Source tells Doogie that Tubby took the LSU job and then backed out


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per Doogie:

"A source recently told me to check on a hot tip: that Gophers basketball coach Tubby Smith took the LSU job then backed out a few hours later. One high-level "U" official told me the tip is plausible. LSU senior associate athletic director Herb Vincent denies it. Although what good what it do LSU to confirm it? They have a new coach, Johnny Jones, who they should support wholeheartedly. Any trace of this Tubby tip being true could damage the goodwill Jones and LSU currently have. We'll continue to track whether this story has legitimate validity, including making an attempt to get on-the-record comments from Smith."

Go Gophers!!

I sure hope not. If true though, get Shaka on the phone.

This is an absolute joke. I could call Doogie tomorrow and tell him that the Gophers were gonna play the SpaceBall MonStars in an exhibition game next year and he would print it then check facts. He's nothing more than a gossip columnist. Doogie check facts. If you can prove, print it. If not throw it in the trash bin.

This is an absolute joke. I could call Doogie tomorrow and tell him that the Gophers were gonna play the SpaceBall MonStars in an exhibition game next year and he would print it then check facts. He's nothing more than a gossip columnist. Doogie check facts. If you can prove, print it. If not throw it in the trash bin.

Are the SpaceBall MonStars any good? I think Mbakwe will dominate their undersized (but winged) 4.

I have been a big time Tubby backer - Sure hope this does not end up being true. It would go against everything he has been telling us.

I sure hope not. If true though, get Shaka on the phone.

Shaka Smart already turned down the Illinois job - which is a better job than Minnesota. Do you think he would take the U job just because his AD is now here? Puh-lease....

Parski1 said:
I have been a big time Tubby backer - Sure hope this does not end up being true. It would go against everything he has been telling us.

It does?

Shaka Smart already turned down the Illinois job - which is a better job than Minnesota. Do you think he would take the U job just because his AD is now here? Puh-lease....

I can really believe Shaka would take MN over the Illini. At Illinois, he'd be expected to recruit Chicago. Unfortunately, with that area you have to put up with the "Chicago Basketball Mafia."

I would guess (total guess) that if the truth ever came out, it would be somewhere in the middle.

Like LSU offered Tubby, someone got wind of that and made the leap that Tubby accepted. Probably deeper than that, but a good chance that it was not much more than that.

Doesn't matter...Tubby is here, and I hope he stays for quite some time.

I can really believe Shaka would take MN over the Illini. At Illinois, he'd be expected to recruit Chicago. Unfortunately, with that area you have to put up with the "Chicago Basketball Mafia."

You read to many Seth Davis articles. Illinois is a MUCH better job than Minnesota.

Hmm. A far more likely scenario is that Tubby said something that made them THINK he was taking the job for 3 hours and then it was clarified. Tubby's communication skills are sometimes less than clear.

Illinois is a better job than Minnesota, however, this particular off season it was not. EVERYONE turned down that job due to questions about the future of the A.D., political issues with the board or regents, and the issues with recruiting Chicago. Illinois ended up taking a football coach from Toledo and a basketball coach from Ohio...Maturi esque stuff going down in Champaign.

So Doogie hears a rumor, LSU denies it and he can't connect with Tubby so he publishes the rumor. Another hack journalism effort.

This is an absolute joke. I could call Doogie tomorrow and tell him that the Gophers were gonna play the SpaceBall MonStars in an exhibition game next year and he would print it then check facts. He's nothing more than a gossip columnist. Doogie check facts. If you can prove, print it. If not throw it in the trash bin.

And you know this because?

Doogie's comment may or may not be factual, but your comment is based on SpaceBall? I'm skeptical.

"Anybody who I can publicly name denies it, but many people whose names I will not reveal say it happened."

We're in a slow news cycle for Gopher hoops. Another grasp by Doogie to draw attention to himself while there's nothing of substance going on in the program. It's time to throw some crap up on the wall to see if the GopherHole peons will pay any attention to it.

When I hear someone "took a job" I assume that means actually agreeing to terms and a public announcement(which obviously didn't happen). We have no idea what conversations took place between Tubby and LSU. Not saying Doogie is lying here, but the vague language he chooses to use sure has a lot of holes in it. If it were really a newsworthy story we would have heard about from someone other than Doogie (no offense, sir). It's not like the Notre Dame football thing a few years back (can't remember the guys name...used to be an assistant on the Vikings).

It's plausible that it was similar to the Monson courtship with Washington. That would explain the sources from Louisiana who, at the time, considered it an 80% chance of happening.

Maybe Smith accepted the job kind of like how he offered a job to Jimmy Williams.

Could it be I will tentatively take the job dependant on talking it over with my family first type of thing.

I don't give anything Doogie says a lot of credibibily, but Doogie has a lot more credibility than gopherWARRIOR. The only reason gW seems to keep posting on this board is to make snarky comments about the Gophers.

You have to remember Doogie has a Thursday bit called Scoops with Doogie on Channel 5 and kstp radio. That means he has to come up with something compelling/interesting/scandalous/insider-ish every single week even if he has no idea if it's true or not. I think they teach that technique the first day of journalism school.

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