Free Tote from Coyle


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2015
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Anyone else get a free tote clear U of M tote bag in the mail?

I got a small package in the mail and opened it to discover a University of Minnesota clear tote bag that complies with the TCF bag policy. There was a letter from Coyle noting that one of the things he heard the most about from fans was about the bag policy (as I parent man I hear ya). So he sent out bags I guess to season ticket holders, I've no idea how many.

It's a nice gesture.

Does this mean your "everclear" will pass through undetected?

The real test wont be if people use the totes it will be if the security at the gate is trained on the totes...inconsistency and idiocy have been as much a problem as anything with the gate security.

The real test wont be if people use the totes it will be if the security at the gate is trained on the totes...inconsistency and idiocy have been as much a problem as anything with the gate security.

Think we had a whole thread on this last Fall. Sorry to tell you, but in this case it is the fans. U plastered and communicated the policy multiple ways. Still saw scores of people with large bags, purses, back packs, etc., in the security lines.

Think we had a whole thread on this last Fall. Sorry to tell you, but in this case it is the fans. U plastered and communicated the policy multiple ways. Still saw scores of people with large bags, purses, back packs, etc., in the security lines.


Anyone else get a free tote clear U of M tote bag in the mail?

I got a small package in the mail and opened it to discover a University of Minnesota clear tote bag that complies with the TCF bag policy. There was a letter from Coyle noting that one of the things he heard the most about from fans was about the bag policy (as I parent man I hear ya). So he sent out bags I guess to season ticket holders, I've no idea how many.

It's a nice gesture.

"You mean a purse"

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Think we had a whole thread on this last Fall. Sorry to tell you, but in this case it is the fans. U plastered and communicated the policy multiple ways. Still saw scores of people with large bags, purses, back packs, etc., in the security lines.

Not quite. Last year we had to buy them. :eek:

Anyone else get this before their season tickets? I did and I haven't even gotten my season tickets yet. Just curious.

They handed them out at the gates...or do I need to adjust my sarcasm detector?

A little. We never saw any there. They were suppose to be available at Goldy's but they were out of them. We had to buy one. It has a zipper at the top, a removable pouch and a shoulder strap.

My wife adds "that's what we used our discount on."

Anyone else get this before their season tickets? I did and I haven't even gotten my season tickets yet. Just curious.

Got ours the day before the tickets. Those season tickets by the way were delivered with our morning paper.

Got ours the day before the tickets. Those season tickets by the way were delivered with our morning paper.

Hmm. Must be coming by horse and buggy out here to West Central MN. I got an email saying they were going out the 1st and still haven't gotten them. But maybe that was a generic one to everyone. I'll give it a little while longer.

Anyone else get this before their season tickets? I did and I haven't even gotten my season tickets yet. Just curious.

Got plastic tote. No tickets yet. Guessing they will arrive sometime this week.

Same, got a tote (which I bought last year), but tickets haven't shown up yet. It's a decent perk.

I got my tickets last week..... No sign of a bag...

I feel lucky enough to get the tickets without them being stolen or rained on... Delivery person just threw them on the porch, sitting there for all to see.

I got my tickets last week..... No sign of a bag...

I feel lucky enough to get the tickets without them being stolen or rained on... Delivery person just threw them on the porch, sitting there for all to see.

At least your car window wasn't bashed in and the tickets left on your dashboard.

The terrorists have won.

Sent from my Commodore 64 using Tapatalk

I got my tickets today.

So accordingly anyone who hasn't gotten their tickets should commence the tradition of:

I feel lucky enough to get the tickets without them being stolen or rained on... Delivery person just threw them on the porch, sitting there for all to see.

Probably stolen and then returned.

I like the look of the tickets this year. Not to knock past players on the tickets but I kinda like the scenery type stuff more on these tickets.

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