“I Just Wanted To Survive”


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2008
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I read that earlier. Crazy indeed. My gosh what a scary ordeal and I'm glad there were some long prison sentences given out.

Who needs movies when real life is scarier?

Wow. Not sure what else to say.

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Incredible story.

There are some horribly evil people out there. It baffles the imagination.

This was a tough read. Very intense and graphic. Interesting and amazing story, thanks for sharing.

The horror is indescribable for both the poor kid and his family. He is going to have lingering health issues for the rest of his life.

There has to be some financial liability to the university and the coaching staff and Isaiah Smith.

Not sure if the school is liable, unless Rivera and co were students or if the house was University property. If you're gonna go that route wouldn't it make more sense to go after the city of Rochester.

I'm interested to know how Hughes knew the names of the players that lived in that apartment in order to friend them. Doesn't seem like it would be common knowledge.

The school isn't at fault. I'm troubled by so many civil suits filed against schools, school districts, universities because one of their employees or students commits a crime. I realize by the thinnest of logic one can argue a school or university should not hire or harbor child abusers, criminals, sexual deviants, etc but in practice it's an absurd situation unless prior convictions are ignored. I think the rule is:if there is someone or some entities with deep pockets that can be sued, it will happen. If there's no money...well. The "go away" settlements are reaching pretty impressive numbers and those costs are paid by somebody.

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