Fleck: "Not only can we win here, we can win championships here. I really mean that"


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Nov 11, 2008
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Fleck: "Not only can we win here, we can win championships here. I really mean that"

per Sid:

• Gophers football coach P.J. Fleck was asked, after three months on the job, if he has any doubts he can win here. “Absolutely we can win here,” he said. “Not only can we win here, we can win championships here. I really mean that wholeheartedly. We don’t just want to win here, we want to win championships. We don’t want to talk about good seasons and we had this many wins and count wins, let’s in the future — I can’t promise it this year or the next year or the next year … but it will happen that this will become a championship program.”


Go Gophers!!

RTB Baby, RTB !......

See IMO what makes that vision realistic is that we once were a championship program, with the facilities and hype/publicity around the program there's no excuse not to be again.

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It all starts with a vision and a believe...

Now, let's see the nuts and bolts.

With all due respect, find me a coach who takes over a program and says that they can't compete and can't win championships.

Brewster talked about Rose Bowls, and he is ridiculed. Fleck talks about Rose Bowls, and he's the savior of the program.

I know Fleck is new here, but I would rather hear something more concrete - identifying reasons why the program has not won in the past, and what specifically has to change in order to become a winning program. That would be interesting, and tell me something about the Coach's thought process. Just saying "we will win championships" does nothing for me. Show me the plan. It's like saying "I'm going to build the best house in town," but you won't show anyone the blueprints.

I know Fleck is new here, but I would rather hear something more concrete - identifying reasons why the program has not won in the past, and what specifically has to change in order to become a winning program. That would be interesting, and tell me something about the Coach's thought process. Just saying "we will win championships" does nothing for me. Show me the plan. It's like saying "I'm going to build the best house in town," but you won't show anyone the blueprints.

previous teams didn't know the difference between joy and happiness. this team will. culture will be elite compared to past cultures which were not elite. the specifics have been shared, you are choosing not to see them.

With all due respect, find me a coach who takes over a program and says that they can't compete and can't win championships.

Brewster talked about Rose Bowls, and he is ridiculed. Fleck talks about Rose Bowls, and he's the savior of the program.

I know Fleck is new here, but I would rather hear something more concrete - identifying reasons why the program has not won in the past, and what specifically has to change in order to become a winning program. That would be interesting, and tell me something about the Coach's thought process. Just saying "we will win championships" does nothing for me. Show me the plan. It's like saying "I'm going to build the best house in town," but you won't show anyone the blueprints.

With you on this one SON.

We all yearn for the time when the Gophers will win big and often. Maybe Fleck is the guy who can get it done. Maybe not.

There is nothing guaranteed or fool proof with his plan. Just show me the wins! In the meantime, its all just a bunch of speculation.

what makes that vision realistic is that we once were a championship program
College football was a completely different thing in those days. I'm not saying the Gophers can't be a championship program someday, but this what happened in the 40's and 60's is fairly irrelevant.

previous teams didn't know the difference between joy and happiness. this team will. culture will be elite compared to past cultures which were not elite. the specifics have been shared, you are choosing not to see them.


With all due respect, find me a coach who takes over a program and says that they can't compete and can't win championships.

Brewster talked about Rose Bowls, and he is ridiculed. Fleck talks about Rose Bowls, and he's the savior of the program.

I know Fleck is new here, but I would rather hear something more concrete - identifying reasons why the program has not won in the past, and what specifically has to change in order to become a winning program. That would be interesting, and tell me something about the Coach's thought process. Just saying "we will win championships" does nothing for me. Show me the plan. It's like saying "I'm going to build the best house in town," but you won't show anyone the blueprints.

Go on a road trip and ask the question.

Let's face it. If we want to be honest, the last 'great' era of Gopher FB (early 60's) was based on segregation - or taking advantage of segregation. Southern schools would not accept black players. The U of M took advantage by recruiting talented black players. They won a national Championship, so the strategy worked.

But, the southern schools began accepting black players, and northern schools like the U of MN lost that advantage.

Now, I do not think that southern schools are going to re-instate segregation, so the U of MN is going to have to come up with another way to bring the program back to national prominence.

Everyone is trying to solve the same formula: right coach - right staff - right recruiting philosophy - right support system and facilities - and then you just have to get a little lucky. stud player X chooses your school instead of another school, and leads your school to a National Title.

