Gopher 2nd period break what was with the White Rabbit


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Jul 22, 2009
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The white rabbit and the slap dash costumed moose. hilarious? for sure, but I am going to guess many people were puzzled. was it all part of the rock and roll theme.

Yeah, I didn't get that at all. Bizarre. It didn't seem to make any sense to me. Still don't know how that fit in with the cheerleaders 80's themed dance/skate. And, don't forget the milkshake with shorts on skates. That was the one I was watching. Saw him in the hallway 30 minutes after the game, still in his costume.

Yes, the running milkshake! running in skates no less.

Maybe it's just one of those artistic moments I don't understand. It's artistic beyond my ability to comprehend, or something like that??

The rabbit was at the last home football game as well. He looks like a clinically depressed easter bunny. My young son thinks he's the jack rabbit from South Dakota State and he's lost.

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