A possible new venue for volleyball due to other facility changes


Leave my member out of it!
Nov 12, 2008
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From Sid Hartman's column:

Revamping Pavilion?
University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler has talked to some of the school's regents about changes in the athletic facilities, including the possibility of turning the Sports Pavilion -- the building adjacent to Williams Arena -- into a first-class building for the men's and women's basketball program.

As part of that conversation, there has been talk of some remodeling of Williams Arena, and about constructing a building for teams that use the Pavilion where the present indoor sports building, on University Avenue adjacent to Cooke Hall, is being torn down.

Meanwhile, some money has been raised for a basketball practice facility that men's coach Tubby Smith feels is important to be able to compete, and use as a recruiting tool when bringing in some of the country's better high school players.

All of this is only conversation at the present.


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