Urban the disciplinarian


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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Wow, Urban, you are quite the tough guy with your players. I'm sure you gave them a stern talking. That'll teach 'em.

Let's see if the Big Ten has any guts. The Big Ten offices didn't have any trouble a couple years ago suspending MSU's William Gholston (and rightly so) for an extracurricular play vs. Denard Robinson. I would think a couple thrown punches and a double middle-fingered salute to the Michigan crowd would be worthy of a suspension from the Big Ten? Will they have the b*lls to suspend a player(s) from one of their sacred cows?


Delaney will do nothing, he is weak when on National TV three players are ejected and one leaves with a number 1 salute. Don't expect anything from the Big 10 Office, you won't be disappointed. And I think it all started with either a face mask or helmet tackle which was not called.

If you have no expectations about anything related to discipline and player suspensions, you will not be disappointed.

I smell a suspension coming for a third string punter for the upcoming bowl game. This behavior will not go unpunished!!

Where's Wally Carbo and Marty O'Neill from the AWA when you need them? "Commissioner Stanley Blackburn will be handing out fines & suspensions for these unprovoked,illegal and cowardly actions."

Why don't you post on a Michigan State board?

You guys have a great team.


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