STrib: Hugh McCutcheon receives honor from Queen of England


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Nov 11, 2008
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Your e-mails aren’t as good as Hugh McCutcheon’s, but then again your résumé likely isn’t as good as his, either.

The Gophers volleyball coach, a New Zealand native, received an e-mail recently asking him an important question: Would he be willing to accept an award as a member of the New Zealand Order of Merit?

The award was started 20 years ago and is given to people “who in any field of endeavor have rendered meritorious service to the Crown and nation or who have become distinguished by their eminence, talents, contributions or other merits.” It has to be approved by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of England and this year is part of her 90th birthday honors list.

There are different classifications of honor, with “member” being one. No more than 140 living members are appointed per year. New Zealand isn’t the most populous country, but at roughly 4.5 million people that’s still easily the best of the best.

So, yeah, he accepted the award.

Go Gophers!!

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