GopherSports: Q&A with Lee Hutton


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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What is it you honestly miss most about the University?
Team camaraderie and the relationships that are formed. You just cannot duplicate relationships like that – they are life-lasting.

If you could give the current student-athletes any piece of advice, what would it be?
Make sure to enjoy every second, every minute and massage it to the fullest. Those relationships, both personally and professionally, will become your family as you decide to stay in Minnesota for a lifetime.

Please share your favorite university or athletic event you've attended since you graduated and what made it so special to you?
Just going to the home football games. Being a former football player and seeing the growth of the program that all football players have contributed to is huge. When I came up here, we had the Metrodome Stadium and now, I was able to see the transition from an off-site stadium to an on-campus stadium. Also, seeing how the football team has become successful not only on the field but, as we saw with the bowl game selection, we were successful in the classroom. That makes me very, very proud.

Go Gophers!!

Cool! Great read for future recruits on the recruiting brochure!

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