What grade would you give Mark Coyle in his first year as AD at Minnesota?

What grade would you give Mark Coyle in his first year as AD at Minnesota?

  • A

    Votes: 31 25.8%
  • B

    Votes: 39 32.5%
  • C

    Votes: 18 15.0%
  • D

    Votes: 21 17.5%
  • F

    Votes: 11 9.2%

  • Total voters

GopherHole Staff

GopherHole Admin
Staff member
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
What grade would you give Mark Coyle in his first year as AD at Minnesota?

F for lack of communication skills. B for hiring and keeping coaches that are energizing the community.

I would like to see Coyle and Kaler removed and start with some untarnished administration.

F for lack of communication skills. B for hiring and keeping coaches that are energizing the community.

I would like to see Coyle and Kaler removed and start with some untarnished administration.

way to go

I gave him an "D" for how he failed handling the situation early this year - with the only saving grace being that he made a great hire for FB coach.

BTW - if anyone other than GH had started this poll, it would have instantly been tagged as trolling. I suggest the few that keep complaining about arguments on here stay clear of this thread.

I'm a bit torn because thus far Fleck's recruiting prowess and the buzz around the program is greater than its been in years. But, he hasn't played a game yet. So while right now we have to give kudos for orchestrating the Fleck hire we don't really know how it went down. Did Coyle negotiate behind the scenes and have Fleck locked up well prior to the Holiday Bowl? Or did Fleck fall into his lap after he wanted to stay at WMU for the Cotton Bowl and Oregon passed? Regardless, I'd say it's notable how much money the U was willing to lay out this time and Coyle needs some level of credit for helping to spearhead that.

But, the boycott fiasco was in hindsight a harbinger for how poor of a communicator he is with people that are not fellow administrators. It's difficult to overstate how much of a leadership failure that was.

Then, the Claeys press conference was stunning to watch, in a negative way.

So, we only have a few things to judge him on. The facilities were already on the way, the other sports can't be attributed to him this year. He didn't fire Pitino but with the buyout he wasn't going to do that, and Pitino has recruited well which has elevated that program.

The grade assigned will depend on what attributes one values in their leaders.

Lot of success for many teams at the U during his first year. He was given the job on 5/11/16 and took over the job on 5/31.

Women's Volleyball - Final Four again this year.

Softball - Another BigTen Championship and record year.

Baseball - 30-16; one game back in hunt for Big Ten Title.

Women's Basketball - Not so good.

Men's Basketball - Most wins since '96 - '97 (until UNC has their records purged, gonna count it). Best Big Ten season since '05-'06.

Football - First 9 win season since '03, 2nd 9 win or more season since 12 game schedule instituted in '99.

Women's Hockey - Lost in the Frozen Four, NCAA Champions in '15 - '16.

Men's Hockey - Made the Frozen Four, which they didn't do in '15 - '16.

Wrestling - So-so season. 7-5 overall, 5-4 in the Big Ten but finished 7th in the NCAA tourney. Some improvement from the "troubles" in '15-'16.

He's hired 2 Head Coaches in the above sports. Gave long time Wrestling Assistant Brandon Eggum the job permanently last September and of course hired Fleck this year. Eggum's season was pretty average. Fleck hasn't had his first season yet, but his recruiting has looked good so far.

Now as for fundraising, handling the firing of Claeys, implementing the plans he's been given, marketing/selling season tickets, and communicating the U's vision for athletics?

Only in the "implementing plans he's been given" , can he be given an above average grade. Though that could be an "incomplete" too. Just don't know.

Wish an "Incomplete" grade was offered. Would have chosen that.

However the continued success on the courts, mats, ice and fields could make Coyle return to the U a very happy one indeed.

I gave him an "D" for how he failed handling the situation early this year - with the only saving grace being that he made a great hire for FB coach.

BTW - if anyone other than GH had started this poll, it would have instantly been tagged as trolling. I suggest the few that keep complaining about arguments on here stay clear of this thread.

My thoughts as well. "D" for his (lack) leadership during the football scandal and inability to clearly communicate.

For now, I'll give him an A+.
If Fleck turns out as good as I hope, I'd give Coyle an A++++++ plus a statue out front of TCF.

Lot of success for many teams at the U during his first year. He was given the job on 5/11/16 and took over the job on 5/31.

Women's Volleyball - Final Four again this year.

Softball - Another BigTen Championship and record year.

Baseball - 30-16; one game back in hunt for Big Ten Title.

Women's Basketball - Not so good.

Men's Basketball - Most wins since '96 - '97 (until UNC has their records purged, gonna count it). Best Big Ten season since '05-'06.

Football - First 9 win season since '03, 2nd 9 win or more season since 12 game schedule instituted in '99.

