Happy Thanksgiving, GopherHole!


Active member
Jan 12, 2013
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I would like to take a brief moment and wish all my fellow GH'ers a Happy Thanksgiving! While I may not post very often, I lurk every day and appreciate being a member of the community as a whole. Excluding the occasional troll, the forums are very pleasant and I love the exchange of ideas/opinions.

GopherHole, like many online forums, has a unique dynamic - everyone here is a "stranger", but after 1000's of posts over many years I feel like I know and get along with the regular posters (Dr. Don, GophersInIowa, SelectionSunday, Bleed, etc.) pretty well. Occasionally, I'll walk past a tailgate and think "I bet there's a crew full of GopherHole posters over there." One of these days (perhaps in NYC or San Fran this December... /knocks on wood) I'm sure I'll meet some of you guys!

I've rambled far longer than I anticipated - oops. Among many things, I'm thankful to be a part of this community. Happy Thanksgiving, Better Dead Than Red, and let's beat the s*** out of Wisconsin on Saturday.

Happy Thanksgiving to you, and to all Gopher fans.


I can't eat now.

The best thing about today is you can eat half your body weight and no one will think you are weird.

Have a great day everyone!

Many thanks and the same to you and yours - and all Gopher fans online here and elsewhere.

Thank you, Hollinsanity, and best to you too.


Anyone else upset Hollinsanity didn't mention them?

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