Gary Parrish comments on the Vander Blue story


Well-known member
Nov 13, 2008
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Good read from Parrish. We've had our share of posters on the Hole over the years who claim that the words spoken on these message boards means nothing, that recruits don't read these boards and if they do, they just blow it off. . .well, this seems proof to be cautious about the words we speak, at least in relation to players we want to don Maroon & Gold (and also about those who decide to don the Maroon & Gold and don't always measure up to lofty expectations).

As one of the comments mentioned, the media is guilty as well, otherwise, I agree with him.

It has always bothered me to come to this board and see a whole thread entitled, "So-and-so Sucks". Really, I hope over time we come to the conclusion that what you can yell at your television set in your living room and what you post on a message board perhaps should be 2 different things.

Posers worry me...

I always fear some anti Gopher fans getting on here ripping recruits. How can you tell a real Gopher fan from a Bucky poser out to wreak havoc?

Then again the Kentucky fans don't seem to drive away top recruits and they are almost as vicious as Bucky fans are.

Yep, this is a relevant topic and a great reminder for me. I have probably written some things here that I would not say if I was in the presence of the Gophers. (I struggle daily with foot-in-mouth disease.)

This board, IMO, is a fairly conscience-driven board with long-standing members ready to step in when people get out of line.

On the other hand, when we have lost close games, I can recall a few threads that were used as vehicles for frustration at the expense of a few players. (The issue with those threads is that we as a message board were tearing down the performance of the players as opposed to what is happening with Vander Blue and the judgments that people are making about his intellect and his ambition.) Like Moonlight mentioned, what I may be thinking to myself may not always be "internet ready" commentary.

The natural response to this is that life is not always "smiles and sunshine", that this is a free forum and people have the right to voice their opinions about whatever they want pertaining to Gopher Basketball. I will disagree with that argument and my reasons are personal.

Gary Parrish reminded me that these are student-athletes playing a game and my anonymity on the internet does not make it (morally) right for me to make disparaging comments about them. For me it comes down to the reminder that I need to treat others in the way that I want to be treated. (Besides, we as Minnesotans have to remain "nice" to maintain our moral superiority over everyone.:))

With that said, I have a few amends to go and make.

40 year olds

talking about a kid who doesn't have his license yet. The kid may or may not have great grades, but he may be wise beyond his years. He points out in his own way the borderline absurdity of the conversation among fans about recruiting. We too often forget they are just kids. I stopped getting too hyped about the recruting game when I knew families who went through the process. While some families revel in the attention, it really is a pain in the rear for most of them, who just want to make a good decision about college, and play the game.

Contrary to the free speech argument, you can't say every impulsive thought that goes through your head, and the words do have consequences. The annonymity of the message board makes us forget those things.

Who was the guy I was arguing this exact point with this past year when he was slamming Hoff really hard?

I think the guy finally relented but it took him a couple of days to realize what I was saying. Morons and message boards fit all too well.

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