Penn State news conference in minutes; JoePa reportedly out, riot police at his house


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Nov 11, 2008
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NBC in PA tweet:

"The NBC10 Sports dept hearing that Paterno is out for good. Tom Bradley will be interim coach. Riot police outside of JoePa's house."

Go Gophers!!

Watch out State College...gonna get ugly tonight.

This is the only thing that could have happened. Too bad Paterno had to force them into making this decision.

Confirmed in news conference on ESPN. President also released.

Is the right tears for Joe Pa...lets instead think about the kids.

this will be a day to remember....JoePa gone...hard to believe, never thought I'd see him get fired no less

Joepa was sleazy to the end. That bs news release was his move to say hey I will retire at the end of he season.

The creep should have been thinking about the kids who were raped, but instead he was still thinking about himself.

You don't wake up and behave like this; he had folks fooled for a long time.

The questions being asked are amazing to me. Some of the reporters are almost defending Paterno. I don't know how anyone can think dismissing him was a mistake.

It's going to be a circus tonight, folks.

Sounded like a lot of angry people in that room. Sad day for college football and humanity.

That was one of the most out of control press conferences I've ever seen. Many of those reporters sure had a personal stake in this decision!

Go Gophers!!

Paterno fired!!

The PSU Trustees decided to fire him rather than let him coach the remaining games.


That was one of the most out of control press conferences I've ever seen. Many of those reporters sure had a personal stake in this decision!

Go Gophers!!

I thought the paparazzi was bad.

To me that just reiterates that many people of Happy Valley are blinded by the "Paterno figure". They act like he's larger than life. It's amazing the difference in opinion between Penn St. fans and the rest of the country.

That was one of the most out of control press conferences I've ever seen. Many of those reporters sure had a personal stake in this decision!

Go Gophers!!

Unbelievable! According to reports, a lot of students made it into the room and were the ones asking the questions. Those were not questions from the national media.

To me that just reiterates that many people of Happy Valley are blinded by the "Paterno figure". They act like he's larger than life. It's amazing the difference in opinion between Penn St. fans and the rest of the country.

It's maddening, isn't it?

Ummm, did anyone hear Matt Millen say: "A speeding ticket is a crime, but this was much worse." NO SH!T!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go Gophers!!

Ummm, did anyone hear Matt Millen say: "A speeding ticket is a crime, but this was much worse." NO SH!T!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go Gophers!!

Yea his announcer side was coming out. LOL.

To me that just reiterates that many people of Happy Valley are blinded by the "Paterno figure". They act like he's larger than life. It's amazing the difference in opinion between Penn St. fans and the rest of the country.

The Penn State population is beyond brainwashed. When I took a campus tour a few years back, it was one of the main reasons I decided against going there.

To me that just reiterates that many people of Happy Valley are blinded by the "Paterno figure". They act like he's larger than life. It's amazing the difference in opinion between Penn St. fans and the rest of the country.

This is college football as a religion with Paterno as God. It's a sad statement about the effects of misplaced priorities and cultural decline.

NBC in PA tweet:

"The NBC10 Sports dept hearing that Paterno is out for good. Tom Bradley will be interim coach. Riot police outside of JoePa's house."

Go Gophers!!

I can't help but feel some satisfaction with this news. I hope it brings some relief to the victims of the families.

The coverage on CNN is much better than ESPNs.

Go Gophers!!

To me that just reiterates that many people of Happy Valley are blinded by the "Paterno figure". They act like he's larger than life. It's amazing the difference in opinion between Penn St. fans and the rest of the country.

It is a cult of personality. It was painful to listen to all the local yokel reporters yelling at the BoT spokesman at the presser. I agree that JoePa had to go, but they were stupid to fire him at 10PM at night. They're gonna have a riot in State College tonite that will make our burning of Dinkytown look like a wienie roast. Why not wait till tomorrow morning to hold the presser. Or have the meeting tomorrow morning if you're worried about leaks?

Instead you've got a bunch of drunk ass students rampaging in the streets. You announce this tomorrow morning after you've brought in half the cops in PA. Besides, nobody riots when they're hung over. I sure didn't

To me that just reiterates that many people of Happy Valley are blinded by the "Paterno figure". They act like he's larger than life. It's amazing the difference in opinion between Penn St. fans and the rest of the country.

The only reason anyone in America knows where State College is located is because of JoePa. He is State College. It's impossible to overstate how important he is to that school.

Paterno is not the only one to blame here. Several other people within Penn ST could and should have done more. Joe is just the most visible. And it doesn't stop there. I'm sure other adults, possibly public school officials, church officials where the kids went may have had some knowledge. They usually do in cases like these. An epic fail all the way around.

This is one of, if not the biggest, stories in sports I can ever remember. An historic day.

The only reason anyone in America knows where State College is located is because of JoePa. He is State College. It's impossible to overstate how important he is to that school.

Do you think a 10 year old boy being molested in a shower by a 60 year old man cares about that???

This was a lynch mob. They should have let JoePa finish the season or at least the week and say goodbye
Fix the blame on the 84 year old and maybe it goes away. I hope not. Fire all associated with this- including the board of trustees.

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