PennLive - Early Big Ten Football Power Rankings


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Sep 21, 2015
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12. Minnesota

The most significant move at a place where the drama merry-go-round never seems to stop was the firing of Tracy Claeys at season’s end after a September sexual incident came to light in which sexual assault by 10 Gopher players was alleged but the DA declined to pursue the case. Anyway, the new coach is hard-sell former Western Michigan purveyor P.J. Fleck who at one point was thought to be a hot hire but apparently did not impress other Power Five would-be suitors. That’s how you end up here. Minnesota lost speedy CB Jalen Myrick who had a big day in the Holiday Bowl upset of Washington State and has been invited to the NFL Combine, as well as 3-year starting QB Mitch Leidner and possession receiver Drew Wolitarsky. The Class of 2017 was less than impressive with the coaching change and Fleck’s MAC pedigree. He totally overhauled Claeys’ class and brought in many of his own. It’s hard to be optimistic about Minnesota, at least in the short term, amid this chaos.

Admittedly PennLive is kinda garbage all around. They put Purdue at 9 above us... Maryland.

The writer put Michigan at 6 and claims the guys leaving for the NFL are just tired of Jim.

Hilarious stuff.

He also called Brohm the best hire in college football this year.

Fleck was a hot hire. Article lost credibility right there. There WAS interest from power 5 schools, we just had the right mix of things on his wishlist and right location.


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If I were to rank it today
1. OSU
5. Nebraska
6. Iowa
8. Sparty
9. NW
10. Maryland
11. IU
12. Illini
13. Purdue
14. Rutgers
factor in the non con no reason we can't win seven or eight games this year. contrary to the spineless Coyle's and the coward Kaler's beliefs, high APR and graduation rates don't equate a culture problem.

I would rank them going into this season as:
1. OSU
2. PSU
3. Wisc
4. ScUM
5. Nebraska
6. MSU
7. Gophers
8. Iowa
9. Northwestern
10. Maryland
11. Indiana
12. Illinois
13. Purdue
14. Rutgers

5 - 10 are not all the different. All have some major flaws heading into this season.

Admittedly PennLive is kinda garbage all around. They put Purdue at 9 above us... Maryland.

The writer put Michigan at 6 and claims the guys leaving for the NFL are just tired of Jim.

Hilarious stuff.

Yeah, this guy sounds like he simply does not like Minnesota. I mean making it as if Fleck accepting a job at Minnesota was in of itself proof that he was a failure for accepting such a low rate crappy job. lol And what drama merry-go-round is he talking about?

Oh, and when did P5 schools cool on Fleck? After UMn hired him? Or was it after he followed up his 8-5 season in his 2nd season by only going 8-5 in his 3rd???

Btw, where did he rank PSU???

Lol what a joke. #12??

Not even gonna click the link. Rutgers, Purdue, Illinois are all worse off

Fleck was a hot hire. Article lost credibility right there. There WAS interest from power 5 schools, we just had the right mix of things on his wishlist and right location.

Not sure there is any proof other P5 schools, including Purdue, had legitimate interest in PJF.

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Not sure there is any proof other P5 schools, including Purdue, had legitimate interest in PJF.

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There's no proof either way. But the scoop I hear from people in the know is that he was oregons second choice after the Houston coach and child custody distance limits prevented him from moving too far. And his wife wanted to live in a big city.
What is the evidence that he wasn't a hot hire? He wanted to coach in the bowl game, that limited his options right there. The guy had gameday at western mich and went undefeated while being a charismatic guy and a great recruiter. Get real.

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There's no proof either way. But the scoop I hear from people in the know is that he was oregons second choice after the Houston coach and child custody distance limits prevented him from moving too far. And his wife wanted to live in a big city.
What is the evidence that he wasn't a hot hire? He wanted to coach in the bowl game, that limited his options right there. The guy had gameday at western mich and went undefeated while being a charismatic guy and a great recruiter. Get real.

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So you have no proof he was in high demand? He didn't get a PU or UO (or Cincy) interview so there is that. Of course you can come up with justifications as to why, but they are likely wishful thinking. I like the hire, but it isn't like he chose us over a list of other offers. That is real.

