STrib: Dates set for Gophers star Lynch's appeal, attorney claims they're too soon


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Nov 11, 2008
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Hearing dates have been set for early February for suspended University of Minnesota basketball player Reggie Lynch to appeal findings that he was responsible for sexual misconduct against two different women.

But Lynch’s attorney, Ryan Pacyga, says his clients’ due process rights are being violated by those dates. Pacyga said he can’t make the hearings the school has scheduled due to previously scheduled court hearings and training he needs to attend. He also says the University still hasn’t provided him with the necessary documents for the appeal

“You have to have time to adequately prepare when the allegations are that serious and the stakes are that high,” Pacyga said.

Two women who have accused Lynch of sexual assaulting them in April 2016 reported the incidents to the University in October 2017. The school’s Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action began investigating the complaints as Lynch played through the start of the 2017 season. The school sent Lynch and his accusers letters in early January saying Lynch had been found responsible for sexual misconduct in both cases, recommending him for suspension in one case and expulsion in the other.

Lynch hired Pacyga the next week, who in a press conference said his client “categorically and vehemently” denied the allegations against him and said he would appeal them.

The school initially set the hearings before the Student Sexual Misconduct Committee for early next week before providing all of the evidence in the cases, Pacyga told the Star Tribune on Thursday. But he said that wouldn’t be enough time to prepare, and that he would not be able to represent his client at the appeal hearings until Feb. 14, Pacyga said.

The school then reset the hearing dates for Feb. 8 and 9.

Go Gophers!!

Reggie ain't coming back, we all know that.

This is setting up for a civil lawsuit against the University as it reveals the tilted table where the house can't lose.
If Lynch truly is innocent then all hell should fall upon the University. If Lynch is guilty then he should be tried in a real court and not the kangaroo court at UMN.

Reggie ain't coming back, we all know that.

Forced sexual assault? Sexual experience that turns sour? The problem is that it hardly matters in the current climate. That said, Reggie made his own bed. Three different women over the course of a couple weeks? He's an idiot.

Since according to Mr. Pacyga, this is not a question of consent situation or a difference of perception of the encounter; Reggie is outright denying that any sexual contact occurred. I wonder if they have discussed a polygraph test. Legally it has no standing, but as we are so often reminded, this is not a true legal setting (you know, with fair rules and constitutional protections). However, if he passed it, it would add weight and credence to Reggie's defense.

Rich Rod has referred to his passing the polygraph in each of his statements concerning the investigation into his conduct.

It didn't work for Landon Rice, but that was a slightly different situation as he acknowledged that sexual contact occurred and his questioning was based on his perception of what happened. The Title IX investigators ignored the results, according to his attorneys.

But in a case where the accusers are saying X happened and Reggie is saying nothing happened, there doesn't seem to be room for ambiguity in the results.

Not sure that I understand the end game here for Lynch, but a request to continue the hearing date beyond mid-February pretty much rules out any return to game action even if the appeals are successful. I’m not suggesting that they would let him play under any circumstances, but if the appeal process drags into March at his request, there won’t ever even be a decision that has to be made.

Not sure that I understand the end game here for Lynch, but a request to continue the hearing date beyond mid-February pretty much rules out any return to game action even if the appeals are successful. I’m not suggesting that they would let him play under any circumstances, but if the appeal process drags into March at his request, there won’t ever even be a decision that has to be made.

He knows he wasn't going to see the court here again but having a fair chance to actually clear his name and exposing injustice in his eyes might be a pretty good reason.

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And from a pure fandom standpoint, even if Reggie was suddenly cleared of all wrongdoing in a week or he won an appeal in 2 weeks and Pitino made a deal with the devil and just let him play, PR be damned...

...the season is pretty much lost for me anyways. NIT would be fun or maybe he’d give us a chance to get hot and win the BTT but we nearly need to win out at this point to make the tournament.

Anyways, agree that he’ll never see the court again here (obvious) and that he has some other sort of civil suit motive.

Not sure if he has a professional career to look forward to, but clearing his name of any wrongdoing might help when it comes time for pro clubs to send out invitations. It might have to be over in Europe or something, somewhere where people aren't so aware of what went down, because in this country, I guarantee you that there are people out there who straight up believe he is guilty as hell and the women could come out and admit that they lied, I don't know, because they were Badger fans or just hated bb players or maybe Reggie turned them down? But even then there are people who would still think he was guilty. It's unbelievable to me how judgemental and ugly some people can be.

