Athletes Village Live Camera

It's been said all along that the site had some unstable and contaminated fill that had to be removed and replaced. I don;t recall anyone commenting on the large number of blue barrels that had been there and are now gone. Those types of barrels are used for hazardous waste my guess is they were for the asbestos contaminated fill that was removed. The hole that had been there, is largely filled in, its all part of getting the foundation right. My guess is that the dirt work is close to being finished.

I would have thought they would have support columns up by now. Admittedly, I know zip about large building construction obviously.

I believe wasps are busy building a nest camera left. I noticed the activity a couple of days ago and the frequency has increased.

Too hot to do anything outside today. Have taken my nap. Thank goodness I finally clicked on this thread. Quite entertaining but for even an old guy with nothing left to do with his life, the actual live camera is sort of boring.

They are actually pourung concrete today. I can't make out exactly what's happening, but concrete trucks are backing up to a concrete pump, on the left side of the picture. It appears the boom extends pretty close to Bierman. I suspect they're pouring some kind of footings.

They are actually pourung concrete today. I can't make out exactly what's happening, but concrete trucks are backing up to a concrete pump, on the left side of the picture. It appears the boom extends pretty close to Bierman. I suspect they're pouring some kind of footings.

They're pouring the concrete to make it harder to find the bodies.

They are actually pourung concrete today. I can't make out exactly what's happening, but concrete trucks are backing up to a concrete pump, on the left side of the picture. It appears the boom extends pretty close to Bierman. I suspect they're pouring some kind of footings.


Apparently slab-of-bacon doesn't approve of the new Gopher facility. Sad

Maybe we should ask Gopher Alum Joe Bjorklund for regular updates on the construction progress.

I have been noticing that they've been removing the original dirt and replacing them with the lighter colored one.

Someone indicated to me that the darker original dirt is probably mostly clay. The lighter one is more sandy , drains well, and more easily compacted. The sand rich soil supposedly will sag less over time.

Does anybody know what the real story is?

Here you go

Geotechnical Evaluation
From the mid 1930’s to the late 1940’s, the study area was defined by City streets, residential buildings, out
-buildings and a few multi-level
residential or commercial buildings. When the area was cleared for parking in the 1950’s, many of the existing building found
ations and
utility service lines were left in place. Building foundations were cut off to some elevation below ground and filled in, while utility service
lines (such as sanitary sewer) were capped and left in place. In addition, much of the area was filled with urban fill containing debris and
unsuitable materials. There is a strong potential for contamination in the form of ash, asbestos containing materials, etc. to exist within
these fill materials. Because of this, and the poor quality of soils to begin with it is necessary to remove the existing soils from the site to a
point roughly 10’ below the surface.
It should be noted that this is a significant expense that was not anticipated in the initial
Master Plan document.
Key findings and recommendations are as follows:

Significant subgrade correction is required throughout the site to remove old building foundations, buried debris, tanks, and generally
unsuitable soils. Much of this work should be undertaken as part of an initial phase.

Contaminants should be expected to be encountered throughout the site. Asbestos and other hazardous materials are likely. The
existing track also contains a mercury compound. Any hazardous material such as this will need to be disposed of in an appropriate

Groundwater may be encountered in excavations more than 10-foot below grade.

Costs for geotechnical analysis, environmental analysis and remediation, dewatering and soils correction should be included in all cost
from this document 02 Rcvd 08-26.pdf

Here you go

Geotechnical Evaluation
From the mid 1930’s to the late 1940’s, the study area was defined by City streets, residential buildings, out
-buildings and a few multi-level
residential or commercial buildings. When the area was cleared for parking in the 1950’s, many of the existing building found
ations and
utility service lines were left in place. Building foundations were cut off to some elevation below ground and filled in, while utility service
lines (such as sanitary sewer) were capped and left in place. In addition, much of the area was filled with urban fill containing debris and
unsuitable materials. There is a strong potential for contamination in the form of ash, asbestos containing materials, etc. to exist within
these fill materials. Because of this, and the poor quality of soils to begin with it is necessary to remove the existing soils from the site to a
point roughly 10’ below the surface.
It should be noted that this is a significant expense that was not anticipated in the initial
Master Plan document.
Key findings and recommendations are as follows:

Significant subgrade correction is required throughout the site to remove old building foundations, buried debris, tanks, and generally
unsuitable soils. Much of this work should be undertaken as part of an initial phase.

Contaminants should be expected to be encountered throughout the site. Asbestos and other hazardous materials are likely. The
existing track also contains a mercury compound. Any hazardous material such as this will need to be disposed of in an appropriate

Groundwater may be encountered in excavations more than 10-foot below grade.

Costs for geotechnical analysis, environmental analysis and remediation, dewatering and soils correction should be included in all cost
from this document 02 Rcvd 08-26.pdf

Thanks nsmike.

This is a very nice thorough report.

Wow - lots of problems updating into a modern day facility complex lies below ground from previous activities on the site. That is a big chunk of change. $20 mil+ added cost?

Furthermore, this study addresses very important elements of site design, planning & construction:

The existing storm sewer system is over capacity – addresses stormwater management.

Rooftop drainage to be stored and used to supply water needs of a district cooling system. I worked in a building where rooftop drainage was a major issue after fifteen years & a costly mistake to fix.

No public parking near the facility. Separation of indoor fb & bb training facility an important element for pedestrian & vehicular traffic flow.

PHASING - "One of the key elements to the phasing of the projects is to determine the infrastructure needs prior to any other work. This is specific to the heating and cooling needs of the district and should consider the aging infrastructure in the Gibson-Nagurski Football Practice Field and Bierman Field Athletic Building and the need to replace those systems sooner than later. The majority of the infrastructure to support the future buildings should also be undertaken as part of the first building (or as a stand-alone project) because much of the work can be done as part of the soil correction work." I like that they are addressing current & future needs.

The administration and University planners may bulk at the cost initially (soil remediation was a surprise which is being addressed as we can see daily on the Athletic Village Cam).

I hope they resisted temptations to cut costs or partially address issues. Make the wrong decision and it becomes a rotten legacy that will keep on giving (er, taking).

Delay or not addressing certain issues head on can cost ten to a hundred fold going into the future.

If you remember, the Bloomington Hwy 169-Interstate Hwy 494 interchange improvement project was delayed. It ended costing many millions more.

I don't know anything about construction, but I'm very excited to see they're pumping concrete today. I want to see some progress, some upward growth. It's nice to see something other than holes and dirt piles for a change.

I don't know anything about construction, but I'm very excited to see they're pumping concrete today. I want to see some progress, some upward growth. It's nice to see something other than holes and dirt piles for a change.

Next step is to let it harden. Then they are going to break it up and move it to a different location.

Does anyone really know what happened to Jimmy Hoffa? Somebody said he was fitted with cement shoes.

I see that DB Cooper's cold case file was closed. Jimmy's is still open?

It made me wonder with all that digging at the Athletic Village site that they were purposely trying to find bodies.

Jimmy is either in the Giant Stadium end zone or he was dissolved in a barrel of acid.

Jimmy is either in the Giant Stadium end zone or he was dissolved in a barrel of acid.

If I remember correctly there have been numerous studies with ground penetrating radar done and no body can be found in Giant's Stadium, I guess it was the acid.

There's a pretty big structure on the left side of the site. I'm pretty sure that's the building seed. Now Nanne is sending rain on it. Look for it to grow really fast next week.

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