Fleck on KFAN with PA


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2009
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Just finished listening to PJ talk with PA on KFAN.
PA doesn't know squat about the Gophers, but the interview was good.
This isn't going to be a SON breakdown as I was not at my computer to transcribe.
PJ did say that Terrell Smith is going to be one of the starting corners and that a few other FR have been doing well and will play this year back there.
Really wants to redshirt Faalele and Dunlop.

Just finished listening to PJ talk with PA on KFAN.

PA doesn't know squat about the Gophers, but the interview was good.
This isn't going to be a SON breakdown as I was not at my computer to transcribe.
PJ did say that Terrell Smith is going to be one of the starting corners and that a few other FR have been doing well and will play this year back there.
Really wants to redshirt Faalele and Dunlop.

I only caught the end.

PA asked about recruiting here, if it's gotten easier.
He says he's convincing the kids, but some of the parents are still caught in the view of the Gophers from 20-30 years ago. Changing parents minds is difficult. Changing kids minds is not as tough.

Talked about uniform / colors. Says his target is 18-20 year olds. So when people complain about doing this to the helmet or changing that color, he doesn't care what the older fans think. The kids love it. If he gets the kids to love it, and they come here, and we win more, then the older people will like us more because we're winning more.

Mentioned had highest GPA of any Minnesota Football team. Best back to back classes for recruiting.

Crowd sounded good. PA said half the crowd left when PJ left.

Not sure if I'll try and find the interview later or not. Got tired of Allen's "You should know that I REALLY don't want to do this interview" mode a long time ago.

PJ did say that Terrell Smith is going to be one of the starting corners and that a few other FR have been doing well and will play this year back there.
Really wants to redshirt Faalele and Dunlop.

Those were definitely two of the big takeaways from that interview.

Thanks for getting this started GFBfan. Interesting information. Parents do remember we haven't done well for some time now and don't want their kids "sucked" into a system where it has been spinning its wheels and not getting over the hump. Obviously Fleck trying his best to change that image as well. Perhaps Faalele and Dunlop can help out at the end of the year and save their redshirt is what Fleck is thinking.

Thanks for getting this started GFBfan. Interesting information. Parents do remember we haven't done well for some time now and don't want their kids "sucked" into a system where it has been spinning its wheels and not getting over the hump. Obviously Fleck trying his best to change that image as well. Perhaps Faalele and Dunlop can help out at the end of the year and save their redshirt is what Fleck is thinking.

Interesting about T Smith starting at CB.

Yes, PA doesn't know crap about Gopher Football.

This is where the media is doing us no favors.

PA - knows nothing
Judd - probably knows something but acts like he's bothered with it
Reusse - knows the most about the team but is in troll mode.
Barrerio - he's rip-mode / antagonist.

If you got half the minutes that Wild Hockey get, it would be a great start.

Thanks for getting this started GFBfan. Interesting information. Parents do remember we haven't done well for some time now and don't want their kids "sucked" into a system where it has been spinning its wheels and not getting over the hump. Obviously Fleck trying his best to change that image as well. Perhaps Faalele and Dunlop can help out at the end of the year and save their redshirt is what Fleck is thinking.

Good point on the 2 linemen and how to use that redshirt. Slipped my mind as I was reading this.

Interesting about T Smith starting at CB.

Yes, PA doesn't know crap about Gopher Football.

This is where the media is doing us no favors.

PA - knows nothing
Judd - probably knows something but acts like he's bothered with it
Reusse - knows the most about the team but is in troll mode.
Barrerio - he's rip-mode / antagonist.

If you got half the minutes that Wild Hockey get, it would be a great start.

At KFAN the one who knows the most about gopher football is Justin Gaard. Might be the only one.

I get wanting more coverage, but until the Gophers are in demand and fans care, they don't get it. Same reason they don't cover a lot of things. PAs ratings would be better talking Vikings 365 days a year than talking about Gopher anything, ever.

Sucks, but its true. Some success will help change that, at least a little

PA already talks about the Vikings 365 days a year.

I caught a little bit of KFAN earlier today. PA and some flunky basically spent about 5 minutes doing this bit about how they support the Wolves and the Wild. Then, they proceeded to mock both teams by predicting a 1st-round playoff loss for both teams.

KFAN's message 24/7 is that the Vikings are the greatest team in the history of sports, and every other team in the market is a joke.

Interesting about T Smith starting at CB.

Yes, PA doesn't know crap about Gopher Football.

This is where the media is doing us no favors.

PA - knows nothing
Judd - probably knows something but acts like he's bothered with it
Reusse - knows the most about the team but is in troll mode.
Barrerio - he's rip-mode / antagonist.

If you got half the minutes that Wild Hockey get, it would be a great start.

Sustained winning at an elevated level fixes most of these...

As has been posted many times over many years by many GHers, this is a pro sports town and a hockey centric state.

PA already talks about the Vikings 365 days a year.

