Tim Dandridge gone

Can we get this Brew_Recruit guy off the board? He seems like the biggest moron ever. I swear he thinks that no player can do anything wrong, and that it is the University's job to babysit them for 4 years. Brew_Recruit, do none of these kids have to take responsibility for their own action? If Dandrige were to get kicked off the team, if he goes back to Detroit he should know better than to get himself in a situation that could get him killed. You dont get killed for just stepping into Detroit. Get a life buddy.

Can we get this Brew_Recruit guy off the board? QUOTE]

You must have never met Loon or Wren. oh, those were the good old contrasting days. gave whole new meaning to repetative ignorant cut and paste posts.

Can we get this Brew_Recruit guy off the board? QUOTE]

You must have never met Loon or Wren. oh, those were the good old contrasting days. gave whole new meaning to repetative ignorant cut and paste posts.

Brew recruit did his best over on the BB board race baiting just like ole Loon did....he got warned by the admins, but apparently it wasn't bad enough to warrant a banning

0-2 on "inside information"

Hey gold vision, you can say what you want, but I'm not an idiot, recruits wouldnt be signing here unless he had an extension, and Dandridge wouldnt be off the team if it wasnt for practice, you can believe the BS that Brewster tells the media if you'd like, you can also look and see that Mckelton, U'u and Sharpe wont be attending the bowl game, any idiot can figure out that grades wouldnt be the issue this early, the semester wasn't done before he was booted

When a coach sits a player with marginal academics and tells him to concentrate on finals it seems to me he's doing what he can to keep him on the team. After a course is failed and a player becomes ineligible, due to GPA or failure to make academic progress, it's to late. That seems to be the case with Dandridge, Brewster is being proactive and sacrificing a bowl game, to keep him eligible.

Hey gold vision, you can say what you want, but I'm not an idiot, recruits wouldnt be signing here unless he had an extension, and Dandridge wouldnt be off the team if it wasnt for practice, you can believe the BS that Brewster tells the media if you'd like, you can also look and see that Mckelton, U'u and Sharpe wont be attending the bowl game, any idiot can figure out that grades wouldnt be the issue this early, the semester wasn't done before he was booted

You said Brewster had been extended and there would be a press conference the following day. No press conference, no announcement. More than 3/4's of the recruits signed prior to your news of "Brewster's extension". 0-1

You said Dandridge was no longer involved with the University or the Football team. It has now been reported that he will be taking finals and travelling with the team. 0-2

Don't blame me, blame your "source".

You said Brewster had been extended and there would be a press conference the following day. No press conference, no announcement. More than 3/4's of the recruits signed prior to your news of "Brewster's extension". 0-1

You said Dandridge was no longer involved with the University or the Football team. It has now been reported that he will be taking finals and travelling with the team. 0-2

Don't blame me, blame your "source".

It would seem easy to believe that there is an extension of some length, in place and it just hasn't been announced. It seems doubtful that all of those recruits would sign without some assurance of Brewster being here. Tie in Maturi's statements that he won't talk contract with a coach before a season is finished, it doesn't seem beyond reason that the extension has been agreed to but not announced.

The Dandrdige issue sounds more "fluid".

The one thing that is consistent is those that like to gossip also love the internet to report on things a source told them about versus just their inner friends.

you can also look and see that Mckelton, U'u and Sharpe wont be attending the bowl game.

Rex 'Shock33' Sharpe won't be attending the bowl game?

It would seem easy to believe that there is an extension of some length, in place and it just hasn't been announced. It seems doubtful that all of those recruits would sign without some assurance of Brewster being here. Tie in Maturi's statements that he won't talk contract with a coach before a season is finished, it doesn't seem beyond reason that the extension has been agreed to but not announced.

The Dandrdige issue sounds more "fluid".

Absolutely there could be an extension. What would be the point of delaying the announcement? The OP said that it was done and a press release was scheduled the following day, that's all I was commenting on in that matter.

