Mark Cuban on college hoops: It's horrible. It's ridiculous. It's worse than HS.


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Nov 11, 2008
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per ESPN:

"If they want to keep kids in school and keep them from being pro players, they're doing it the exact right way by having the 35-second shot clock and having the game look and officiated the way it is," Cuban said Wednesday night. "Just because kids don't know how to play a full game of basketball.

"You've got three kids passing on the perimeter. With 10 seconds on the shot clock, they try to make something happen and two other kids stand around. They don't look for anything and then run back on defense, so there's no transition game because two out of five or three out of five or in some cases four out of five kids aren't involved in the play.

"It's uglier than ugly, and it's evidenced by the scoring going down. When the NBA went through that, we changed things."

"It's horrible. It's ridiculous," Cuban said. "It's worse than high school. You've got 20 to 25 seconds of passing on the perimeter and then somebody goes and tries to make a play and do something stupid, and scoring's gone down.

"The referees couldn't manage a White Castle. Seriously, the college game is more physical than the NBA game, and the variation in how it's called from game to game [is a problem]. Hell, they don't even have standards on balls. They use different balls. One team's got one ball, the other team's got another ball. There are so many things that are ridiculous."

Go Gophers!!

Could rename the headline "Guy watches 2 games a year, assumes it is representative of all 351 teams"

Please spare me the free throw parade that is the NBA.

The NBA its horrible - one guy gets the ball and everybody else watches...

The NBA its horrible - one guy gets the ball and everybody else watches...

Yup. They play defense the last two minutes. They should have two minute games.

Drop the college game to 24 seconds and no zone defense. Allow 6 personal fouls.

Is he saying that the game being more physical than the NBA is a bad thing? I'd take more physicality, as long as it is officiated consistently.

I guess when you spend too much of your young adult years watching Coach Knight rant around on the sidelines, you're bound to turn into an obnoxious windbag.

Could rename the headline "Guy watches 2 games a year, assumes it is representative of all 351 teams" Please spare me the free throw parade that is the NBA.

I assume you watch tons of NBA games then to make this comment? Or could we rename this post "guy watches 2 NBA games a year, assumes it is representative of all 30 teams?"

And by the way in the 2013-2014 NBA season there was an average of 23.59 free throw attempts per team per 48 minutes. The Gophers had 23.05 free throws per 48 minutes this year. Keep in mind the NBA doesn't have 1 and 1. So every foul is 2 FT attempts, and yet, only .54 more free throws in the NBA than watching the Gophers this year.

EDIT: This doesn't take into account the games in OT, so per 48 minutes is a little misleading. I just took free throw attempts/number of games and then adjusted college to be at 48 minutes instead of 40. Anyways, general point still stands as OT in both leagues should somewhat balance out and wouldn't be enough to create a significant disparity I would guess.

I would be curious to see what the TV ratings were for the NBA finals last year as compared to the final four this year. My guess is the "flawed product" compares quick favorably.

I assume you watch tons of NBA games then to make this comment? Or could we rename this post "guy watches 2 NBA games a year, assumes it is representative of all 30 teams?"
I like the NBA, I hate calling the game overly tight like Cuban apparently wants.

I would be curious to see what the TV ratings were for the NBA finals last year as compared to the final four this year. My guess is the "flawed product" compares quick favorably.

The two are pretty similar, NCAAB actually leads I would imagine. However, I don't think it is for the aesthetics of the basketball.

NCAA tournament gets more viewers due to the bracket challenges, even non-basketball fans watch to see how their bracket does. It is also only 3 games as opposed to potentially 7, or minimum of 4, for the NBA finals so people are more likely to watch every game.

And there certainly is an argument that people just like watching college kids better than professionals. Again, I don't think it is the quality of play, a lot of people just have a very negative bias towards the NBA and paid basketball players in general and they draw all of these baseless conclusions off of that. Then you get threads like this, from people who never watch the NBA, talking about how awful it is and how "pure" the NCAA is. Because once guys are pros, the sport is less pure.

I like the NBA, I hate calling the game overly tight like Cuban apparently wants.

Ah fair enough. Yeah, I'd argue the problem with CBB isn't that games are called too tight, or too loose. But that there isn't any consistency really. Games can vary widely with what is a foul and what isn't. I think the NBA does a better job, still not perfect, but better at being consistent from game to game.

The two are pretty similar, NCAAB actually leads I would imagine. However, I don't think it is for the aesthetics of the basketball.

NCAA tournament gets more viewers due to the bracket challenges, even non-basketball fans watch to see how their bracket does. It is also only 3 games as opposed to potentially 7, or minimum of 4, for the NBA finals so people are more likely to watch every game.

And there certainly is an argument that people just like watching college kids better than professionals. Again, I don't think it is the quality of play, a lot of people just have a very negative bias towards the NBA and paid basketball players in general and they draw all of these baseless conclusions off of that. Then you get threads like this, from people who never watch the NBA, talking about how awful it is and how "pure" the NCAA is. Because once guys are pros, the sport is less pure.