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So you have no proof he was in high demand? He didn't get a PU or UO (or Cincy) interview so there is that. Of course you can come up with justifications as to why, but they are likely wishful thinking. I like the hire, but it isn't like he chose us over a list of other offers. That is real.

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Yes, no way anyone else had any interest in Fleck besides Minnesota. Minnesota was the first school to ever contact his agent! Not like he said he was going to finish the season before interviewing for any job or anything.

Yes, no way anyone else had any interest in Fleck besides Minnesota. Minnesota was the first school to ever contact his agent! Not like he said he was going to finish the season before interviewing for any job or anything.

So you have proof other P5 schools were trying to hire PJF? Please share.

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Google isn't hard Spoofin. Of course your going to say this isn't proof but....

Sure it is possible. I said there was no proof other schools were offering him. There is some assumption that we won some PJF battle and that simply isn't true.

BTW, I Iiked this paragraph in your proof article that PJF was PU's first choice...
<I>Fleck has been generally viewed as Purdue's first choice due to his success this season and his reputation as a recruiter, but that might not be accurate, sources have indicated over the course of days and weeks.</I>

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Sure it is possible. I said there was no proof other schools were offering him. There is some assumption that we won some PJF battle and that simply isn't true.

BTW, I Iiked this paragraph in your proof article that PJF was PU's first choice...
<I>Fleck has been generally viewed as Purdue's first choice due to his success this season and his reputation as a recruiter, but that might not be accurate, sources have indicated over the course of days and weeks.</I>

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What's considered proof then? Did LSU not try to get Tom Herman because officials didn't flat out say it? Is Dan Wolken making things up? Or are you one of those people that never believe sources?

So you have no proof he was in high demand? He didn't get a PU or UO (or Cincy) interview so there is that. Of course you can come up with justifications as to why, but they are likely wishful thinking. I like the hire, but it isn't like he chose us over a list of other offers. That is real.

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You are arguing there isn't proof those schools wanted him, and then with no proof conclude he wasn't a hot prospect.
I'm not in love with the hire unlike most here, but it is ridiculous to argue he wasn't one of the hottest names in the country. He simply is and was. Purdue and cincy? What would that prove if two bad programs interviewed him?

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You are arguing there isn't proof those schools wanted him, and then with no proof conclude he wasn't a hot prospect.
I'm not in love with the hire unlike most here, but it is ridiculous to argue he wasn't one of the hottest names in the country. He simply is and was. Purdue and cincy? What would that prove if two bad programs interviewed him?

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Because no one has documentation of him receiving interest from anyone he obviously had no interest from any team. We were the first and only team with interest with the youngest and best G5 coach.

What I do know is the following:

Per Detroit News Article 11/26/16

Beauregard told The News last week that she's always had an open an honest relationship with Fleck regarding his future, and has been kept fully in the loop during his tenure with the Broncos. She said all four of Fleck's years, another school has come after him with significant interest, and it's increased the last couple years.

You are arguing there isn't proof those schools wanted him, and then with no proof <b>conclude he wasn't a hot prospect. </b>
I'm not in love with the hire unlike most here, but it is ridiculous to argue he wasn't one of the hottest names in the country. He simply is and was. Purdue and cincy? What would that prove if two bad programs interviewed him?

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Actually, all I said is there was no proof other P5 schools were fighting to get him. <b>It was that assumption I was challenging. </b>. I never concluded they weren't (and even said it was possible) and I never said anything like "no school ever contacted his agent" like JB stated (although par for the course for him to make things up).

Not sure there is any proof other P5 schools, including Purdue, had legitimate interest in PJF.

This isn't a big deal, I just think this assumption that he could have basically gone anywhere and there was some mad rush to get him doesn't support the fact that he would still be at WMU right now if we hadn't offered him. I also think he went hard for the Oregon position and never got an interview. From what I have read. You can think different, that is fine. I'm just glad JB didn't claim I said he would never visit here.

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The most significant move at a place where the drama merry-go-round never seems to stop

This is a rich line from someone associated with a football program that had a defensive coordinator on its staff for 30 who has been convicted as a child abuser, whose crimes were supposedly known and covered up by the legendary football coach, where you still have a sizeable contingent of the fanbase still in full ostrich mode, with demands for Paterno's statue to be hoisted again.

