Does anyone else....


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Nov 20, 2008
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Find themselves rooting for Louisville because Papa Rick's boy is our guy?

I do...watched them beat Syracuse in OT, after nearly blowing it in regulation due to sloppy guard play.

I think that's our problem too. if we take care of the ball we are pretty good but when they try to do too's very ugly.

I always root for whoever is playing Louisville (unless it happens to be Duke). Can't root for a sleazy punk coach.

Find themselves rooting for Louisville because Papa Rick's boy is our guy?

I do...watched them beat Syracuse in OT, after nearly blowing it in regulation due to sloppy guard play.

I think that's our problem too. if we take care of the ball we are pretty good but when they try to do too's very ugly.

I have no use for that program.

Does anyone else.... Find it slightly annoying when a thread is started that completly leaves the topic off of the thread title?

Not in the least. If anything I cheer against them because I don't like Rick Pitino. My dislike for him is probably stronger than any current college coach I can think of besides maybe Fran McCaffery, Frank Martin, Gregg Marshall, and Bret Bielema. (I'm aware BB doesn't coach basketball, but I just want to make it clear for the record that I hate him.)

Not in the least. If anything I cheer against them because I don't like Rick Pitino. My dislike for him is probably stronger than any current college coach I can think of besides maybe Fran McCaffery, Frank Martin, Gregg Marshall, and Bret Bielema. (I'm aware BB doesn't coach basketball, but I just want to make it clear for the record that I hate him.)

Loud and Clear! I hate Bielema and Harbaugh,both fake tough guy punks.

Can't cheer for Rick...any other program would have gotten significant sanctions by now. Louisville gets their hands slapped...

Find themselves rooting for Louisville because Papa Rick's boy is our guy?

I do...watched them beat Syracuse in OT, after nearly blowing it in regulation due to sloppy guard play.

I think that's our problem too. if we take care of the ball we are pretty good but when they try to do too's very ugly.

I'll admit it. I do, because he comes here and roots for us. Before Richard came here, I did not root for the elder Pitino.

I do have a softer spot for Louisville. But, still don't usually root for them, just not against them. Tonight I rooted for Syracuse to lose because they are a bubble team and if the Gophers need help, that will be one less team to worry about.

I always liked Pitino. The 1996 Kentucky team is still the best college team I've ever seen. The stuff in recent years dimmed it some, but I still find him easier to root for than Coach K, Roy, Bill Self, etc. And obviously having Richard helps.

Come on people. Of course you root for Louisville and Rick Pitino. He taught his kid how to coach basketball and now we are the beneficiaries. This Gopher basketball team is playing as good as the Jim Dutcher teams of the late 80's. Hey, Richard Pitino might be the beginning of a dynasty.

Come on people. Of course you root for Louisville and Rick Pitino. He taught his kid how to coach basketball and now we are the beneficiaries. This Gopher basketball team is playing as good as the Jim Dutcher teams of the late 80's. Hey, Richard Pitino might be the beginning of a dynasty.

Lets not get carried away. I like Pitino as a coach a lot but we are no where near Dutcher's good teams. His last year was 85-86 and the two years before...yes, we are better than those teams right now. However, we don't have a Ray Williams, Mychal Thompson, Kevin McHale, Trent Tucker, Randy Breuer, Flip Saunders, Osborne Lockhardt or even a whole bunch of other guys for the years prior. We presently have nobody who should be counting on an NBA career. imo I do agree we should continue to improve and we have this season. Next year looks even more promising. The year after we have nice incoming recruit we could become elite...then, maybe we'll be like the good Dutcher teams. It is fun to think it could be a dynasty.

Find themselves rooting for Louisville because Papa Rick's boy is our guy?

I do...watched them beat Syracuse in OT, after nearly blowing it in regulation due to sloppy guard play.

I think that's our problem too. if we take care of the ball we are pretty good but when they try to do too's very ugly.

I root for Louisville because of Richard. I watched the end of the Syracuse game too...I saw it as there's not much you can do if the refs are not going to fouls, Little like Iowa's press...yes we had bad guard play...but then we were getting fouled often with no calls too. The greater similarity I saw: Louisville! Make a doggone free throw in the last two minutes of the game!! Easy win if that happens.

I root for Rick, he comes to our games when he can. I just worry that Richard will replace Rick when he retires after building us up.

Like it or not, the success of the elder Pitino benefits the gophers in some small way and will grow should Richard's team eventually perform on the court at a level near Louisville. In my view, those that bark that Richard didn't earn the shots that elevated him in coaching more quickly than some others should also acknowledging his history has to some degree raised Gopher basketball discussion above the din on a national level. So do I root for Louisville, sure, but I'd root for a Big10 team (except Wisky) over Louisville every day of the week.

