Souhan: As Stress of Coaching Arrives, Reeves is their for Whalen

Ignatius L Hoops

Well-known member
Sep 9, 2015
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If Whalen has a coaching question, she can drive a mile or two and chat with the future Hall of Fame coach who guided her career. Although, as the two noted in Whalen's office last week, we live in the age of texting.

A recent Whalen text to Reeve, following a difficult Gophers practice, read: "Coach, did you drink a lot?"

Whalen was joking about the alcohol, but not about the need for diversion. "I've started working out again," she said. "I needed something just for the stress relief. I also wanted to be in a situation where someone was telling me what to do and I wasn't the one making the decisions. Just tell me how many reps."


"The first week of practice I get a text message from Annalese Lamke — she got hit by a car when she was on her moped," Whalen said. "Well, I was already asleep when she texted me. I went to bed at 10 because I was so exhausted by this schedule.

"She was OK, but it made me realize — I always have to have my phone on."

Reeve said, "This is just the beginning. You haven't played a game yet, haven't traveled yet or gone through all of the ups and downs of a season. And things will come up. There are 18-to-22 year olds who will have things come up.

"I've never been around a player turned coach who didn't say, 'I had no idea of all that went into this.' It's a tough, demanding, job. And I think Lindsay is going to be exceptional at it."

Can’t read the article. Subscriber service. Now they black out the margins so you can’t read anything.
I was curious if they really spelled the headline that way. Hope not.

Can’t read the article. Subscriber service. Now they black out the margins so you can’t read anything.
I was curious if they really spelled the headline that way. Hope not.

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Can’t read the article. Subscriber service. Now they black out the margins so you can’t read anything.
I was curious if they really spelled the headline that way. Hope not.

My screw up on the headline; hit post as I was reviewing.

Can’t read the article. Subscriber service. Now they black out the margins so you can’t read anything.
I was curious if they really spelled the headline that way. Hope not.

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You can try it. I have no idea. You want to clear the website data. I read articles on my iPhone and there’s an option for me to clear my website data on safari. There should be an option on whichever browser you use; explorer, chrome, Firefox, etc. Clesr it, close the browser, and open it back up.

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