PJ Fleck on Sports Huddle 10-7-18

short ornery norwegian

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Feb 9, 2011
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Gopher FB Coach PJ Fleck appeared on the Sports Huddle on WCCO Radio Sunday morning.

Sid: at press conference, you compared your team to a farmer.
PJ: we're growing. you can talk about score, lost a high-scoring game. But we have so many players growing. making plays they probably shouldn't be making at their age. we're so young. AT the same time, players like Carter Coughlin are playing at a high level. It's Like a farm - some of the crops are growing high. some were just planted, but they're growing. some are growing more. we'd like them to grow at the same time. Compare that to Iowa - Iowa has sustainability. they mostly play srs and jrs and sprinkle in some young people we have 7 scholarship seniors. I saw a ton of growth and positivity. But we can't play they way we did defensively in the secondary.

Sid: came close to some TD's.
PJ: we down so fast 14-0. but we continued to RTB, to fight. a lot of our players are doing a lot of this for the 1st time. the future is bright. every game we're getting better. on defense, we've got to solve some things. a lot of youth issues involved. other people have to step up and play. we need to keep looking at how we can grow today.

Sid: QB?
PJ: played well at times. played poorly at times. that's the inconsistency of playing young players. they aren't as mature mistakes were made - immature mistakes. those won't be around forever. we have to go through those things. we have chosen to get way younger, the way I know how to do it - with HS players. other teams might go for a quick fix with a lot of transfers or jucos. we aren't going to do that. we will do everything we can to grow.

Max: neither team could run
PJ: IA prides itself on stopping the run. we focus on stopping the run. proud of our inside defensive linemen - smith, silver, moore. played tremendous. that opened it up for passing game, play-action game. we did better running the ball in 2nd half, once we were able to throw better. make them keep 2 safeties back. we're developing explosive play-makers on the outside. we lost our best 2 RB's. we're working with FR, and they're doing well. proud of the progress we're making. look at how we're growing. that should excite you. give credit to both front 7's. Iowa's game plan is to take away the run. they did better job executing on 3rd down. that was the key. we couldn't get off field on 3rd down.

Sid: MN did more than any team except WI to score on IA.
PJ: no moral victories. no excuses. these are facts - things we have to look at. scored 31 pts against a good defense. that's what we need to be discussing. we have a good offense -but we need to mature faster, and eliminate mistakes, interceptions. we'll get Brooks back. we'll look at mixing up the OL, get something going there. Need defense to get off field on 3rd down. need to keep growing, getting better.

Mona: big difference in OL 1st to 2nd half. Faalele made a difference.
PJ: players we have are 60% FR. most teams, look at the depth chart, you have 1st string, 2nd string, and then some young guys. if they get in a major hole, then they play young guys. for us, we have some FR on 1st string, most of the 2's are FR. We really don't have any 3's. start looking at performance. If you're going to put a FR in the lineup, have to ask if they are mentally ready, emotionally ready. Daniel is ready to play physically. he's the strongest guy on the team. If you put a true FR on OL, is he mentally and emotionally ready? we really have to evaluate that. maybe it's not 4 games, maybe we play him the whole year. If we play him for 4 games now, maybe we'll not be as good a team, but we'll have him for 4 years down the road.

Sid: Cashman.
PJ: We put so much of the defense in his hands with AW out. Cashman has more on his plate. he's one of our best players, best tacklers, one of our smartest players.

Mona: Why does Annexstad stay on field for Wildcat?
PJ: when you have Zach on field, the defense has to check to a defense after we break from formation. when you just line up and run wildcat, there's a wildcat defense already set. when Seth is on field, and goes to wildcat, they have to check to a wildcat call - maybe somebody doesn't get it and they're out of position. we could do things with Zach out there. right now, that gives us the best chance to get the look we want to get. make the defense go to a check at the line, rather than have a set defense. When Seth is on field, he's out there as WR- so the defense can't say it's a true wildcat.

Sid: new 4-game NCAA rule?
PJ: look at how we evaluate all of that. I said we would get a lot younger before we get experienced. we're the youngest team in America. it's
a constant balance between now and the future. we want to give us an opportunity to win now, but also look at down the road. those are the decisions I have to make. not a lot of coaches would want to have 50% roster as FR. but that's the situation we're in, based on the roster when we got here. those are the decisions we have to make, to decide if it makes us better for now or better for later.