I have a bit of a soft spot due to who our coach is as well as the fact that I can't stand the other big boys in the ACC.

I do have a softer spot for Louisville. But, still don't usually root for them, just not against them. Tonight I rooted for Syracuse to lose because they are a bubble team and if the Gophers need help, that will be one less team to worry about.

I've always had a soft spot for them, too, just because they're the red-headed stepchild in their own state behind UK.

I've been hoping Rick would retire from Louisville and come join his son as an assistant. I've been told a second career is the new model for retirement.

He will provide hookers if you agree to root for him.

I'm on board with that...but please, call them escorts.

I'll admit it. I do, because he comes here and roots for us. Before Richard came here, I did not root for the elder Pitino.

I'm with you on that one. When Richard leaves, Papa won't give 2 sh*ts about us, and then I'll go back to the same.

Don't care one way or another about Pitino's blood relation. I like watching Louisville because they play a fun brand of ball - though I think they are overrated right now.

I don't know why so many people go moral police on the bit and care if a coach has sanctions or is a sleeze ball. He's a hell of a coach and I'd take a sleeze ball coach any day if it meant the team I rooted for was always nationally relevant. So much fake moral police in the world. Who cares. Pitino's life choices have made zero impact on my life.

Louisville athletics (hoops & football) has a pungent stench to it. Will root for them to beat Duke and Carolina, and that's about it.

I kind of have the same suspicious feeling about Louisville athletics (mostly hoops and fb), but I don't hate em, its not the worst thing to have Rick Sr in the stands hoping the best for us, even if its 100% because of who the coach is. And like you, I'll cheer for them to beat the Dukes and UNCs of the world, meaning UK as well, and when their winning helps us, like with their win over Syracuse.

And I also agree with Biggsohnasty, too many moralistic people out there.

This is America, as long as its not illegal, why should we care so much?

And I truly believe that our Pitino will make us a great program.

I don't really care about the cheating on his wife and paying for the woman to get an abortion. It's not illegal and he can do what he wants on his own time with his own money. The most recent scandal with the prostitutes in the dorm bothers me. I don't buy his claim that he had no idea it was going on. Not saying he orchestrated it, but he had to have at least an inkling that something was going on. And he always plays the "I'm more offended than anyone because it was in a dorm named after my brother-in-law who died on 9/11" card. Also, just his general smugness, though he is certainly not the only coach making millions to be smug.

I'm not sure what you mean by fake moral police, but I don't care what a coach does in his personal life as long as he wins within the rules. I would rather support a program that follows the rules than one that doesn't. Coach can do what he wants on his own time. Most college bball coaches aren't saints, but you don't have to be sleazy to be good.

I don't really care about the cheating on his wife and paying for the woman to get an abortion. It's not illegal and he can do what he wants on his own time with his own money. The most recent scandal with the prostitutes in the dorm bothers me. I don't buy his claim that he had no idea it was going on. Not saying he orchestrated it, but he had to have at least an inkling that something was going on. And he always plays the "I'm more offended than anyone because it was in a dorm named after my brother-in-law who died on 9/11" card. Also, just his general smugness, though he is certainly not the only coach making millions to be smug.

I'm not sure what you mean by fake moral police, but I don't care what a coach does in his personal life as long as he wins within the rules. I would rather support a program that follows the rules than one that doesn't. Coach can do what he wants on his own time. Most college bball coaches aren't saints, but you don't have to be sleazy to be good.

I too have a problem with prostitutes in the dorms. That seems like cheating to me. If a program doesn't produce genuine coeds willing to make recruits feel very VERY welcome, then they don't deserve good recruits, lol. :)

I don't really care about the cheating on his wife and paying for the woman to get an abortion. It's not illegal and he can do what he wants on his own time with his own money. The most recent scandal with the prostitutes in the dorm bothers me. I don't buy his claim that he had no idea it was going on. Not saying he orchestrated it, but he had to have at least an inkling that something was going on. And he always plays the "I'm more offended than anyone because it was in a dorm named after my brother-in-law who died on 9/11" card. Also, just his general smugness, though he is certainly not the only coach making millions to be smug.

I'm not sure what you mean by fake moral police, but I don't care what a coach does in his personal life as long as he wins within the rules. I would rather support a program that follows the rules than one that doesn't. Coach can do what he wants on his own time. Most college bball coaches aren't saints, but you don't have to be sleazy to be good.

No man who has accomplished what he has, named the building after a relative, etc is that stupid. It's not going to be and wasn't effective. It's not sustainable. He's not a dumb man. To think he has any complicity in this scandal is just dumb!!!

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