Fritz Rock?


Barnyard Board
Jul 17, 2009
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Does anybody know what ever ended up happening with our recruitment of Fritz Rock? I can't seem to find any information on Rivals or Scout.

Apparently no one else knows either..

I think GopherLady or someone else spoke with Fritz's brother a month or two ago and was told that he was still exploring options and had a number of possibilities. He had to deal with a family illness and put recruiting on the back burner if I remember correctly.

I think GopherLady or someone else spoke with Fritz's brother a month or two ago and was told that he was still exploring options and had a number of possibilities. He had to deal with a family illness and put recruiting on the back burner if I remember correctly.

I heard yesterday from one of his Ex Wayzata coaches that his latest plan involves Prep School in the fall to get his grades in order. Then his plan is to head to Indiana in January.

Too bad we couldn't get him... but thanks for the info guys!

I, for one liked Rock. He took it seriously and didnt jerk people around. He needed to get his grades in order to play D1 football and he's doing just that. Best of luck to him.

No offense to Rock, but if he was so serious about it, then why didn't he have his grades in order in the first place? I don't fault the Gophers on this one at all. I hope Prep school helps him get things together and he can go on to where he wants to.

Might his academic shortcomings be the reason his scholarship offer was pulled, rather than the stories that have been floated (namely, that he somehow didn't make his decision "fast enough")? Honestly, I hate to speculate like that (and I haven't bothered to go back and check the timing on all of that), but the former makes more sense than the latter.

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