Which call bothered you the most?


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Nov 20, 2008
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I've long since accepted that teams in the B1G (and some other conferences) are going to get the benefit of the whistle at home. It wouldn't bother me except for the fact that the Gophers don't seem to get that same courtesy on their home floor. There were multiple calls tonight where the officials seemed almost excited to blow the whistle on the Gophers.

1. The Coffey collision: This was the basic moving screen off handoff call the officials have called all year...except the contact was much more severe.

2. The Murphy shot to the neck: We saw Murphy called for a very strange hook and hold at Illinois. Tonight he gets hooked which is an offensive foul and takes contact to the head/neck which is a flagrant 1. Somehow neither is called

3. The Dupree charge: #5 is riding Dupree in to the Penn State defender.

I would have been upset by any of these calls on the road, but at home it's especially tough to swallow.

I've long since accepted that teams in the B1G (and some other conferences) are going to get the benefit of the whistle at home. It wouldn't bother me except for the fact that the Gophers don't seem to get that same courtesy on their home floor. There were multiple calls tonight where the officials seemed almost excited to blow the whistle on the Gophers.

1. The Coffey collision: This was the basic moving screen off handoff call the officials have called all year...except the contact was much more severe.

2. The Murphy shot to the neck: We saw Murphy called for a very strange hook and hold at Illinois. Tonight he gets hooked which is an offensive foul and takes contact to the head/neck which is a flagrant 1. Somehow neither is called

3. The Dupree charge: #5 is riding Dupree in to the Penn State defender.

I would have been upset by any of these calls on the road, but at home it's especially tough to swallow.

The BS on the last out of bounds nearly cost us the game. PSU should have had to inbound again from the end with 0.7 instead of in the front court with 2.3. The Murphy call was next because they reviewed it, could clearly see they were wrong and did nothing.

#4 The Penn St player has Coffey's arm locked on the full court pass so Coffey can't just intercept the pass and game over.

On #3 the defender bodies Dupree off balance, he's falling...

All 4 are equally horrible and there were multiple others. And we were the home team .... insert head shaking hard to understand emogi

Referees 99.9% are not biased, just effing awful.

1 and 2 were equally brutal. Just brutal.

Dupree put his down and went right into the guy and I had no problem with that one.

It was bad. I dont know how Pitino tolerated that chummy hug from the ref, I believe after the Dupree call. Pitino did not return the smiles. I'd've thrown an elbow. He then went and chatted up Dupree. It was weird.
I think the vocal hostility from the crowd on bad calls was about as loud as I've heard.

The BS on the last out of bounds nearly cost us the game. PSU should have had to inbound again from the end with 0.7 instead of in the front court with 2.3. The Murphy call was next because they reviewed it, could clearly see they were wrong and did nothing.

Not even that. The ref was in bounds, ball bounced off him and stayed in bounds. Ball was picked up by ? Coffey ? Time would have expired, game over. ****ing horrible call.

And I’m not sure that was the worse call of the game.

The BS on the last out of bounds nearly cost us the game. PSU should have had to inbound again from the end with 0.7 instead of in the front court with 2.3. The Murphy call was next because they reviewed it, could clearly see they were wrong and did nothing.

Not the rules Coffey touched the ball. The problem was the Penn State foul. Ref was out of bounds, so ball is out of bounds. Had the ref been inbounds ball was live by rule.

Not the rules Coffey touched the ball. The problem was the Penn State foul. Ref was out of bounds, so ball is out of bounds. Had the ref been inbounds ball was live by rule.

He was in bounds. Just before the ball bounced off him, he jumped in the air to avoid the ball, his feet were off the ground when the ball hit him. That he landed out of bounds is irrelevant.

The foul on Murphy when the other guy hooked him was the worst foul call. Oturo is calling the charge and the refs just butt f&cked the call.
The non-call on the hook at the end of the game in conjunction with the fact that the ref wasn't out of bounds when the ball hit him was head shaking.
Glad the basketball god's caused the game ending shot to miss cause the refs utterly sucked balls tonight.

Not even that. The ref was in bounds, ball bounced off him and stayed in bounds. Ball was picked up by ? Coffey ? Time would have expired, game over. ****ing horrible call.

And I’m not sure that was the worse call of the game.

No one picked it up. I believe there was 0.7 when it went out at the other end. Plus it should have been a foul on the PSU guy for holding Coffey's arm. Awful all around. Given our luck, I'm shocked he missed the wide open shot.

He was in bounds. Just before the ball bounced off him, he jumped in the air to avoid the ball, his feet were off the ground when the ball hit him. That he landed out of bounds is irrelevant.

The ref was out of bounds when the ball hit him, it was reviewed and that's why they put time back on the clock. Otherwise it's a live ball and the clock keeps running. At least that's what they told the BTN crew after the review.

Stephens should have gotten a flagrant 1 on Murphy's foul. You unfortunately can't change the call on Murphy in the review, but they could've given Stephens a flagrant for the elbow to the side of his head. That was terrible.

The charge on McBrayer was bad too. Contact was minimal and to the side, it's either a block or no-call. Might have played into the call that sent McBrayer to the line with 2.7 left. I've seen players drive in that situation, get hit much harder than McBrayer did and no call. It was a foul, but I'm surprised they actually made the call given the situation.

The shorter dark-haired official does a lot of Gopher games, and he's beyond horrible.

