More Memphis basketball "scandal"


Well-known member
Nov 13, 2008
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This is off Jeff Goodman's blog today. I'm not going to defend John Calipari and I'm not aligning myself with The Truth necessarily on this issue, but I will ask this-why are we hearing all this about Dozier and Mack now? Their situations existed for some time. This is one of the things that bothers me about the media-this is only a story now? It seems like a feeding frenzy to pile on the story that broke on Derrick Rose, which at this point are only allegations. I have no problem with a reporter/columnist pointing these issues out-but try to be more timely. If the story can stand on its own, it should be reported when its known.
(I recall the news when Mack was denied admission at Florida and landed at Memphis; I would suspect that the Dozier story was fairly easy to unearth too)

If the story can stand on its own, it should be reported when its known.

Couldn't agree with you more coolhandgopher. It's all about making headlines. I recall the St. Paul Pioneer Press trying to convince everyone that they broke the Gopher Gangelgate scandal on the eve of the Gophers first round NCAA tournament game because "that's when the story was ready". It had nothing to do with trying to maximize impact and thereby sell more papers. Yeah right...and Calipari is as pure as Ivory soap. Timing is everything. High profile coach gets a high profile job...what better time to start digging.

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