If you were able to...


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2016
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Which current player’s jersey would be the first you’d purchase?

There are so many options, I don’t know how I’d pick. I have a feeling I’ll be remembering this team fondly for the next 50 years (God willing).


Which current player’s jersey would be the first you’d purchase?

There are so many options, I don’t know how I’d pick. I have a feeling I’ll be remembering this team fondly for the next 50 years (God willing).

Carter Coughlin. Heart and soul of the team

Grown men shouldn't wear the jerseys of pro or college players unless it's a family member.

Grown men shouldn't wear the jerseys of pro or college players unless it's a family member.

Also a hypothetical purchase, getting to the effective question of who are your favorites.

6 or 41...but on a Gopher hockey sweater.

I really like the way our neighborhood delivery guy gets the job done. I'm currently saving up for an authentic "Darrell" UPS uniform (shorts too, of course).

I really like the way our neighborhood delivery guy gets the job done. I'm currently saving up for an authentic "Darrell" UPS uniform (shorts too, of course).

Hate to break it to you but unless things have changed, those unis only leave the UPS building when worn but the driver's.

Hate to break it to you but unless things have changed, those unis only leave the UPS building when worn but the driver's.

Rats. I was really hoping for "game worn". Guess I'll just have to order the cheap replica uniform from China.

Grown men shouldn't wear the jerseys of pro or college players unless it's a family member.

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Grown men shouldn't wear the jerseys of pro or college players unless it's a family member.

It's an unpopular opinion, but I totally agree with you. I think it's ridiculous. Makes folks look like they are a hero-worshiping 10 yr old kid.

There's this guy at work that wears one of his vintage hockey sweaters each casual Friday. He quite literally looks like a clown in those baggy things.

And most importantly, there's absolutely no way chicks dig that look.

Stick with 'regular' Gopher branded clothes.

It's an unpopular opinion, but I totally agree with you. I think it's ridiculous. Makes folks look like they are a hero-worshiping 10 yr old kid.

There's this guy at work that wears one of his vintage hockey sweaters each casual Friday. He quite literally looks like a clown in those baggy things.

And most importantly, there's absolutely no way chicks dig that look.

Stick with 'regular' Gopher branded clothes.

You should see how often chicks flock to me when I'm wearing my old Chris Walsh Vikings jersey.

And most importantly, there's absolutely no way chicks dig that look.

Way to assume he's trolling for chicks. You noticed the jersey, didn't you?

Just sayin'.

Not that I would wear it, but Carter Coughlin it would be

I'd toss on a sweet pair of kicks and a snug fitting, long-sleeved active-wear shirt and be PJ Fleck.

I’d get #1 and put SPOOFIN on it. That way I could wear a jersey, as a grown man, w/o looking ridiculous.

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Personally, I think jerseys are OK at the game or when watching the game in a bar. Otherwise I agree with the thumbs down in this post.

Give me a 78 Faalele jersey in life size. There's a dude I can look up to.

Personally, I think jerseys are OK at the game or when watching the game in a bar. Otherwise I agree with the thumbs down in this post.

Give me a 78 Faalele jersey in life size. There's a dude I can look up to.

Going for the Robert Palmer band member look?

Well this thread was entirely less fun than anticipated. Moss, feel free to delete.

Which is why I wanted to hear his reasoning.

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It's simply a grown man wearing a kids name/number or another grown man. I'm cool with people who put their own name or nickname on a jersey.

I'd get a #5 with NORSELAND on the back

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