And if he is guilty and is just trying to lie about it, stuff like that catches up to you eventually.

Lynch should not take part in this kangaroo process. Nothing good will happen from this process. The system is corrupt.

As stated by his attorney, no legal action, no proof, no evidence.

Let the University lose many millions of dollars because of the board's actions. Management at the University has failed again.
Let the University suffer the consequences.

Lynch can move on with his life. He should have nothing to do with this process. He should get away from these people and corrupt system.

Lynch should not take part in this kangaroo process. Nothing good will happen from this process. The system is corrupt.

As stated by his attorney, no legal action, no proof, no evidence.

Let the University lose many millions of dollars because of the board's actions. Management at the University has failed again.
Let the University suffer the consequences.

Lynch can move on with his life. He should have nothing to do with this process. He should get away from these people and corrupt system.

Actually, this is an issue one can be proud of the U's admin. They are doing the right thing and protecting assault victims.

There is plenty of evidence out publicly and we don't know what else they have on him that is not known. Nothing kangaroo or corrupt about the process, it is perfectly legal, is there to protect UofM students and sexual assault victims and Lynch and any other student agreed to this oversight by attending the UofM. No one forced him to transfer here.

The attorney that represents Lynch and is working on behalf of his client to get him off, any and all of his comments should be viewed through that lens and so far the attorney has shown himself to be an extreme exaggerator, so even more reason to doubt his sincerity.

I do agree with one thing you said, "he should get away." Hopefully he leaves Minnesota and never comes back, since he obviously has little to no self control around 50% of our population.

This is setting up for a civil lawsuit against the University as it reveals the tilted table where the house can't lose.
If Lynch truly is innocent then all hell should fall upon the University. If Lynch is guilty then he should be tried in a real court and not the kangaroo court at UMN.

So if you assault someone and get caught and punished you would cry foul that the house can't lose. Wow that is low. You are a sick human being.

This is setting up for a civil lawsuit against the University as it reveals the tilted table where the house can't lose.
If Lynch truly is innocent then all hell should fall upon the University. If Lynch is guilty then he should be tried in a real court and not the kangaroo court at UMN.

Good luck winning that lawsuit against the U. They are losing several very large donation from boosters i sit by as they are sick of the low character kids that have been in the program. Reggie has a bad name in Bloomington, Edina and all over campus.

Regarding Lynch, he’s a legacy recruit, from the mean streets of...Edina, wanted to be a Gopher and filled a spot that we had a great need. I can’t blame Pitino for this move. If there were red flags, they were never brought up here in Gopherhole land at the time of his transfer. Hindsight is great.

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So if you assault someone and get caught and punished you would cry foul that the house can't lose. Wow that is low. You are a sick human being.
Where is the trial in the court of law. If what you allege is true, then this is an open and shut case in a real court of law.
It is important to point out that just because YOU declare Lynch guilty in your tree house court room, doesn't make it reality.
Since you claim there is factual evidence rather than he said, she said comments, please share them with us. Share the detailed facts you have compiled against Reggie Lynch. If you cannot, then do what I do and state that the claims are alleged and acknowledge that no one supports violence or assault against innocent lives.

Where do you stand in relation to victims of sexual assault that have no physical proof. It takes tremendous courage . Do you think they all are making it up ? What about the ones that are not. The DA will not press charges without proof for a court of law to convict or even take the case. What is your solution when several women speak out against someone. Do you think he was suspended without there being anything. Do you think the people making the decisions are just making it up. What if they know more and take their jobs seriously. What if there are texts and pictures and audio witnesses. Do want him to play before it is sorted out. What about the trail of bad characters on the team. Please do not say these problems are on every team. There are wildly successful teams without incidents, some of whom have multiple players that are already working on masters degrees at very prestigious schools and pulling serious community work. Lets move to solutions of problems.

Reggie has a bad name in Bloomington, Edina and all over campus.

People keep writing this **** after the fact.

I'm not picking on you, built, just using the most recent comment.

I know the coaches at Bloomington, and have known them for years. He does not have a bad name there.

I know the coaches at Edina, and live there and went to school there, and he does not have a bad name here.