Women's Hockey - Lost in the Frozen Four, NCAA Champions in '15 - '16.

Men's Hockey - Made the Frozen Four, which they didn't do in '15 - '16.

Wrestling - So-so season. 7-5 overall, 5-4 in the Big Ten but finished 7th in the NCAA tourney. Some improvement from the "troubles" in '15-'16.

He's hired 2 Head Coaches in the above sports. Gave long time Wrestling Assistant Brandon Eggum the job permanently last September and of course hired Fleck this year. Eggum's season was pretty average. Fleck hasn't had his first season yet, but his recruiting has looked good so far.

Now as for fundraising, handling the firing of Claeys, implementing the plans he's been given, marketing/selling season tickets, and communicating the U's vision for athletics?

Only in the "implementing plans he's been given" , can he be given an above average grade. Though that could be an "incomplete" too. Just don't know.

Wish an "Incomplete" grade was offered. Would have chosen that.

However the continued success on the courts, mats, ice and fields could make Coyle return to the U a very happy one indeed.

Either I missed that or I assume you meant they made the NCAA Tournament.


Handled the whole situation with the scandal poorly. Fleck hire gets him a passing grade though.

Either I missed that or I assume you meant they made the NCAA Tournament.

Ditto. Frozen Four in 2011-12, 2013-14 (Runner up) in mens hockey. Pitino won 25 games in 2013-14, but I'll give you best winning % in a long, long time.


Sports performed well on the whole, good academic scores from what I saw come across twitter, didn't cave during the boycott and let the inmates run the asylum, put the ticket price increases on hold, and hired what appears to be a potential good head coach.

why do people do this? the poll isn't asking what coyle's grade as ad for the entire tenure, it's what is the grade for the first year.

Why would people give an incomplete ever?

why do people do this? the poll isn't asking what coyle's grade as ad for the entire tenure, it's what is the grade for the first year.
It's like asking someone which color is better red or blue and they say, I want to put green. Just answer the question or don't.

Wouldn't purple be a better answer

why do people do this? the poll isn't asking what coyle's grade as ad for the entire tenure, it's what is the grade for the first year.

Why do you whine so much about what other people do on here?

"thanks captain obvious, look at the posts above yours"

"why do people do this? the poll isn't asking what coyle's grade as ad for the entire tenure, it's what is the grade for the first year."

"of all the boards you could have posted this news on, you chose the one that has nothing to do with the news! :eek:"

"don't click on the thread if you don't want to read it"

"not buying this for one minute. he put wmu on the map for the first time ever. no way you are glad he's gone. no way."

F for lack of communication skills. B for hiring and keeping coaches that are energizing the community.

I would like to see Coyle and Kaler removed and start with some untarnished administration.

I most definitely agree with the bold.

I went with "B". I give an A hiring Fleck, stopping the donation increase, handling of the J Robinson situation, what he's done to try to get fans back involved in the program, etc.

However, his lack of communication skills and his handling of the scandal were terrible. For those I gave him an F.

In the end, I think the positive things he's done outweigh his shortcomings. But the shortcomings were too significant to keep him at an A. Honestly, I hope not to see him much in the next few years. Because if we don't that means ships are sailing rather smoothly, and that would be a really nice change of pace.

Is this the grade inflation phenomenon so many of the young uns ' are accused of these days? I don't know of any professional that can do well in one part of their job but utterly fail at another and still receive an A evaluation. Yes officer X did gun down three civilians last year but he's an exemplary fundraiser and has never beat his wife to my knowledge. A grade. Exemplary.

Continuing, I think this is sort of like voting for president. If someone's personal situation is great or stable the incumbent will get the vote. If things are not so rosy the challenger will get the vote whether the president has any direct impact or not. Similarly, all is well on Gopherland because of the coaching honeymoon and the athletics dept as a whole having a good year but if Fleck underperforms, the other sports go south, or God forbid Coyle has to act or speak in a crisis again his grades may suffer.

Gave him a C.
He's done some good: Halting donation increase, hiring PJ, extending Richard, but the mismanaged football team situation is a big negative.
No way he can have an A or B grade after that whole fiasco that he played a major role in.

What grade would you give Mark Coyle in his first year as AD at Minnesota?

I guess it is not really a grade but rather an award: MOST IMPROVED! With the way that I reacted to how he began handling the football scandal, and the way he fired our former head football coach; I gave him an F back then. In retrospect I don't know how he could have handled the scandal any differently with non-disclosures and the like. When I realized the real reason he fired Claeys was because he had already landed Fleck, I gave him an A++++++ Claeys was not his guy. Fleck is his guy. He was decisive and he was correct.

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