Penn State should have had a "drama merry go round" foisted upon their damn program a long time ago and perhaps the lives of several young boys (including the aforementioned defensive coordinator's adopted son, who has now been charged with child abuse) would have not been irreparably damaged over a period of decades.

Actually, all I said is there was no proof other P5 schools were fighting to get him. <b>It was that assumption I was challenging. </b>. I never concluded they weren't (and even said it was possible) and I never said anything like "no school ever contacted his agent" like JB stated (although par for the course for him to make things up).

This isn't a big deal, I just think this assumption that he could have basically gone anywhere and there was some mad rush to get him doesn't support the fact that he would still be at WMU right now if we hadn't offered him. I also think he went hard for the Oregon position and never got an interview. From what I have read. You can think different, that is fine. I'm just glad JB didn't claim I said he would never visit here.

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Nobody has ever said he could have gone anywhere, so there is no need to argue that point. There is no doubt that he was the hot coach of the year and that other P5 programs had interest in him. He has even said that himself. It will be very hard to prove which programs and how strong the interest, that is the nature of the business.

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Nobody has ever said he could have gone anywhere, so there is no need to argue that point. <b>There is no doubt that he was the hot coach of the year and that other P5 programs had interest in him. </b>He has even said that himself. It will be very hard to prove which programs and how strong the interest, that is the nature of the business.

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Well, I'm not convinced of all that - but in any case I'm glad we hired him.

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Well, I'm not convinced of all that - but in any case I'm glad we hired him.

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You say he went hard after the Oregon job while simultaneously saying there was no interest from other P5 schools because there is no proof. Your target is moving Spoofin.

Actually, all I said is there was no proof other P5 schools were fighting to get him. <b>It was that assumption I was challenging. </b>. I never concluded they weren't (and even said it was possible) and I never said anything like "no school ever contacted his agent" like JB stated (although par for the course for him to make things up).

This isn't a big deal, I just think this assumption that he could have basically gone anywhere and there was some mad rush to get him doesn't support the fact that he would still be at WMU right now if we hadn't offered him. I also think he went hard for the Oregon position and never got an interview. From what I have read. You can think different, that is fine. I'm just glad JB didn't claim I said he would never visit here.

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Again, you're attacking the assumption that he was a hot in demand prospect because of a lack of proof, while offering your own assumption without any proof. It would be more interesting and not contradictory to ask, "why do you think that?" vs "what proof do you have" and then offering a counter "here's why I think differently".

Again, you're attacking the assumption that he was a hot in demand prospect because of a lack of proof, while offering your own assumption without any proof. It would be more interesting and not contradictory to ask, "why do you think that?" vs "what proof do you have" and then offering a counter "here's why I think differently".

but then the thread would be over in a couple posts. this way it can drag out over pages.

Again, you're attacking the assumption that he was a hot in demand prospect because of a lack of proof, while offering your own assumption without any proof. It would be more interesting and not contradictory to ask, "why do you think that?" vs "what proof do you have" and then offering a counter "here's why I think differently".

Look, I wasn't trying to offend those that think we got the hottest coach out there. The OP linked an article that inferred that P5 schools didn't end up having much interest. You used ALL CAPS to say that was false. I don't know anything out there that proves it as false. I'm not buying that it is false. Maybe it is. Maybe not. That is all. Truly don't get why it is such a hot button.

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Look, I wasn't trying to offend those that think we got the hottest coach out there. The OP linked an article that inferred that P5 schools didn't end up having much interest. You used ALL CAPS to say that was false. I don't know anything out there that proves it as false. I'm not buying that it is false. Maybe it is. Maybe not. That is all. Truly don't get why it is such a hot button.

Their proof is that we hired him and other schools didn't. That logic means that we cannot hire a hot coach. I'm not offended, but the facts are that:
Fleck is young
He's a great recruiter
He's exciting, has a personal brand
Gets attention from the media
Took a nothing program to the Cotton Bowl/wins

He's a hot prospect just based on that. He's not for every program, and not every program is for him. But any one with an ounce of common sense can see that those attributes are in demand for most programs. Perhaps a different way to look at it is that there weren't a lot of top jobs open in CFB. Texas had their no brainer pick in Herman and then there was Oregon.

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