Sid: fans were into the game
PJ: fans were tremendous. the fans were into the game - both sets of fans. that's what it should look like every Saturday. we'll get there. it was a close game till the last 5 min. we learned a lot from that game. learned how important that rivalry is.

Sid: Gophers will be OK in the future. Murray's
PJ: RTB, Ski-U-Mah, Go Gophers.

I’m torn between sitting Faalele and having 4 years or playing him now. Thank you for the synopsis.

It's a mixed bag with playing the young guys...mistakes, lack of consistency, and mortgaging the future among them. Anyone else think playing some of the young guys long term if they are ready is worth it? (Looking at you Falele) If you don't and keep losing won't that hurt recruiting more? Not saying one guy is the difference but in winnable games it will be worth it. If PJ makes some other coaching decisions such as the fake punt and kicking the field goal and Zack just threw say one less up for grabs off his back foot we might have a different story. It was a pretty close game.

I would guess which side of taking the redshirt off depends on if you believe there is a need to win now and make a bowl game this year. Or your ok with 4-5 wins this season as long as you see improvement and where this might be headed.

A bowl game would be nice this year but I would still redshirt as many as you can. For me one or two more wins this year isn’t as important as what your trying to build for later.

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I'd save Faalele for next year if I absolutely could.
It's a patient stance, but I don't have to look the seniors and juniors in the eyes every day, but there was an absolute difference when he was in there.
Just totally man-handling his guy.

We don’t have 7 scholarship seniors even with the subtraction of special teams players (because they aren’t important). You make it really hard to support you coach. I want to.

I’m torn between sitting Faalele and having 4 years or playing him now. Thank you for the synopsis.

This is the million dollar question....

OSU, Wisconsin are going to be a problem, the rest of the games? Perhaps the more tenured lineman will be able to hold up better allowing Faalele to keep the redshirt on?

Save Faalele for next season. He's got two games left - Play him against Wisconsin on one of the remaining games.

Win or loss, the kids who are not graduating will return next year a little more seasoned.

The Gophers maybe 3-9 (0-9) to 6-6 (3-6) judging by the way Illinois, Indiana, Nebraska, Purdue, and Northwestern are playing. They are in danger of going win-less in the B1G.

This is the million dollar question....

OSU, Wisconsin are going to be a problem, the rest of the games? Perhaps the more tenured lineman will be able to hold up better allowing Faalele to keep the redshirt on?

It’s just sad watching Schlueter in there getting beat every play. I feel for the guy and I know he’s trying his best, but at this point he is a liability. I’m not worried about making the Dunk n Donuts and black coffee bowl :D. I’m worried about the health of our quarterbacks who will continue to be mauled from the right side.
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I'd save Faalele for next year if I absolutely could.
It's a patient stance, but I don't have to look the seniors and juniors in the eyes every day, but there was an absolute difference when he was in there.
Just totally man-handling his guy.

I'm on board with this 100%. Can you imagine him in four years from now verses a whole year this year? Yes we need help now, but Fleck is preaching patience and he has much more than many people. Thanks Son for the recap!

Play Faalele. He might already be the best O-lineman, and he may not be around for 4 years anyway, let alone 5.

I’m torn between sitting Faalele and having 4 years or playing him now. Thank you for the synopsis.

Faalele future is NFL not a college degree... Unless a career ending injury occurs he’s not saying for more then 4 years.. play your best, play to win!!!

Play Faalele in two of the three games we might win: Illinois, Northwestern, Indiana. Wisconsin, Ohio State, Nebraska and Purdue are beyond us this year.

Save Faalele for next season. He's got two games left - Play him against Wisconsin on one of the remaining games.

Win or loss, the kids who are not graduating will return next year a little more seasoned.

The Gophers maybe 3-9 (0-9) to 6-6 (3-6) judging by the way Illinois, Indiana, Nebraska, Purdue, and Northwestern are playing. They are in danger of going win-less in the B1G.

You play your best players, period. How's he put it...refuse to lose?

I see two separate questions:

Is Faalele as good now as he will be in another 2 or 3 years? I think that's a clear No.

Is Faalele better right now than the players in front of him on the depth chart? I suspect that answer is Yes.

