I think PJ Fleck should continue to go to pro-sports games and other events around MN


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2015
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This is one thing I don't remember Kill or Claeys doing, and maybe it wasn't their thing, but I think its a great way to spread awareness and excitement to people who may not be following gopher football as closely as some of us. Especially if the U can work in a short interview over the PA with Fleck during a break in the event. What do you all think? Obviously recruiting and working with the team and other stuff here at the U comes first, but when he does have the rare downtime I think he could do this. Plus, I'm sure his family would love the time to go out and enjoy what MN has to offer.

It's fun to see him there and everything.

I'm sure some of it is nice PR. But really, it was rumored that PJ and family wanted to be in a big city, not wahoo nowhere. So suspect it is mostly just what he wants to do.... I expect we'll see him.

It's fun to see him there and everything.

I'm sure some of it is nice PR. But really, it was rumored that PJ and family wanted to be in a big city, not wahoo nowhere. So suspect it is mostly just what he wants to do.... I expect we'll see him.

Well come on guys the the real reason he came to the U was to get free tickets to the super bowl next year.

As long as he has time to after all his other obligations, sure, why not. But, I think PJ would be the first to tell you that attending this type of stuff may be one of the last things on his mind.

Agree, the more exposure the better. And it will show the town and the media that there can be a harmonious relationship. Who knows what might come back our way in terms of PR (e.g. ESPN showing Wiggins or Mauer at a Gophers game)

He is a big sports fan, and said one of the things he loves about this area is the ability to go to all those games. Not to mention, it is great when TV or in game video board show him there. Gets people talking about him. Makes him a local celebrity, which can only help the profile of the football team.

I think I've drank the Kool-Aid. I think PJF is the real deal and that the future is brighter now for the Univ of Minnesota than it has ever been in the past 60 years. I loved JK, and given better health and more time, he may have gotten us to the promised land, but unfortunately he developed health issues and we had to move on, and I think we got very blessed to bring in a guy like PJF.

I love his energy, I love his philosophy and the way he thinks and I believe that young people today have, can and will buy into his vision and what he did at WMU is something he'll be able to do here at Minnesota, even despite so many Minnesota people's efforts to resist and make it hard on him and to put obstacles in his way. He's simply an elite human being and won't be stopped by a bunch of "bad" or "average" or only "good" people, lol. Too many excellent people out there who will love him and his vision and who will give him a chance to train them to be elite people, like him.

I HATE negative people, they are a drain, they suck the life out of life. I love positive people, their energy is contagious and life affirming.

Exposure. Him having fun. Him loving the city and the community. Him showing what life is like here. All are good things for recruiting

I think I've drank the Kool-Aid. I think PJF is the real deal and that the future is brighter now for the Univ of Minnesota than it has ever been in the past 60 years. I loved JK, and given better health and more time, he may have gotten us to the promised land, but unfortunately he developed health issues and we had to move on, and I think we got very blessed to bring in a guy like PJF.

I love his energy, I love his philosophy and the way he thinks and I believe that young people today have, can and will buy into his vision and what he did at WMU is something he'll be able to do here at Minnesota, even despite so many Minnesota people's efforts to resist and make it hard on him and to put obstacles in his way. He's simply an elite human being and won't be stopped by a bunch of "bad" or "average" or only "good" people, lol. Too many excellent people out there who will love him and his vision and who will give him a chance to train them to be elite people, like him.

I HATE negative people, they are a drain, they suck the life out of life. I love positive people, their energy is contagious and life affirming.

From a guy with "KillMeNow".... just sayin....

What is wrong with my moniker? I've had many monikers here at GH. Anyone here long enough can recognize who I am. I am the long winded one. I fully supported Kill, are you going to claim that is a negative, that I supported Jerry Kill??? Really???

He better get a frickin' collared shirt if he's going to go to these things though.

I agree completely. How long until he does "Let's play hockey" at a Wild game? I mean, it is his second favorite sport. Maybe the Wild save him for the play-offs?

Absolutely great PR for the U...

I agree completely. How long until he does "Let's play hockey" at a Wild game? I mean, it is his second favorite sport. Maybe the Wild save him for the play-offs?

Absolutely great PR for the U...

Did he say hockey was his second favorite sport?

Yes he did.

That's awesome. Whether it's true or not (I'm not doubting it), it's a great thing to say in MN.

I actually think this kind of stuff is the best way PJF is going to energize the program. I hated the old guard which seemed to pit the Gophers against the Vikings and pro sports in general. Let's embrace it. It's a great part about going to the U of MN.

Perhaps Panama Jack was a big fan of the KWings and the green ice game on St Patrick's Day.


I have to agree - someone with a Kill Me Now name with a nice positive post is pretty funny. Thank you!

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