Can it happen at the U of MN? Yes, it can happen. Will it happen? No way to tell. Fleck may be the guy. He might not be the guy. Maybe there is no guy who can turn the U of MN into another Alabama or Ohio State. Or, maybe the right combination of factors, along with a little luck, could give the U of MN a brief shining moment of glory - a 1 or 2 year run at or near the top of the heap.

I don't waste time dreaming about national championships. I just want to see the Gophers win 1 B1G title or win the Rose Bowl once before I bite the dust.

previous teams didn't know the difference between joy and happiness. this team will. culture will be elite compared to past cultures which were not elite. the specifics have been shared, you are choosing not to see them.

Let's face it. If we want to be honest, the last 'great' era of Gopher FB (early 60's) was based on segregation - or taking advantage of segregation. Southern schools would not accept black players. The U of M took advantage by recruiting talented black players. They won a national Championship, so the strategy worked.

But, the southern schools began accepting black players, and northern schools like the U of MN lost that advantage.

Now, I do not think that southern schools are going to re-instate segregation, so the U of MN is going to have to come up with another way to bring the program back to national prominence.

Everyone is trying to solve the same formula: right coach - right staff - right recruiting philosophy - right support system and facilities - and then you just have to get a little lucky. stud player X chooses your school instead of another school, and leads your school to a National Title.

Can it happen at the U of MN? Yes, it can happen. Will it happen? No way to tell. Fleck may be the guy. He might not be the guy. Maybe there is no guy who can turn the U of MN into another Alabama or Ohio State. Or, maybe the right combination of factors, along with a little luck, could give the U of MN a brief shining moment of glory - a 1 or 2 year run at or near the top of the heap.

I don't waste time dreaming about national championships. I just want to see the Gophers win 1 B1G title or win the Rose Bowl once before I bite the dust.

What he said.

I don't waste time dreaming about national championships. I just want to see the Gophers win 1 B1G title or win the Rose Bowl once before I bite the dust.

Obviously nobody knows, but I get the vibe this guy gives us the best chance we've had in a long, Long time. But I've sadly been wrong before.

Right now I'd settle for beating Wisconsin.

Everyone is trying to solve the same formula: right coach - right staff - right recruiting philosophy - right support system and facilities - and then you just have to get a little lucky. stud player X chooses your school instead of another school, and leads your school to a National Title.

Can it happen at the U of MN? Yes, it can happen. Will it happen? No way to tell. Fleck may be the guy. He might not be the guy. Maybe there is no guy who can turn the U of MN into another Alabama or Ohio State. Or, maybe the right combination of factors, along with a little luck, could give the U of MN a brief shining moment of glory - a 1 or 2 year run at or near the top of the heap.

I don't waste time dreaming about national championships. I just want to see the Gophers win 1 B1G title or win the Rose Bowl once before I bite the dust.
Nowhere in that excerpt did Fleck specify national championships. Since he's been here, I believe he's talked more about winning B1G Championships than national titles.

I know Fleck is new here, but I would rather hear something more concrete - identifying reasons why the program has not won in the past, and what specifically has to change in order to become a winning program.

How would he know? He's only been here 5 months. All he can control is from this point forward, until he's no longer the coach.

Nowhere in that excerpt did Fleck specify national championships. Since he's been here, I believe he's talked more about winning B1G Championships than national titles.

You do know PJF has talked Nation Championships from the moment he arrived here, right? Literally - brought it up during his initial introduction presser.

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You do know PJF has talked Nation Championships from the moment he arrived here, right? Literally - brought it up during his initial introduction presser.

Didn't say it's never been brought up. But he's talked more about Big Ten titles.

I would comment, but I've learned that most of you effers will get offended if I give you my real opinion about what needs to be done.

I'm an effer, you're an effer, wouldn't you like to be an effer too?

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With all due respect, find me a coach who takes over a program and says that they can't compete and can't win championships.

Brewster talked about Rose Bowls, and he is ridiculed. Fleck talks about Rose Bowls, and he's the savior of the program.

I know Fleck is new here, but I would rather hear something more concrete - identifying reasons why the program has not won in the past, and what specifically has to change in order to become a winning program. That would be interesting, and tell me something about the Coach's thought process. Just saying "we will win championships" does nothing for me. Show me the plan. It's like saying "I'm going to build the best house in town," but you won't show anyone the blueprints.

This brings up the past a bit. I was always curious as to what Sherrels told Fleck why Minnesota has not won in the past in a chat about 3 months ago or so.

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