Tonight's EPIC meltdown has been cancelled


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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It would have been the mother of all meltdowns if they had lost.

Life will be ok in Gophernation until Thursday.

A meltdown would have been well deserved imo. Thanks to Trevor (hitting his free throws most of all) dominating, we didn't have to meltdown.

A meltdown would have been well deserved imo. Thanks to Trevor (hitting his free throws most of all) dominating, we didn't have to meltdown.

It wasn't just Trevor. He had 2 points in the first half, and we had a ten point lead at the break. The team as a whole played well.

broad side

Meltdown averted thanks in large part to the hawkeyes inability to hit the broad side of an Iowan barn. Most if not all of their three attempts were open looks. It's probably not fair to say that we were just 6 daggers from three point range away from losing that game... but I haven't seen a team that cold for quite some time. I loved it.

Agreed Madman, you don't see 6-28 too often from 3. However, they just had 0 inside game. Anytime they tried to get within 10 ft of the basket, we just ate them up. It was fun to watch.

Only postponed. :)

Until we lose to Pitt in the Final Four because the team shoots an abysmal 54% from the FT line. Then the meltdown will be back in full swing.

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