Marcus: I think the Gophers will have top 30 talent next season.

Senior was one of the first talk show hosts for KFAN. He did alright until he started talking about racism on his show and shortly after that KFAN dropped him.
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Personally, I liked listening to Sr. He had his hand on the pulse of the Metro, but people weren't ready to listen to what he had to say about race relations. I'm guessing most people still aren't ready to hear what Sr has to say and Sr has probably burned some bridges along the way. It's too bad. He had some good things to add to the conversation.

I've only listened to him on Almanac. So often he is totally misinformed with his info.

Senior was one of the first talk show hosts for KFAN. He did alright until he started talking about racism on his show and shortly after that KFAN dropped him.
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Personally, I liked listening to Sr. He had his hand on the pulse of the Metro, but people weren't ready to listen to what he had to say about race relations. I'm guessing most people still aren't ready to hear what Sr has to say and Sr has probably burned some bridges along the way. It's too bad. He had some good things to add to the conversation.

I liked listening to Larry Fitzgerald and Eric Nelson on KFAN when it first became a sports radio station. Personally I thought the station was much better then than it is now. Dave Huffman, Joe Senser, Guy Green and even Jesse the Body were all more entertaining then the guys they have on there now. I think he was very good friends with Denny Green and possibly even Clem Haskins. He works for an African-American newspaper and not the Star Trib or Pioneer Press.

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