Among young women at those schools and at the U he did. That does not mean he is guilty but those folks making this decision have determined that something is wrong. I personally have no clue what to do but want solutions. I do know any coach with integrity would be sitting him until resolved. Past that just not sure what to do in these situations. Looking for answers. The largest boosters are disgusted with the Mason incident, the problems with Lofton, Mcneil and now this. They were already pissed with that pig Teague who ran the department. I hate heresay but there are a ton of whispers. One very notable booster had a daughter that dated Reggie and said he was bad news. When i scouted him i found zero red flags so i hate the he said she said as much as all of you. But i simply do not know what to make of a scenario that more than one woman files a complaint with the Office at the U in charge of such matters and they ask for expulsion. Something is not clean. Could they be making it up ? Sure, but what is the motive. To cause him harm ? Sure but i do know it is a hell process for them to come forward.

Among young women at those schools and at the U he did. That does not mean he is guilty but those folks making this decision have determined that something is wrong. I personally have no clue what to do but want solutions. I do know any coach with integrity would be sitting him until resolved. Past that just not sure what to do in these situations. Looking for answers. The largest boosters are disgusted with the Mason incident, the problems with Lofton, Mcneil and now this. They were already pissed with that pig Teague who ran the department. I hate heresay but there are a ton of whispers. One very notable booster had a daughter that dated Reggie and said he was bad news. When i scouted him i found zero red flags so i hate the he said she said as much as all of you. But i simply do not know what to make of a scenario that more than one woman files a complaint with the Office at the U in charge of such matters and they ask for expulsion. Something is not clean. Could they be making it up ? Sure, but what is the motive. To cause him harm ? Sure but i do know it is a hell process for them to come forward.

I wonder about the feelings of the largest boosters at tar heel U. Are they disgusted with fake classes and national titles?

I wonder about the feelings of the largest boosters at tar heel U. Are they disgusted with fake classes and national titles?

Great point. I do not know but it would appear that because the administration actually supports it that it is part of the accepted culture there. That is not the case here.

The Lynch situation is nearly impossible to resolve with confidence from either perspective. If he is a campus predator, then discipline meted out by the EOAA is appropriate, even given the lapse in time. It is also possible that he is just a tone-deaf, habitual one-night stand artist who finally got pinched by a woman sick of his crap. Who's to say?

My guess is that the EOAA errors on the side of caution (especially given the national climate and three separate reports against Lynch) and his "sentence" is not overturned.

Pacyga is calling a press conference tomorrow ahead of the hearing, according to the Strib. My guess is either Reggie is dropping his appeal while maintaining his innocence, or Reggie took and passed a polygraph and Pacyga wants it public before the hearing to put pressure on the panel.

First scenario is more likely in my opinion

Pacyga is calling a press conference tomorrow ahead of the hearing, according to the Strib. My guess is either Reggie is dropping his appeal while maintaining his innocence, or Reggie took and passed a polygraph and Pacyga wants it public before the hearing to put pressure on the panel.

First scenario is more likely in my opinion

Perhaps you can help me by sharing why you think Reggie would withdraw his appeal .

Perhaps you can help me by sharing why you think Reggie would withdraw his appeal .

Cost of representation. Collegiate basketball career is over no matter the outcome. Even if he is cleared on appeal, with the current climate to many he will always be guilty. It’s also hard to imagine any he said she said scenarios playing out in favor of the accused right now.

I’m not making any judgments on the validity of any of the reasons, just stating they are possible. Not trying to trigger Galt

Cost of representation. Collegiate basketball career is over no matter the outcome. Even if he is cleared on appeal, with the current climate to many he will always be guilty. It’s also hard to imagine any he said she said scenarios playing out in favor of the accused right now.

I’m not making any judgments on the validity of any of the reasons, just stating they are possible. Not trying to trigger Galt

Thanks. I really have no idea how any of this will go. May be a lose lose ending.

Garrison Keillor's plaque was removed and U of M told him to get lost -- but Reggie Lynch is still a member of the basketball team on scholarship and getting to use University facilities.

Garrison Keillor's plaque was removed and U of M told him to get lost -- but Reggie Lynch is still a member of the basketball team on scholarship and getting to use University facilities.

They had legal ramifications regarding protocol for students.

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