STrib: Nate Mason, healed and hungry, wants Gophers to beat high expectations


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Nov 11, 2008
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per Marcus:

Go*phers fans still get gid*dy over the 31-point, 11-as*sist game Mason had in a win at e*ven*tu*al Big Ten cham*pi*on Pur*due last sea*son. No U play*er had ever had a 30-and-10 game.

With Mason lead*ing the way, team ex*pec*ta*tions are the high*est they’ve been in de*cades at Min*ne*so*ta. Most preseason pre*dic*tions have the Go*phers as the top chal*leng*er to Mich*i*gan State for the con*fer*ence crown.

“We proved last year that any*thing can hap*pen,” Mason said. “Big Ten cham*pi*on*ship. That’s the goal.”

The De*ca*tur, Ga. na*tive has grown from a quiet kid, the high school gym rat who loved tak*ing big shots, to a vo*cal, emo*tio*nal team lead*er. With his voice and his play, Mason pow*ers Min*ne*so*ta.

“He’s a re*al*ly good lead*er by ex*am*ple,” for*ward Jor*dan Mur*phy said. “He’s prob*a*bly the best lead*er I’ve been around.”

In A*pril, Mason was just start*ing re*cov*er*y when he asked the NBA Under*class*men Ad*vi*so*ry Committee for ad*vice on his draft sta*tus. Their an*swer was sim*ply not to de*clare early. He wasn’t on their list.

That gave him even more mo*ti*va*tion to re*turn strong*er and e*rase the night*mare of his dis*as*trous NCAA tour*na*ment game.

“I know I played hor*rif*ic,” Mason said. “It was al*ways in the back of my mind when I was work*ing out over the sum*mer. It def*i*nite*ly mo*ti*vates me. I want to get back.”

Go Gophers!!

Really enjoyed this piece! Had no idea his hip was so bad in that MTSU game, but it definitely explains a lot.

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