Slow motion video of Davison tripping Mason


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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Go Gophers!!

It was a trip. He stuck his foot in there to be sure. Terrible.

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Happ gets a hand on Mason's hip and gives a subtle little shove that could've been called too.

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Wow that is brutal. I have to admit from the tv I was watching I couldn’t really tell what happened and they didn’t show a replay with angles like that. That was horrible should have been ft and the game. However that was one of the ugliest last six minutes of basketball (and then in OT) I have seen in a long time. We played so poorly

Davison knew exactly what he was doing. I honestly can't believe someone who has been around basketball as long as Steve Lavin wouldn't think that was "intentional".

He held it there so long. Blatantly obvious.

Davison knew exactly what he was doing. I honestly can't believe someone who has been around basketball as long as Steve Lavin wouldn't think that was "intentional".

Lavin is a f*cking moron. He kept talking about whether it was “intentional.” Who the f* cares?? Since when does a foul have to be “intentional” to be called a foul?

Was there ever even contact between Mason and Davison? I see contact between Mason and Happ, but I think Mason just stumbled rolling his ankle and never made contact with Davison.

Was there ever even contact between Mason and Davison? I see contact between Mason and Happ, but I think Mason just stumbled rolling his ankle and never made contact with Davison.

It looks pretty clear to me that Davidson uses his left leg to lift Mason’s right foot (very well timed trip).

So has Davison always been a piece of sh1t or did he just turn into one when he put on the wisconsin uniform? I'd like to give the benefit of the doubt to a MN native, but I'm not sure that I should.

It looks pretty clear to me that Davidson uses his left leg to lift Mason’s right foot (very well timed trip).

I don’t think so. I just watched it again. I don’t think Masons right foot ever makes contact with Davisons left

I don’t think so. I just watched it again. I don’t think Masons right foot ever makes contact with Davisons left

Have to agree to disagree on this one but it wasn’t the only reason the Gophers lost.
McBrayer not grabbing the rebound on the second missed free throw to me was inexcusable. Wish I had a replay of that but he takes a step toward blocking the shooter out and then stops. The shooter steps into the lane to grab it.

Have to agree to disagree on this one but it wasn’t the only reason the Gophers lost.
McBrayer not grabbing the rebound on the second missed free throw to me was inexcusable. Wish I had a replay of that but he takes a step toward blocking the shooter out and then stops. The shooter steps into the lane to grab it.

Those types of plays have hampered these recent teams so much over the years. I thought Gas was going to get beat out for the rebound and told my bucky fan dad as much. What a brutal game to watch in the middle of enemy territory. My god, why do we cheer for this team?!!?

Those types of plays have hampered these recent teams so much over the years. I thought Gas was going to get beat out for the rebound and told my bucky fan dad as much. What a brutal game to watch in the middle of enemy territory. My god, why do we cheer for this team?!!?
That would add insult to injury.
Which rebound did Gas fail to get? I wonder if we are talking about the same rebound (Wis missed field goal that free throw shooter rebounded)?
In the big picture this game doesn’t matter, but it would have been a positive in a tough season.

Have to agree to disagree on this one but it wasn’t the only reason the Gophers lost.
McBrayer not grabbing the rebound on the second missed free throw to me was inexcusable. Wish I had a replay of that but he takes a step toward blocking the shooter out and then stops. The shooter steps into the lane to grab it.

That’s a bit misleading. This is all immaterial because I can’t imagine a ref being able to see an inch of clear space and not calling a foul, but go back a frame and Mason is already taking off and falling forward. It doesn’t look like their feet ever touch and if the do, it’s after Mason has already started his action. He sold it a bit, which I do not blame him for. Also, Happ did get away with the push/nudge.

I would have called Happ but not Davidson. Mason turns his foot or it collapses and i see zero contact there. Happ does make contact and i am not a fan of letting something go because it is the end of the game.

That would add insult to injury.
Which rebound did Gas fail to get? I wonder if we are talking about the same rebound (Wis missed field goal that free throw shooter rebounded)?
In the big picture this game doesn’t matter, but it would have been a positive in a tough season.

Gas didn't get beat for that one. it's the same one. My unclear point was that I "KNEW" we would get beat out on the rebound.

On the Davison Play:

How anyone can make a definitive statement on whether or not there was contact on these stills we are looking at is beyond me. I'll say this, if he can get the call for throwing his foot out to make contact with Pree in the first 5 minutes of the game, this could have and I could argue should have been made a call here.

Obviously, the ref's like to swallow the whistle and Masons propensity to fall/exaggerate are not helping us here. Methinks we will be "hating" Davison for many more years to come and he will continuously be compared to Jelly, which is going to rip this board a part 2x a year.

Other play that drove me nuts was on the rebound where Murphy Happ and Konate ended up in a dog pile. In slow motion Happ puts his elbow under Murphys chin lifts and tosses him down. The worst offense on that play is that Konate should have been there earlier to get the rebound but the Wisconsin player puts two arms around Konate from behind and holds him back from running to the boards.

this is all well and good, but the no call foul on Happ from Gas was horrific!!!

Curious if the Big 10 will comment on this. Clearly this was at minimum a fake trip, at worst an actual trip. There is no question it was intentional. He threw his leg into Mason's path and then pulled it out right when he got there. Is something like this not reviewable? I'm sure the Big 10 loves having a guy who fakes injury-causing actions on the court in order to make a play.

Eff sakes. Get over it. Had mason not rolled his ankle he probably avoids contact with his leg. Mason was already on his way down prior to any contact. Not a foul. Quit b*tching about refs. They didn't lose the game for us.

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Warched the alternate view and didn't see the fake from mason but point still remains he rolled his ankle and was on his way down prior to contact. I wouldn't call a foul there myself.

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Warched the alternate view and didn't see the fake from mason but point still remains he rolled his ankle and was on his way down prior to contact. I wouldn't call a foul there myself.

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I don't understand what a few of you are looking at. Their shins hit which stops Mason's leg's momentum so he lands on the side of his foot instead of the bottom. You can even see Davison's leg move slightly from the contact.

He also probably rolled his ankle and adjusted trying to change directions to avoid Davison’s trip attempt.

I don't understand what a few of you are looking at. Their shins hit which stops Mason's leg's momentum so he lands on the side of his foot instead of the bottom. You can even see Davison's leg move slightly from the contact.

I saw the ankle roll before the contact which started mason out of control and going down. Likely avoidable without the ankle roll. I'm no ref though so simply my opinion only that it wasn't a foul.

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Curious if the Big 10 will comment on this. Clearly this was at minimum a fake trip, at worst an actual trip. There is no question it was intentional. He threw his leg into Mason's path and then pulled it out right when he got there. Is something like this not reviewable? I'm sure the Big 10 loves having a guy who fakes injury-causing actions on the court in order to make a play.

They'll be more likely to fine Richard for matter-of-factly calling it out in his postgame.

I don't understand what a few of you are looking at. Their shins hit which stops Mason's leg's momentum so he lands on the side of his foot instead of the bottom. You can even see Davison's leg move slightly from the contact.

Agree. The video evidence is there to see for all. It is obvious.

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