. You will also have butts in seats that otherwise will remain empty.

Make it such that fans are welcome to give additional donations over and above the promo price.

This is just a thought.

The Twin Cities sports entertainment market is over-saturated. Gopher Sports in general is in real trouble with anemic visibility. If we don't develop a new generation of young fans, Gopher Sports will suffer for a long time. It's important to get families with young kids in to watch Gopher Sports.

The Timberwolves recently had a promo where elementary school kids get in free for the price of admission for accompanying adults.

Gopher Athletics need to do something even if it entails packaging Gopher Sports tickets or throwing in free admission to other Gopher Sports games for the purchase of football seasons tickets, basketball, etc...

The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Let's make some noise in healthy Gopher Sports promo.

As far as the Gopher Caravan is concerned, the Gophers should be raffling out or outright donating X number of tickets as part of their promos at every caravan stop. Goldy should be the visible promo guy.

Bottom line - you have an opportunity here to be creative and bring good vibes and publicity to Gopher Sports. This is Gopher Country, but the Gophers are being drowned out of this market. We need for the Gophers to be publicly visible.
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Dear Mr. Coyle,

You have two concerns that need addressing: 1. Debt Paydown, and 2. Getting and encouraging young generations of Gopher fans to attend home games.

Why not try to kill to birds with one stone? For instance, with football you have several seats in the football stadium that otherwise will remain empty especially the least attractive games due to weather or the opponent or something else.

If those seats are going to be empty, why not do a Goldy Gopher promo in the next few seasons where the price of admissions at a very discounted rate all go towards paying the $166M debt?

Even if you raise $3M let's say in five years, that is $3M additional debt paid off. You will also have butts in seats that otherwise will remain empty.

Make it such that fans are welcome to give additional donations over and above the promo price.

This is just a thought.

The Twin Cities sports entertainment market is over-saturated. Gopher Sports in general is in real trouble with anemic visibility. If we don't develop a new generation of young fans, Gopher Sports will suffer for a long time. It's important to get families with young kids in to watch Gopher Sports.

The Timberwolves recently had a promo where elementary school kids get in free for the price of admission for accompanying adults.

Gopher Athletics need to do something even if it entails packaging Gopher Sports tickets or throwing in free admission to other Gopher Sports games for the purchase of football seasons tickets, basketball, etc...

The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Let's make some noise in healthy Gopher Sports promo.

As far as the Gopher Caravan is concerned, the Gophers should be raffling out or outright donating X number of tickets as part of their promos at every caravan stop. Goldy should be the visible promo guy.

Bottom line - you have an opportunity here to be creative and bring good vibes and publicity to Gopher Sports. This is Gopher Country, but the Gophers are being drowned out of this market. We need for the Gophers to be publicly visible.
I like your creativity. At least an idea.

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Dear Mr. Coyle,

You have two concerns that need addressing: 1. Debt Paydown, and 2. Getting and encouraging young generations of Gopher fans to attend home games.

Why not try to kill to birds with one stone? For instance, with football you have several seats in the football stadium that otherwise will remain empty especially the least attractive games due to weather or the opponent or something else.

If those seats are going to be empty, why not do a Goldy Gopher promo in the next few seasons where the price of admissions at a very discounted rate all go towards paying the $166M debt?

Even if you raise $3M let's say in five years, that is $3M additional debt paid off. You will also have butts in seats that otherwise will remain empty.

Make it such that fans are welcome to give additional donations over and above the promo price.

This is just a thought.

The Twin Cities sports entertainment market is over-saturated. Gopher Sports in general is in real trouble with anemic visibility. If we don't develop a new generation of young fans, Gopher Sports will suffer for a long time. It's important to get families with young kids in to watch Gopher Sports.

The Timberwolves recently had a promo where elementary school kids get in free for the price of admission for accompanying adults.

Gopher Athletics need to do something even if it entails packaging Gopher Sports tickets or throwing in free admission to other Gopher Sports games for the purchase of football seasons tickets, basketball, etc...

The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Let's make some noise in healthy Gopher Sports promo.

As far as the Gopher Caravan is concerned, the Gophers should be raffling out or outright donating X number of tickets as part of their promos at every caravan stop. Goldy should be the visible promo guy.

