Early Roll Call For Season Ticket Renewals


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2014
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I will be back with 4....

Spring is eternal!

Yup - 2 for us. We’ve made it since the 80s. It’s going to happen for us someday!

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In for two.

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I couldn't justify the cost before this season. Spent over $250 for tickets to the Maryland game to watch a sh!t show. Nope. Panama Jack has to give me a reason to purchase any tickets because I am sitting on the couch until there is something of value to watch in person.

I'll be back with my 4. I'm actually excited for next year to see how we do with a few more of PJ's recruits.

I've had season tickets since 1995. I wasn't even upset after the Gopher loss yesterday. No way to polish this turd of a season. I'm pretty sure I'll renew for next year, but I'll wait until the last couple of days.

Season ticket holder since '71. I'll be back. Shooting for fifty years. Seen an awful lot of crappy football. Why quit now. I like Fleck. Better days are coming.

If I give up my 2 tickets, it will only be based on economics. We live in Houston and get to 1-2 games a year. Might just start buying on the second hand market and save some money each year for the games we attend.

I have 4 season tickets. As Arnold would say, I'll be baaaaack.

Our count may lower a bit depending one person but we will be back with 4 to 6 seats

2 here. Might take the advice of the season ticket holder next to me and move back a row to save the seat donation.

I couldn't justify the cost before this season. Spent over $250 for tickets to the Maryland game to watch a sh!t show. Nope. Panama Jack has to give me a reason to purchase any tickets because I am sitting on the couch until there is something of value to watch in person.

Hope you get lost and never post again.

Most likely out, i went with my friend and his dad, my friend just moved to Vegas

We'll go to few games still and I'll try get others to single

None of my other friends are interested, sad

Definitely in again for two. I have had tickets in years I was out of the country and could not attend any games. Why on earth would a 5-win season cause me not to renew?

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Hope you get lost and never post again.
LOL, get over yourself.
People do a cost-benefit analysis and the cost of Gopher tickets to watch them consistently lose is not worth the benefit of drinking in a parking lot with Gopher fans. I can drink with Gopher fans at the bar while watching the Gophers lose for free.
When Fleck produces a team that is at least competitive against upper-level, let alone lower-level B1G teams, I will do another cost-benefit analysis. Right now, however, the benefit is far too low for the cost.
However, if the AD and marketing department want to sell tickets at Northwestern University prices...I would attend. You think we'll see any $6 seats?

Renewing my 2 and our family has been going since the 60's.

Everyone has their reasons for getting tickets, not getting tickets. Let's stop the donation excuse right now. There are plenty of available season tickets with no donation required. End of story.

Wouldn’t be a renewal but hoping to get season tix for the first time.

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