O-line in three point stance

Great Plains Gopher

Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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Coach Brew said they would be using this stance "80% of the time." That sounds like they wouldn't use it in obvious passing situations - third and long, e.g. Isn't that a big change? Or is it?

Brew said from day one that the Gophers would be running the spread offense and recruiting for those type of players Seems now that he believes some sort of power running game is needed to compete in BT. I wonder how much he will go away from the spread. Personally I like the idea of mixing the different styles.

I hope we find ourselves in a Texas or Oklahoma style offense that has an aggressive running game and a more wide open passing game.

Play action is much more effective with offensive linemen in 3 point stance and frankly I always found it easier to pull and cut block from a 3-point stance. Things definately missing from this years o-line.

I see Davis moving into OC position next as the spread coast goes way of the west coast and we move to a power/slashing running game with an attacking passing game off play action.

Think Big 12 (except TT) and you have what I believe Davis brings to the table.

I see something a bit different.

I see the Gophers offense taking a turn to that of the past Washington Redskins offenses with Monk, Clark, and Sanders of the late 80's and early 90's. It will still be a spread for the most part with 3 WRs lots of motion but more of a power running game using a bigger type of TE. The Redskins always had great passing attacks bu their rugged running game made the difference. IMO we will see something similar from the Gophers still spreading the field with WRs but having a guy like Hageman at TE to help clear the way for RBs.


I am thinking our offense will evolve to a pro-spread combo, something along the lines of USC (possibly Alabama too but following the Gophers I don't see as many games as I would like to around the country). Spreading it out with 3-5 wideouts and 0-2 RB's (or TE's depending on alignment). While I hate USC fans, I love the offense they run and think we are heading more in that direction.

As defenses change to defend the spread, a power component will be more effective. A good spread defense has more stealth than mass, which is why I've said great beefy run stopping DT's ala Pat Williams are essential in todays game. That allows you to defend the spread while not exposing inside weakness. Dunbar alluded to the fact there was a solution to the spread which he keeps a secret, I believe that's a big part of it.

I think if you're not the best, you need to be a little counter. A power component helps us big.

I believe Dunbar has shared that secret with Brewster. I also think his job is secure (if he wants it) and that he wanted more help in getting the O scoring and winning TOP. I doubt Davis was brought in without consultation.

Like Schoodler and Husker say, strength up the middle. DT's, MBL (2), and safeties. Huge, but athletic, hard hitting, nasty with swagger. Blazing hard hitting speed flanking awesome middle strength. We are clearly headed that direction with this D and it will continue to be exaggreated and nastier. Mass plus velocity equals impact! Bodies in motion tend to stay in motion. Physics and football. Ooooh, yeah!

I think and hope (like SunGopher) that our O is headed the direction of USC. The spread can compensate for some drop off in talent when the system is down cold, but can miss big during the transitition (can take years). I believe we are on the cusp of having the talent to utilize the USC style of O and won't require a pure spread to compete.

When Brewster and the Gophers approach O and D I have mentioned we will be in the reload, not rebuild mode. It really looks to me that the Gophers can once again (after about 300 years) compete with anyone in the nation. Brewster has and continues to bring in talent beyond any reasonable expectation. The level of talent will continue to improve.

The new stadium will indeed be the scene of an incredible transformation. And no, I am not down on the program.

I believe Snoodler's post is brilliant.

Mangino (ie the Buddha/Phat Bastard) has given up recruiting decent linebackers. Our recruiting list is barren of those 6'4" 225# guys that become runstoppers. It appears that we now recruit 6'2" 200# guys w/ every intention to turn them into outside linebackers or nickle backs who cheat up on 1st and 2nd down. The next thing you're gonna see is some sort of 'Flex' defense variant like Landry developed in the 50s to deal w/ the power sweeps that were in vogue back then. Something like backing the tackles off the line to eliminate cutback lanes/zone blocking, speed rushing DE requiring TE/RB to protect, one linebacker in a Dime package. If you bring a regular Veer offense against those kind of defenses, you could ram the ball down their throat.

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