And, I firmly believe that IF Faalele is better right now than the players in front of him, you start Faalele. Yes, you might sacrifice some potential 4 years down the road. But, people are paying money to buy tickets to watch this team play right now. They don't want to hear about 4 years from now. And, if you hold out better players now in hopes of a future payoff, good luck trying to sell tickets for next year.

Play Faalele. He might already be the best O-lineman, and he may not be around for 4 years anyway, let alone 5.
This. He is your best option at right tackle and doesn't need a redshirt year. Numerous NFL scouts that watched practices this spring said Faalele is on the path to be a future NFL guy so don't count on him for 5 years.

Play Faalele now.

Ona side note, is Fleck still calling the QB mistakes 400 level mistakes?

Play Faalele in two of the three games we might win: Illinois, Northwestern, Indiana. Wisconsin, Ohio State, Nebraska and Purdue are beyond us this year.
Nebraska and Purdue should definitely be included with Illinois, Indiana, and Northwestern those are all winnable games.

Play Faalele. He might already be the best O-lineman, and he may not be around for 4 years anyway, let alone 5.

Yes. No reason to see Zach carried out on a stretcher later in the season.
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Play Faalele now.

Ona side note, is Fleck still calling the QB mistakes 400 level mistakes?

I don't think he has specified, but if he had, I assume yes.
He likes ZA a lot. Likes his toughness, grit, attitude, and leadership.

He may not be as agile as we’d like at that weight but he collapsed the entire right side of the defense at times, pancaked at least one guy, and didn’t give up a pressure/sack I can recall. He makes both the run and pass offense instantly better IMHO. Barrring other issues and the caveat of the small sample size we have if he doesn’t play one can only conclude staff really isn’t interested in winning this year which is pretty unforgivable.

I'd save Faalele for next year if I absolutely could.
It's a patient stance, but I don't have to look the seniors and juniors in the eyes every day, but there was an absolute difference when he was in there.
Just totally man-handling his guy.
Play Faalele against both Wisconsin and Ohio State. Let him see what it's like to play against the best this year. Let someone else play against the lower tier teams.

I like how they've handled the Faalele situation up to this point. They've given Schleuter every chance to nail down the position. Unfortunately, he hasn't been able to. Schleuter may simply be more useful as a backup, rather than a starter.

At this point, I'm inclined to go with the big guy.

After OSU, we have a string of five games where we should have a real chance to win. If the staff feels the same way, I expect Faalele will be in the starting lineup by the time we face Nebraska on Oct. 20. Those five games will determine how the entire season is perceived. Win three and get to a bowl game -- any bowl game -- and yesterday's loss will be forgotten. Until next year. ;)


If you ask me, it's a no brainer, play Faalele. Would have been nice had they asked Fleck why he had Seth Green throw a bomb down the sidelines on 1st down from near midfield. Also would have been nice had they asked Fleck why he felt he had to throw deep downfield down only 2 scores with a whole quarter to play. Especially when our backs averaged 5.3 yards per carry on only 18 carries.

If he’s as good as we think he could be, like others have said he won’t be here for a RS senior season.

If you ask me, it's a no brainer, play Faalele. Would have been nice had they asked Fleck why he had Seth Green throw a bomb down the sidelines on 1st down from near midfield. Also would have been nice had they asked Fleck why he felt he had to throw deep downfield down only 2 scores with a whole quarter to play. Especially when our backs averaged 5.3 yards per carry on only 18 carries.

Yes, it was waaaaaay too early after chucking it up for grabs (polite way to put it), particularly when the running and intermediate passing was clicking decently.

I wonder if the NCAA will be harder on Medical extra years in the coming years due to allowing 4 games in a RS year?

I wonder if the NCAA will be harder on Medical extra years in the coming years due to allowing 4 games in a RS year?

Those two matters should NOT have any influence on the other.... but it IS the NCAA....

I’m torn between sitting Faalele and having 4 years or playing him now. Thank you for the synopsis.
Play him, he won't be around for 5 years anyway.

Play Faalele. He might already be the best O-lineman, and he may not be around for 4 years anyway, let alone 5.
This. He gives us a chance to win now. Had he played all game, we may have been in a position to win. Schlueter single handedly cost us some drives, and not just in this game.

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