I caught a little bit of KFAN earlier today. PA and some flunky basically spent about 5 minutes doing this bit about how they support the Wolves and the Wild. Then, they proceeded to mock both teams by predicting a 1st-round playoff loss for both teams.

KFAN's message 24/7 is that the Vikings are the greatest team in the history of sports, and every other team in the market is a joke.

Should he predict the Wolves to win the title? A first round exit seems very likely.

You're bitter he doesn't care about the Gophers. He had Fleck on during a popular time for him. That is good. Be happy with the morsels, until things change, its what you'll get.

At KFAN the one who knows the most about gopher football is Justin Gaard. Might be the only one.

This is 100% accurate. I don't even know who I would put in 2nd place behind Gaard. Probably Barreiro, just because he picks up things when Gaard talks about them.

PJ is great to listen to when he is asked questions that require him to give different ‘new’ answers. When he gets into his what I call ‘canned’ answers I tend to tune him out
PA asked about the QB situation this year compared to last and when PJ started talking about last years QB’s, he caught himself and paused for a moment to gather his thoughts and make a somewhat positive statement about both of them moving on. He likes both the QB’s this year but they are young
On Zack, he made it sound like he really had to sell Zack on coming to MN as a PWO instead of taking a scholarship from somewhere else. In reading the ZA threads I thought Zack wanted to come here regardless.

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KFAN and it's hosts know where their bread is buttered. The Vikings would have to switch stations or markets or the University of Minnesota would have to provide more value than the Vikings for KFAN to treat them the way they treat the Vikings.

It's kind of a self fulfilling prophecy. The more KFAN talks about the Gophers the more popular they are, but they have to be popular for KFAN to talk about them.

Interesting about T Smith starting at CB.

Yes, PA doesn't know crap about Gopher Football.

This is where the media is doing us no favors.

PA - knows nothing
Judd - probably knows something but acts like he's bothered with it
Reusse - knows the most about the team but is in troll mode.
Barrerio - he's rip-mode / antagonist.

If you got half the minutes that Wild Hockey get, it would be a great start.

I agree with this. During the season I suggest podcasts:

  • Ryan Burns twice a week. All Gophers all the time.
  • Justin Gaard with Dan O'Brien weekly, assuming they do this again. About an hour long, part Gophers, part other college football.
  • Mase in your Face. Even if you don't like Barreiro much, and I don't, Mason is good. If you podcast you miss the commercials.
  • Justin Gaard on Sundays. Not all Gopher talk, but usually has a good recap of Saturday's game, probably with guests.

Read SON's recap of Sid. Scott Korzonowski usually did a good job on his Sunday show on 1500 during the season, but sounds like he's out. Skip the rest of the regular radio shows.

PJ is great to listen to when he is asked questions that require him to give different ‘new’ answers. When he gets into his what I call ‘canned’ answers I tend to tune him out
PA asked about the QB situation this year compared to last and when PJ started talking about last years QB’s, he caught himself and paused for a moment to gather his thoughts and make a somewhat positive statement about both of them moving on. He likes both the QB’s this year but they are young
On Zack, he made it sound like he really had to sell Zack on coming to MN as a PWO instead of taking a scholarship from somewhere else. In reading the ZA threads I thought Zack wanted to come here regardless.

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On this, we will never know unless Zack tells you personally. Even then, you don't know how close he was to coming or going somewhere else.

PJ would be more inclined to say it was a great sales job by himself and a very tough sell.

Zack would probably lean towards saying he was MN all the way because why would he say "I almost spurned the home state team".

Getting a PWO with other offers is still a nice get regardless, especially if he ends up being a quality starter. Allowed you to bring in that extra lineman.

I agree with this. During the season I suggest podcasts:

  • Ryan Burns twice a week. All Gophers all the time.
  • Justin Gaard with Dan O'Brien weekly, assuming they do this again. About an hour long, part Gophers, part other college football.
  • Mase in your Face. Even if you don't like Barreiro much, and I don't, Mason is good. If you podcast you miss the commercials.
  • Justin Gaard on Sundays. Not all Gopher talk, but usually has a good recap of Saturday's game, probably with guests.

Read SON's recap of Sid. Scott Korzonowski usually did a good job on his Sunday show on 1500 during the season, but sounds like he's out. Skip the rest of the regular radio shows.

Mason is the best hour of the Barrerio show.
Good stories. Likes the Gophers. Not a Fleck bobo.

Agree on Scott K.

Timberwolves predicted to have a first round exit? I'm wondering if they'll make the playoffs. I would have to agree where if the Gophers start winning more "big" games we'll get more coverage.

PA already talks about the Vikings 365 days a year.

I caught a little bit of KFAN earlier today. PA and some flunky basically spent about 5 minutes doing this bit about how they support the Wolves and the Wild. Then, they proceeded to mock both teams by predicting a 1st-round playoff loss for both teams.

