Pictures: This Auburn fan painted his dog.


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Nov 11, 2008
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Go Gophers!!

Cue PETA in 3, 2, 1......

Cue PETA in 3, 2, 1......

PETA is too busy bankrupting a photographer arguing that a monkey owns the rights to a photograph.

The laws of the jungle are often brutal, but so it seems are those of copyright. For years a wildlife photographer has been dragged through the courts in America over whether or not he owns the copyright to a photograph of a monkey, who supposedly took the image itself.

Now, the case is being taken to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), who claim to be representing the monkey, and the poor photographer is basically bankrupt. While judges have previously ruled that the monkey cannot own the copyright, PETA has appealed against these decisions.

So you feel the photographer owns copyright of a photo he didn't take? PETA is grandstanding but the photo should be public domain.

So, surveillance footage tripped by a motion sensor is not the property of the homeowner or business owner? Wildlife photography tripped by motion sensors is not the property of the camera owner? The animal certainly isn't aware of the act of photography or creating a photo.

If a homeowner or Sasquatch hunter captures Big Foot on motion detector-triggered equipment, they don't own the photo?

How can it be argued the photographer wasn't involved in the photograph? His camera, his idea to let the animal play with the trigger.

So you feel the photographer owns copyright of a photo he didn't take? PETA is grandstanding but the photo should be public domain.

Just stop. PETA is f'ing crazy

PETA argues that the monkey that took the photo of itself by pressing the button knew what it was doing and so has artistic ownership of the photo.

I can assure you the monkey had no idea what it was doing.

Just stop. PETA is f'ing crazy

I can assure you the monkey had no idea what it was doing.

Cmon! I have clear evidence the monkey knew what he was doing! It's time we get tough on monkey crime...

Wait, what were we talking about again?

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