Hey gold vision, you can say what you want, but I'm not an idiot, recruits wouldnt be signing here unless he had an extension, and Dandridge wouldnt be off the team if it wasnt for practice, you can believe the BS that Brewster tells the media if you'd like, you can also look and see that Mckelton, U'u and Sharpe wont be attending the bowl game, any idiot can figure out that grades wouldnt be the issue this early, the semester wasn't done before he was booted

Keep the info coming buddy. You were right about Tiree Eure, It's now accepted as common knowledge that Brew has been extended and it will be announced after the bowl game and clearly you heard something about Dandridge, even if it's not 100% accurate (?). Can you clarify for me....Has he been kicked off the team, been suspended for academics, can he get back on the team if he gets his s*it together and what about McKelton, Sharpe and Uu? It seems odd they won't make the bowl game as I believe both Uu and Sharpe are Seniors.

Absolutely there could be an extension. What would be the point of delaying the announcement? The OP said that it was done and a press release was scheduled the following day, that's all I was commenting on in that matter.

Gold Vision, you think he fabricated all three of these rumors? Isn't it possible the guy does have a source, but that a couple details go wrong in the retelling or he's just in such a rush to share the info the cake is not all the way baked when he lays it out?

It makes all the sense in the world not to publicly announce an extension until after the bowl game because that's Maturi's policy for all coaches. If he announced Brew's extension last week he'd have had to deal with every coach in the athletic department saying "Hey, if we're not sticking to you policy of negotiating raises/extensions until after the season, then I'd like mine now too, and so would a few a other coaches". This way they can tell the recruits "It's a done deal, but it won;t be announced until after the bowl game as per Maturi's policy. Don't believe me, ask Maturi, here he is now."

Gold Vision, you think he fabricated all three of these rumors? Isn't it possible the guy does have a source, but that a couple details go wrong in the retelling or he's just in such a rush to share the info the cake is not all the way baked when he lays it out?

Absolutely not, I think he jumped the gun on posting it as fact. Like I said, there could very well be a Brewster contract in the works or already completed. He said it was a done deal and we would hear of a press release the next day. Regardless of whether it is announced at a later date that Brew gets a contract extension, the original post was wrong. Everyone was speculating that it makes sense to extend him for recruiting reasons, Samsonite was the only one that said it is a done deal and it would be public knowledge within 24 hours.

As far as the Dandridge situation goes, it could absolutely be a grades issue. These student athletes have multiple progress reports done mid semester to see where they are at. They have mandatory study hall periods and constant monitoring done. If someone on Brewster's staff was alerted that Dandridge could be in academic danger, you can bet that the situation would play out exactly as it did. The fact is yes, Dandridge is in some trouble. But he is not kicked off the team nor is he done attending class.

Absolutely not, I think he jumped the gun on posting it as fact. Like I said, there could very well be a Brewster contract in the works or already completed. He said it was a done deal and we would hear of a press release the next day. Regardless of whether it is announced at a later date that Brew gets a contract extension, the original post was wrong. Everyone was speculating that it makes sense to extend him for recruiting reasons, Samsonite was the only one that said it is a done deal and it would be public knowledge within 24 hours.

As far as the Dandridge situation goes, it could absolutely be a grades issue. These student athletes have multiple progress reports done mid semester to see where they are at. They have mandatory study hall periods and constant monitoring done. If someone on Brewster's staff was alerted that Dandridge could be in academic danger, you can bet that the situation would play out exactly as it did. The fact is yes, Dandridge is in some trouble. But he is not kicked off the team nor is he done attending class.

Personally I don't know why anyone proclaiming to be a gopher fan would post this type of information? Samsonite has no special connection or source of information, anyone with any kind of connection to the program have heard the same or similiar type things. The difference is we have respect for the program and recognize the harm that may come too players and coaches by spreading "inside" information. If it's true it will come out soon enough. I guess he (Samsonite) has nothing else going for him or herself and relish being in the know. Sad.:cool02:

Heard today that an extension is just about done, and will contain a minimal, or more likely, no buyout. In other words, the buyout will likely remain the same -- $400,000 after the 2010 season -- with or without the extension.

Mr. Samsonite: Maybe that's something you want to edit out until it's proven.

Seriously. And whom ever leaked that needs to be fired asap.

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