Here's what I know and all I really care about. lol Gophers win!!!! I saw the ref out of bounds the step before he got hit in the air and they reviewed it and acknowledged that's what their replay showed in the explanation. Doesn't matter...call the dang foul for tackling Coffey to prevent him from using both arms. :cool: We won! :clap:

I was there tonight, and I cant remember another game at William's Arena where the crowd was that vocal towards the refs. I watch a ton of college basketball, and tonight was the worst reffing I've seen all year. The Coffee collision and the elbow to Murphy's face are on everyones minds, but the refs were unbelievably bad from the start. I rarely blame refs for the final score, but tonight we can all agree the refs almost stole that game from us, even as bad as we looked at times. If I was Pitino, I would've called out the refs in the postgame and taken the fine.

I was simply dumbfounded they didn't assess a flagrant for the shot to Murphy's head AFTER THEY'D VIDEO REVIEWED IT. Dumbfounded yes, but surprised no by that crew.

I was there tonight, and I cant remember another game at William's Arena where the crowd was that vocal towards the refs. I watch a ton of college basketball, and tonight was the worst reffing I've seen all year. The Coffee collision and the elbow to Murphy's face are on everyones minds, but the refs were unbelievably bad from the start. I rarely blame refs for the final score, but tonight we can all agree the refs almost stole that game from us, even as bad as we looked at times. If I was Pitino, I would've called out the refs in the postgame and taken the fine.

I was simply dumbfounded they didn't assess a flagrant for the shot to Murphy's head AFTER THEY'D VIDEO REVIEWED IT. Dumbfounded yes, but surprised no by that crew.
Both of these. It was awful.

Flagrant to Murphy. If that was a gopher it would have been a flagrant.

Was at the game and had a good look at the gum chewing little turd ref. Dude was winking, smiling and chewing the whole game. Plus, making terrible calls.

2. After reviewing it and they still got it wrong. Absolute disrespect. Murph did nothing, got clocked by the guys elbow and they called it on him. [emoji1751]

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Order of Bad Calls

1. Not giving a flagrant for the elbow to Murphy's head. Weak call to begin with, but pathetic to now assess a flagrant one after review. I've seen far less get called...I was astonished that after review it remained.
2. Coffey foul. I don't understand in ANY context how that would be a defensive foul. It is 100% either a no call (incidental contact) or offensive (in no universe was that a set offensive player screening - or whatever in God's name that official would've used to explain the call).

3. No call on Coffey getting bodied out on the full court pass. After that was not called, the rest of the play was called correctly in my eyes - timing and ball placement. I also believe the ref was out of bounds for a step prior to jumping to escape the path of the ball.

4. McBrayer charge. I think that could go either way. As soon as it happened, I thought it was charge for sure. He went flying into the lane somewhat out of control - like it or not, that generally is not a recipe for success.
5. Final foul call in our favor on Dupree...would not have been shocked at all to see that as a no call. Looked relatively minor contact and excellent embellishment by McBrayer (the play calling for that final shot by us, however, could fall into egregious category).
6. Earlier call in game where Murphy avoided the push in the back on a post entry pass and got around the post player to tip the ball away AND secure it. No contact going through the offensive player at all. Just because it gets called sometimes doesn't mean it is impossible for a post player to get around the offensive player and defend an entry pass.

Coffey foul was awful. Apparently you can hand the ball off to a teammate and then tackle your teammate's defender. Refs in general don't seem to know how to handle the dribble handoff screen. Would be good if it was a point of emphasis next season, I would think. Unfortunately, still have to get thru officials messing it up this season.
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On the Murphy call, it took them a very long time to review the play. In fact, two refs reviewed, then pulled in the third. I honestly think they all discussed it and finally thought, "We screwed up this call big time, and this replay shows it should be flagrant contact on Penn State. But how can we call a flagrant on the guy when we called the foul on the Minnesota guy? We can't, without looking like totally incompetent fools." Final decision -- call on the floor stands.

On the Murphy call, it took them a very long time to review the play. In fact, two refs reviewed, then pulled in the third. I honestly think they all discussed it and finally thought, "We screwed up this call big time, and this replay shows it should be flagrant contact on Penn State. But how can we call a flagrant on the guy when we called the foul on the Minnesota guy? We can't, without looking like totally incompetent fools." Final decision -- call on the floor stands.

That's exactly how I imagined it going down.

Certainly the worst officiated game I’ve seen this year.

Surprised no one else has mentioned it, but shortly before or after the elbow to Murph's head, a PSU player turned and shoved his forearm into Gabe's face, for which Gabe got called for a foul. I thought that one was even more obvious than the one on Murph.

But what really pissed me off is after one of the questionable calls, I forget which... teams were coming out of their huddles, and the PSU player who was involved initially fist-bumps one of the refs. That was outrageous to me. Even if the PSU player was on the right side of the call after review, you simply cannot have a ref acting like that during the game. That was probably not shown on the telecast, but half of the barn started started booing after it.

On the Murphy call, it took them a very long time to review the play. In fact, two refs reviewed, then pulled in the third. I honestly think they all discussed it and finally thought, "We screwed up this call big time, and this replay shows it should be flagrant contact on Penn State. But how can we call a flagrant on the guy when we called the foul on the Minnesota guy? We can't, without looking like totally incompetent fools." Final decision -- call on the floor stands.

Probably but that's BS. You could argue that Murphy committed a foul before the guy elbowed him in the head.

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