The Kessel, 19 November 1942 - 31 January 1943

6 Nov 1999

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Nov 12, 2008
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1. I am quoting here a response to Nadine's blog by nomorebrew, Oct 9, 11, 5:29 pm

Joel was just a "yes man" to Kathyrn Brown, the former Chief of Staff and Bruininks. What A.D in the country would let their head football coach berrate and poke them in the chest in front of the team and then go to the coaches office and say, "I love your passion Coach!" He didn't want to extend Borton's contract, but Brown wanted to give her a golden parachute knowing she was on her way out with Bruininks. The place is fraught with dysfunction.

2. Can anybody shed light on this and explain in more detail what happened? My concern is that the root cause of our entrapment in "The Kessel" which Joel Maturi has led us into, lies with Kathryn F. Brown and The Regents of The University of Minnesota. What marching orders was Joel given, by whom, and whose money and financial interests were served by these marching orders?

3. In the annals of NCAA Division 1A athletic directors, Joel Maturi’s leadership, decision making, and stewardship of the University of Minnesota revenue sports programs begs comparison and runs parallel with Herr Generalfeldmarschall Friedrich Wilhelm Ernst Paulus’ leadership, decision making, and stewardship of the much vaunted German Sixth Army.

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