KFAN's message 24/7 is that the Vikings are the greatest team in the history of sports, and every other team in the market is a joke.

Yes, and Common berated some guy for watching a Twins game. What the hell. We have to hear what he did on each hole of his round of golf.

Timberwolves predicted to have a first round exit? I'm wondering if they'll make the playoffs. I would have to agree where if the Gophers start winning more "big" games we'll get more coverage.

Agree about the effect of winning more "big" games. But in the meantime seems that somebody at KFAN might total the Gopher students, alumni, family, fans, etc. in their market area. The emotional and historical attachment to Gopher sports is strong in MN.

PA already talks about the Vikings 365 days a year.

I caught a little bit of KFAN earlier today. PA and some flunky basically spent about 5 minutes doing this bit about how they support the Wolves and the Wild. Then, they proceeded to mock both teams by predicting a 1st-round playoff loss for both teams.

KFAN's message 24/7 is that the Vikings are the greatest team in the history of sports, and every other team in the market is a joke.

I think a first round exit for both the wolves and wild would be a likely and disappointing outcome.

Mason is the best hour of the Barrerio show.
Good stories. Likes the Gophers. Not a Fleck bobo.

Agree on Scott K.

That and Nanne is also fun listening. Steal both of them and DB has nothing.

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I'd love to hear PJ, but can't handle PA's apathy for anything but Vikings, so thanks for taking the hit for the rest of us and providing notes ;)

I’m a lifelong Viking fan (and Gopher fan; don’t see why many people can’t be both), but I’m embarrassed that PA is the voice of the Vikings. He’s barely listenable during a game and completely unlistenable in a talk show format. Way too pompous for me. Doesn’t matter if I want to hear from one of his guests if I can’t stomach the host.

I’m a lifelong Viking fan (and Gopher fan; don’t see why many people can’t be both), but I’m embarrassed that PA is the voice of the Vikings. He’s barely listenable during a game and completely unlistenable in a talk show format. Way too pompous for me. Doesn’t matter if I want to hear from one of his guests if I can’t stomach the host.

I have yet to meet a Vikings fan that was a die hard Gopher fan. Plus, still haven’t found a season ticket holder to both teams. Now I realize that my “friends” is a rather limited sample space. But nevertheless, still looking for the fan/s that can afford to lock in each team’s schedule. Hopefully they exist, just haven’t found such fans in either my tailgate spot or seating section - obviously from past years.

I have yet to meet a Vikings fan that was a die hard Gopher fan. Plus, still haven’t found a season ticket holder to both teams. Now I realize that my “friends” is a rather limited sample space. But nevertheless, still looking for the fan/s that can afford to lock in each team’s schedule. Hopefully they exist, just haven’t found such fans in either my tailgate spot or seating section - obviously from past years.

There are plenty on this board.

I have yet to meet a Vikings fan that was a die hard Gopher fan. Plus, still haven’t found a season ticket holder to both teams. Now I realize that my “friends” is a rather limited sample space. But nevertheless, still looking for the fan/s that can afford to lock in each team’s schedule. Hopefully they exist, just haven’t found such fans in either my tailgate spot or seating section - obviously from past years.

I'm a die-hard fan of both, favoring Gophs overall tho.

I have yet to meet a Vikings fan that was a die hard Gopher fan. Plus, still haven’t found a season ticket holder to both teams. Now I realize that my “friends” is a rather limited sample space. But nevertheless, still looking for the fan/s that can afford to lock in each team’s schedule. Hopefully they exist, just haven’t found such fans in either my tailgate spot or seating section - obviously from past years.

Feel free to drop by my seats and meet one. My family was always pretty hardcore Vikings. I've got my sister on the Gopher bandwagon the past few seasons...She's good with the first 3/4 of the season. Trying to get her to power through the cold weather games next.
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Just finished listening to PJ talk with PA on KFAN.
PA doesn't know squat about the Gophers, but the interview was good.
This isn't going to be a SON breakdown as I was not at my computer to transcribe.
PJ did say that Terrell Smith is going to be one of the starting corners and that a few other FR have been doing well and will play this year back there.
Really wants to redshirt Faalele and Dunlop.

I listened to this too.

I know this is beating a dead horse, but I haven't listened to him in awhile, but man, PA is a difficult listen.

PJ was great though. I'll say this, a lot of PJ's "schtick" annoyed me - - yes, I am one of those - - however, his interviews have gotten a lot better lately. I think maybe he came into the situation knowing/thinking he had to "sell, sell, sell" and maybe it worked for him, but I think PJ the "football coach" has been showing through more in the more recent interviews. Heck, maybe he was just pumped up, he is a young guy who is living the dream.

He talked very "matteroffactly" about Terrel Smith, that was really encouraging. It's even more encouraging because I wouldn't have considered CB a position of desperation. For example, if he was talking about true FR starting at WR or safety (or even QB), that's a different conversation than Terrel Smith at CB.

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