Kirkwood on U students wearing Badger clothes


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Feb 12, 2009
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He shouldn't like it. You'd have to be extremely lame to do so.

Yeah that is disgusting. I think we would have given our fellow students a hard time for wearing that lame candy ass **** back when we were students.

What kind of crap student wears gear for their school's rival? Why would you even apply to your favorite team's rival if you are a Badger fan? I never applied to Madison, and after I got my undergrad and applied for MBA and JD programs, I had a strict rule against applying to any Big Ten or WCHA schools.

Shooting them is a little harsh. They should definitely be shamed though. I'm sure though that nobody says a word to them.

My wife's cousin is like this. She went to the U but only cheers for the Badgers. I think it is fine to cheer for your hometown team, especially when you grew up a fan of that team. But I don't understand cheering against the school you graduated from when the two play each other. My school will never play the Gophers in any sport, but if they did, I would be cheering against the Gophers for that one game.

These type of people are the ultimate bandwagon fans in my opinion. If it were reversed and the Gophers had won the last 10 games, these same people would be wearing Minnesota gear instead of Wisconsin.

The only excuse for me would be someone who went to undergrad at UW and is now a grad student at the U. Most people have more of a connection with the school they went to their first four years.

It goes both ways. My brother went to UW-Madison and had no qualms wearing Gopher gear.

He cheers for the Maroon and Gold still, despite having 2 degrees from the enemy.

Growing up as a Gopher fan all my life, I wonder if I had gone to UW if I would wear Gopher stuff around campus. It would be hard to shake that loyalty built up since childhood.

Growing up as a Gopher fan all my life, I wonder if I had gone to UW if I would wear Gopher stuff around campus. It would be hard to shake that loyalty built up since childhood.

That's why I never considered going to UW.

Anyone can root for whomever they want. But if they don't root for the Gophers, fuch 'em.

I can't even imagine this happening. I feel like you would get stopped every two minutes and asked if you needed help finding anything since you must obviously be a visitor here for a conference or something.

3 years ago one of the ticket takers at the ramp was wearing a Badger jersey. The "bleep".

Growing up as a Gopher fan all my life, I wonder if I had gone to UW if I would wear Gopher stuff around campus. It would be hard to shake that loyalty built up since childhood.

It seems to me that if you're a fan of one school, but choose to attend that school's rival, you've already shaken that loyalty. It just seems really odd to separate the team from the school - it seems strange to say "I'm a fan of the team, but not the university". Alma mater ought to mean something.

Of course, people are free to root for whatever team they want. We're free to point and laugh.

My wife's cousin is like this. She went to the U but only cheers for the Badgers. I think it is fine to cheer for your hometown team, especially when you grew up a fan of that team. But I don't understand cheering against the school you graduated from when the two play each other. My school will never play the Gophers in any sport, but if they did, I would be cheering against the Gophers for that one game.

These type of people are the ultimate bandwagon fans in my opinion. If it were reversed and the Gophers had won the last 10 games, these same people would be wearing Minnesota gear instead of Wisconsin.

The only excuse for me would be someone who went to undergrad at UW and is now a grad student at the U. Most people have more of a connection with the school they went to their first four years.


Gosh the amount of times this exact argument happened with my ex-girlfriend is really ridiculous. She finally roots for the Gophers now against the Badgers, at least something positive came out of that relationship. ;)

Also, I will never forget how much it saddened me to go to the Gopher - Wisky bball game my freshman year (Monson's last) and half the student section was red. Part of my soul died.

Lastly, one of the bartenders at Sterbs is one of "these" people. Grew up in Madison, went to the U, cheers for the Badgers. Even my Nebraska friend who I was watching the game with last weekend there didn't understand it.

I can't even imagine this happening. I feel like you would get stopped every two minutes and asked if you needed help finding anything since you must obviously be a visitor here for a conference or something.

What would happen in College Station if there was someone in burnt orange on campus?

My sister grew up a Gopher fan, but went to Wisconsin because the 5 year pharmacy program there. She is and will remain a Badger fan (which is only correct for her). We do some long distance good hearted ribbing over all 3 major sports (she has had the upper hand in both football & basketball lately), but I know where her loyalties lie.

I can't even imagine this happening. I feel like you would get stopped every two minutes and asked if you needed help finding anything since you must obviously be a visitor here for a conference or something.

+1 If I were currently attending the U this is exactly how i would treat them.

What would happen in College Station if there was someone in burnt orange on campus?

I can tell you what happens. My very naïve brother-in-law had just moved to Austin, TX and a friend invited him to attend a game at A&M. The only “TX” shirt he had was a UT t-shirt and decided to wear that to the game. His so-called friend didn’t say anything to him when he picked him up and I’m sure thought to himself, this ought to be good. Well, they got to the stadium and my brother-in-law got a harsh lesson about wearing anything burnt orange in College Station. He was sniped at before, during and after the game. He said it was a lesson he’d never forget. Good for you Aggies in setting him straight! Now we need to get smarter about doing the same thing here when anyone taints our beautiful campus with better dead than red colors!!!

Go Gophers!

It seems to me that if you're a fan of one school, but choose to attend that school's rival, you've already shaken that loyalty. It just seems really odd to separate the team from the school - it seems strange to say "I'm a fan of the team, but not the university". Alma mater ought to mean something.

Of course, people are free to root for whatever team they want. We're free to point and laugh.

There are plenty of people who grow up Gopher fans who choose to attend UW-Madison (and still remain Gopher fans). Some people choose to put their academic interests first and worry less about sports teams and rivalries when they're choosing a college and making a decision which will affect their future. What a terrible thing, right?!

It seems to me that if you're a fan of one school, but choose to attend that school's rival, you've already shaken that loyalty. It just seems really odd to separate the team from the school - it seems strange to say "I'm a fan of the team, but not the university". Alma mater ought to mean something.

Of course, people are free to root for whatever team they want. We're free to point and laugh.
If one had a very specific school/major that was ranked much higher than the other I could understand it.

Some of you homers need to move around a bit and broaden your horizons. The U is a cosmopolitan place. I wore Nebraska the 15 years I lived in MSP and eventually went to the U. Blood always comes above all other loyalties.

Some of you homers need to move around a bit and broaden your horizons. The U is a cosmopolitan place. I wore Nebraska the 15 years I lived in MSP and eventually went to the U. Blood always comes above all other loyalties.

And how many Oklahoma shirts did you see at the University of Nebraska?

There are plenty of people who grow up Gopher fans who choose to attend UW-Madison (and still remain Gopher fans). Some people choose to put their academic interests first and worry less about sports teams and rivalries when they're choosing a college and making a decision which will affect their future. What a terrible thing, right?!

I'm saying your school is more important than the team.

I grew up in Madison cheering for the Badgers, when the football and basketball teams were mediocre and the hockey team was elite. I had HS friends who ended up playing football and hockey at UW. I applied to, and was accepted into, both U of M and UW and chose to attend the U, for myriad reasons. The minute I stepped on campus I became a fan of my school's teams and have never cheered for the Badgers since. In fact, I've really come to hate their sports teams (basketball especially) and hope they lose each and every game they play. Anybody who attends the U but wears Wisconsin gear is a tool, nothing more.

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