Bottom line - you have an opportunity here to be creative and bring good vibes and publicity to Gopher Sports. This is Gopher Country, but the Gophers are being drowned out of this market. We need for the Gophers to be publicly visible.

We don’t need that. Haven’t you heard? People are renewing.

In fairness, the problems with marketing the U and athletics began long before Coyle showed up, but he is a part of the problem now, not a part of the solution.

My guess is he can come up with a long list of why this won’t work instead of reasons why an approach along the lines of what you’ve laid out could work and be a benefit both short and long term.

Butts in free/low cost seats but more concessions and souvenirs than empty seats do. They also increase the atmosphere that helps support the boys (our team has long deserved better fans).

But people are renewing. There are no problems here. Nothing to see. Everything’s ok.

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In a recent interview with Mark Colye, Coyle told Doogie that the U remains around $133MM raised for the Athletes Village. If my memory is correct, this is about the same amount we had raised six months or so ago. I have to think it is very difficult to raise funds for a facility that is already built. It will be interesting if Coyle/U can raise the $166MM funds they initially set out to.

Go Gophers!!

Very Nice. An Athletic Village. Well all lthe athletes be housed there & what is included in the village.
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GSU sure doesn't have the money for sports that the gophers have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I wish we did.

Completed in 2014, the $10 million privately funded Ted Smith Family Football Center provides space for the essential functions of the Eagle Football program in one central location. The 55,000-sq. foot building,
located between the east end zone and Lanier Drive, contains locker rooms, meeting spaces, coaches' offices, a strength and conditioning center, athletic training facility and equipment room. In addition to serving as the day-to-day center for the team, the facility also includes a large Hall of Fame exhibit area that displays the program's history and honor Georgia Southern legends. Please not the kids football playing field in front of the field house.

click on image


The stadium was enlarged from 18,000 to a 27,000 seats that the students voted on and there athletic fees were raised 127.oo a semester to pay the
stadium enlargement in order the go to FBS.
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GSU sure doesn't have the money for sports that the gophers have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I wish we did.

Completed in 2014, the $10 million privately funded Ted Smith Family Football Center provides space for the essential functions of the Eagle Football program in one central location. The 55,000-sq. foot building,
located between the east end zone and Lanier Drive, contains locker rooms, meeting spaces, coaches' offices, a strength and conditioning center, athletic training facility and equipment room. In addition to serving as the day-to-day center for the team, the facility also includes a large Hall of Fame exhibit area that displays the program's history and honor Georgia Southern legends. Please not the kids football playing field in front of the field house.

click on image

View attachment 6140

The stadium was enlarged from 18,000 to a 27,000 seat stadium that the students voted on and there athletic fees were raised 127.oo a semester to pay the
stadium enlargement in order the go to FBS.

There's this thing called the internet...

There's this thing called the internet...

An internet, you're $h!tting me. What type of crazy talk is that? The reason I found out about your expanshion was from this site.

As I said in an earlier post - Very Nice. An Athletic Village. Well all the athletes be housed there & what is included in the village?

I wish GSU had that kind of support and money!
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There's this thing called the internet...

Yes PMW I do have a little envy on the Gophers raising 133 mil headed to 166 mil. Now that GSU has obtained Savannah College and their 5000 students. Maybe we can raise a little more money. Not 166 mil but a few extra bucks!
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a technique of composing a work of art by pasting on a single surface various materials not normally associated with one another, as newspaper clippings, parts of photographs, theater tickets, and fragments of an envelope.

There's this thing called the internet...

Yes PMW I do have a little envy on the Gophers raising 133 mil headed to 166 mil. Now that GSU has obtained Savannah Collage and their 5000 students maybe we can raise a little more money. Not 166 mil but a few extra bucks!



a technique of composing a work of art by pasting on a single surface various materials not normally associated with one another, as newspaper clippings, parts of photographs, theater tickets, and fragments of an envelope.

Thanks for the correction PMW. The term "college" is also a noun

College-an educational institution or establishment, in particular one providing higher education or specialized professional or vocational training

The term "collagen" should not be confused with either of the terms above. Is your skin still elastic at your age or have the cold wins of the Great White North leathered it?

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