PiPress: Hugh McCutcheon: 'It's been a very interesting first 21 months'


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Nov 11, 2008
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per the PiPress:

Q: What has the transition been like from coaching the U.S. national team to the college level?

A: It's been a very interesting first 21 months. The initial thing, coming from London right here, was that I was pretty spent. We were packing up a house and moving and all the stuff that goes with that. I think we did about as well as we could. My wife gets a large credit for that, I have to admit. On the volleyball side of things, coming in obviously we had a strong core (that had reached the NCAA Elite Eight). The next year, I thought the (Sweet 16) team had a chance to be a little bit better, and maybe in some ways it was. It was just a very tough regional draw running into Penn State and Stanford.


Go Gophers!!

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