I don't think it matters that people watch for brackets rather than aesthetics. I actually don't like the NFL at all really, but I always get sucked into watching a ton of it because I play fantasy with my buddies and it's fun to keep track, side bet, banter, etc. NFL is way more highly rated than NCAA football, and at least a small part of that is due to the prevalence of "legal gambling". College bball is the same.

The defense and everyone else watches one guy comments make me laugh so much. So obvious you guys don't watch the game.

Cuban has a valid point. I love college but there are tons of terrible rules.

1. 35 second shot clock. Absolutely brutal. Having sets to get into sets is just so boring to watch. 3 guys passing the ball around the perimeter until there is only 10 seconds left to have a guy try to breakdown the defense on his own is not fun to watch. The difference between the NBA and College for this is that it happens much sooner in the NBA. You have to wait 25 seconds for it to happen in college each possession.

2. There needs to be some kind of penalty for camping in the paint. It just rewards a defensive team for being lazy by putting their biggest guy under the hoop. Make him actually play defense.

3. I do think there should be more calls than there are. NBA calls too many and college calls too few. There is a happy medium.

4. 5 fouls. Just too few and can change the game too easily. I'd much rather have Okafor out on the floor in that championship game.

An NBA guy criticizing college hoops is hilarious. No defense for six months and then they play it in the playoffs.
The problem with the NBA is that there are 82 games when there should be half that. They are basically exhibition games until late in the season because no one can play hard 82 times per season, plus the playoffs.
NBA players are unbelievably talented, but the intensity of college basketball is what makes it great and the lack of it is what makes the NBA really boring.

An NBA guy criticizing college hoops is hilarious. No defense for six months and then they play it in the playoffs. The problem with the NBA is that there are 82 games when there should be half that. They are basically exhibition games until late in the season because no one can play hard 82 times per season, plus the playoffs. NBA players are unbelievably talented, but the intensity of college basketball is what makes it great and the lack of it is what makes the NBA really boring.

While I don't fully agree with "no defense for 6 months" I think that the 82 game schedule is the real problem with the NBA. If we are being honest, the NBA is typically very top-heavy and it's obvious who the top is pretty early. I think you could do just fine with a 50 game schedule even. More spread out games, better games, less injuries, etc. Anyways, I think you make a good point there as far as NBA vs college.

While I don't fully agree with "no defense for 6 months" I think that the 82 game schedule is the real problem with the NBA. If we are being honest, the NBA is typically very top-heavy and it's obvious who the top is pretty early. I think you could do just fine with a 50 game schedule even. More spread out games, better games, less injuries, etc. Anyways, I think you make a good point there as far as NBA vs college.

I don't think we will ever see a pro sports league cut their schedule. MLB, NFL, NHL, and NBA will never cut games, even though each league should (kind of hypocritical with concussions being such a big topic, yet NFL looking to add games).
Hate to admit this, but I went to a Twolves game and was somewhat bored (was at one of the few games they won). Yes they are athletic and score, but there isn't much flow to the offense. I hate that the rules suddenly change near the end of the game, calling a timeout in the last two minutes gets you the ball at half court, etc. The refs also change the way they call games as it gets near the end.

College game should adapt a little and please take away all the timeouts, end of games are just brutal. They should only get 4 for the entire game, not 5 per half. Expand the block circle out further and make the lane wider or use the trapezoid of the International game. I'd love to get rid of the 3 point line, but that will never happen.

The last thing I want to see is college ball looking more like the NBA. I am bored by the NBA game and can't imagine the college game going more that direction.

An NBA guy criticizing college hoops is hilarious. No defense for six months and then they play it in the playoffs.
The problem with the NBA is that there are 82 games when there should be half that. They are basically exhibition games until late in the season because no one can play hard 82 times per season, plus the playoffs.
NBA players are unbelievably talented, but the intensity of college basketball is what makes it great and the lack of it is what makes the NBA really boring.

I'd be more in favor of the playoffs being cut down to 8 teams and 3 out of 5 series.

The regular season isn't the problem. It's the bloated post season.

But they'll never do that because money.

Same with hockey. Baseball had it right, but then they expanded because money again. NFL is fine but they are about to expand too. Boo.

If you're someone who hates the NBA, but hasn't really watched it lately. I would highly recommend this Warriors game on ABC. Or maybe when the Wild are on commercial break. Such a fun team to watch.

Granted it's probably going to be a blowout.

The last thing I want to see is college ball looking more like the NBA. I am bored by the NBA game and can't imagine the college game going more that direction.

I really don't understand this. I LOVE college hoops. But as a basketball fan I don't know how you can't appreciate the NBA. The players are amazing and even the lousy teams have talent up and down the roster vs college teams. Golden State is amazing. The Spurs play amazing team ball. Even the Bucks (boo) are a great defensive team. And the wolves actually have young talent that could be really great at some point (Wiggins is so fun to watch )

I love the gophers and college hoops. But the actually quality of the basketball is not comparable between the NBA and college (NBA far above). That said, nothing beats the pageantry of the college game and it's fun watching these student athletes compete.

Heck. My son and I enjoy watching the local high school games so we just enjoy hoops.

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